Saturday 31 December 2011

New 2012

HAPPY NEW YEAR for all whose celebrate it!
Last year was something what everybody want to miss from mind.
The terrible theories whose come from Paris and London that "democracy is something what is gift whose big nations can and must going to give non-development states", made and make disasters over the Planet.
Situation in specially Africa and some places in Asia, but over it in USA and some parts of EU going to make situation in the Planet worst than it ever before happened.
Economic situation over markets and over budgets of most powered countries come situation on the field complicate and grow some insecurity.
But the wars at fields in Africa, at Ivory Coast, Nigeria, Libya,Sudan and other parts of this continent come from both side of the West axial.
These countries come to make world like that it make in the two last centuries.But now it isn't possible to both countries have these rolls like colonial super power, because they have not power to come independently into some conflict.
It we can saw at Libya,where both Paris and London come to change man who had good connections with politicians and economics elite of both countries. And who was involved with several billion Euros in economic stability of local economies.
But when this men come to tried to took the beneficence over interest incomes from local governments they going to made revolution at the field and off course like most thief they try to with stilled goods make better conditions for self.
In coordination action over former Nazi action with cod-name "Going to the East", now they going to make the wars with not only Syria, but with China, India, Brasil,Russia and etc, too.
They come in the 2012 like demons from Mayan legends. And they have real masters in the some part of US bank system. Same masters who had involved into crisis whose drop downed EU states, and make the Planet most insecurity places.
In theory of this economic groups we have most part of Nazi ideology, and it is so incredible that Jewish come like fist over it plan.
The New Year must going to come like year of changes. Capitalism,must change the face, character,too.People must going to have real democracy where money cannot be power for rule. And where politicians going to not be servants of big capitals, but real servants of people,too.
We must have life at the Planet where Dollar haven't same positions like have now. Because most places at the Planet cannot live in system with inflationary Dollar.
Of course, the war between US and Iran can make situation better than ever. It mean leave from old world system to new. In world without an colonial dream.

Tuesday 20 December 2011

Croatia like Hungary?

Today some parts of new Europe have much problems with identity into EU community law.
From Romania, Hungary and Croatia we can see more and more problems into society then it top of EU want to have take in observes.
Unemployment rates is growing over twenty percent of population total number and that have problem to make new or even some economic grow.
The crime is involve into states structures, and on this structures positioned take have non involve people, for ex-plane in Croatia or Hungary some new ministers are much more open to broke laws than to crash organize "normality".
The system is openly determinate to make new crimes and to punish peoples who have courage to say no for it.
The Hungarian government isn't so happy to say that they haven't knowledge how to prevent open chaos in the country. They only have words to prevent EU critics over semi fascist in the national parliament whose make governmental mayor group.
This group have only power to replace presents of illness from streets but they haven't known how to remove lethal economic weapon where some groups of Hungary nation have right to not pay taxes.
Same system have stay at Croatia new coalition government. The candidates for ministers like it can haven't be for interior minister, for defense minister, for minister of justice, ministry for work and minster candidate for economy,finance minster and minister for ecology,too. In this time we can see how is noncompetitive government their can be if we look at from translates on to Hungarian situation, where new conservatives parties haven't going to do something, after socialist party demolition at parliamentary elections.
Because that new government in Croatia must take have responsibility, and now going to have step down nominated candidates in new candidates, because they have ignorance,they protect selfish interests, and try to promote peoples whose have blind support for them. And of course,because they have criminal activity in the past what can come like lethal weapon for blow new social policy in the states.

Thursday 15 December 2011

Lies from central banks

Story of colonial wars over the planet isn't stop. Some guys at several places try to find reason to move of Dmitry Medvedev and of course Putin,too.
Reason for it step up in position of some politicians,who haven't knowledge how to resolve situation on the markets. Where situation with no exist money make bankers so nervous,because this so call money going nowhere, and make have that real industry haven't money for investment and for real activity at markets.

In several states central banks make money over new categories like it is less interest rates, to prevent it.
But it have't make what they are believe that they can make a good point.
Industry stay and money the real money have not come at state budget what have disaster move onto global society, and it make have mistake moves from governments which try to cutters in payments and social protections open new way for growth. What make have crisis so worst.
In this time credibility of some positions at the planet is past. And no government,nor international organisation have right to tell what is path for new world.
Money whose central banks move up from accounts and self deposits have only reason for markets to be much nervous than it is now.
On other side, money have lose weight.
A pumping money at commercial banks going to make not crisis but on some way make have beginning for new depreciation, and after it going to come a war.
But today more than hundred nations have some dirty bomb, and any war cannot make good after it.
US and some allays must stop preparation for it.

Saturday 3 December 2011

The four riders of apocalypse from WS Agencies

Nothing is law, law is nothing.
Security at the Planet come in the Greek's Gods sphere in time where local governments does everything to kill everybody who are not in the same position to them.
A lies and corruption which come from money industry change life of hundred millions people who are at the streets and try to find real question at this moment.
The so call occupations to WS was created from some people at WS. This people, mostly bankers from non profit banks involved at mislead from US Fed Reserve now want to crack down market on aboard to preserve situation who they have now , to be replace from position at not from bank, but from market.
Money who they have is low cost US Dollar but it wasn't real money yesterday and today it is only some look like former Deutsche Reich Mark. Dollar today is only blanket shits without some real weight.
US and the President have knowledge how it is reality from half year ago.And of course, that real power of US going to stay only in the army power. But only in the middle of next era for four years from today.
In this time,because they do everything against humanitarian law and international law,too.
They going to doing everything in quick moves to block any real restore of economy at the Planet, by the big war against many who they are believing, have a sea of money.
In acts against Africa, they make many mistakes, and now when they have't prediction
about situation over Middle East and Iran, only what they predict is to move in the great war.
Economy in the former colonial countries stay at not well. But it isn't so worst what want to make in information same guy from WS banking club.
No one have reason to believe that US Dollar is international money for ever, but now is time to Mr Obama that say it to US citizen.
Time is to some step over exist idea to remove old organisation for money protection like it is IMF, and remove UN from this position where it is copy of former inter organisation.
It mean that Word Bank must step up like universal bank with commercial money who going to go replace this old system made in the WWII.
Money of all states most come to have convertibility, and it mean that universal money made at one post most stop change everything in the gold, what is real pat for new war.

Friday 25 November 2011

Cameron's path

After all disaster in China is nice news for some in the West side of the Planet.
In time where is heavy known how are we have problem not with Iran, but with some youngest guys who haven't info where they are lost something and how is possible that one mad scientist make run out of state control with so lethal liquid whom have power to kill more then dozen nukes.
In fatal orbit where some try to come over oil and natural gas control from the Gulf, situation that they have problem to find some parts of weapon nearest home, hear like big alert.
The problem with security is growing up into and after wars in Africa, but today it have worst situation than ever before at cold war era.
The war ships have no routs and airplanes have no equipment to fly. On same platform which make catastrophe in the Alliance, and they created positions to be blow up more than it.
And after all the China runs in so call disappear is only a wish from some who haven't strain to going to say real true for compatriots, like "we are not more a power, and after Italy we are next at pat for IMF monitoring bankrupt".
Economy who have base on the dept isn't economy in capitalism system, but feudal mercantilism come from past to give more power some who mean that without knowledge have possibilities to grow up. Because they going to create scholarships only for so call upper class. In this system crisis is permanent, and revolution stay at an doors all over the time.

Wednesday 16 November 2011

The candidate for Obama peace making

Today we have system where is possible that even Germany stay down at a way for democracy.
It mean that somebody have idea to make a big step to destroy one time more-Berlin.

She is most anonymous movement lieder and she has position to make very bad action over some guys in the Union.
But she is something what make neuroses most so call the West lieder, on the first way Obama.
She is big problem not only for G8 or so call western allies in Arab world but more for that, she is something what mean a Germany grow.
After two time these troubleshot with Germany in the near past, most other have big problem to resolve position of she.

She isn't like Fuhrer but non Kaiser, too. She come from Communist manifest. Like Marx and Engels she try to destroy liberal ideology.
After all, have it be naff for Americans and NATO to going to making liberation action against non democratic regime of she?

After all, UK brigades prepared to came out of Germany, maybe to come over Rain in liberation actions, again.

Name of another German troublemaker is Angela Merkel. Lieder who have lot knowledge from communism and scientific study. "And who are not good to prevent so call EU disaster"- said Obama in the visit to Australia.

The crime of she is good relations with east, specially with so call emperor Vladimir, and bed with some Arab guys,too.
But what is real problem for NATO is position of non violent country in the organisation membership. Specially, good relations with Turkey,too.

These problems for all in the liberal economy lager is reaction of fallow Americans when they look at good times in the Merkel states.

May be it is real things what make so nervous the Mr. President.
After Colonel, the east lady is perfect person for an blitz liberation action. Action to protect Capitalism and an american dream.How it is sad for listening and looking!

Saturday 12 November 2011

The Kingdom and Emir lost the oil energy

Syrian situation come only fey weeks after several Arab lieder come with knowledge that they have oil industry anymore and that produce of it come at red level, or some say at reserves.
The both, Emir and King have big reason to make measure against so call enemy Arab states, to prevent domestic revolution.
In Qatar where situation with lost of jobs and miss of invests from some Anglo-France company step up from heavy situation to disaster,the local government have serous problem to prevent the rumors about social crush.
It point of view have the King, too.
Situation with Shia minority in the south of Kingdom and situation with some military activity over Yemen and Bahrain make position of ruler in difficulties.
More money for outside activity and less produce of oil and other commodities this two county and regime make so nervous.
The Emir and the King both on the same reason come to have use Arab League not to going to make better position for so call Syrian oppositions groups or to after all to built new oil pipe line over ME to give more power to EU.
They now doing everything to prevent same fate like it gave at "brother" Moamer.
Money for army on one point and more and more insecurity at social point of view,more and more poverty, the actions of security forces over infidelities, special against big social groups, predominately woman population with problems at labor markets where workers came from cheap countries like it is Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, India and high right of unemployed of domestic population predominately young people make this two guys so in wary.
The coup against the King and suspect missing over the Emir court make situation worst,and it know both side.
Economic disproportion between rich and poor and disproportion at political arena with or without enemies like "Al Qaeda" increase revolution movements at Peninsula.
With wars what they lost and with shortage in oil, with inter elite straggle for power,a new lost war against five big states out of West,over Syria, make them at big black whole.

Thursday 3 November 2011

On the air the situation at EU isn't nice. Greece is only the pariah,who have the place to open real story over economy whose still work like colonial economy in two last century.
Today is total clear that EU and US lost several war into Africa and of course new war against some other can make only new disaster not for other but only for this members of so call "elite club".

The other big country, like it have is China and Russia not have weight to put self money on the table for EU recover.
UK and France now have not power to change something to step up colonial power from the near past. On the other side Germany have only the path to going to recover self economy with clear alliance at six big new power membership.

And what we have now can to see is that so call "democratic European idea" is fall down over ambitions of some former colonial states to overseas colony change for "new Europe", where they only have right to speak.

The real money what Euro isn't, have real support on the markets. But if we have something ill, than we cannot make it better with a pill.
Today, only stay that EU going to exist like colony of former colonial servants.

For change in the situation markets must going to be full open for all. And EU must drop down support system for many things.
In this things Greece present how idea of state support in the some part of social communication can change solution at worst.

Monday 31 October 2011

Brussels or Boomerang

When you have lie for true, than you have problem in process. In this time something is going wrong for some people, than they come to try new enemies.
Same those have money for new stolen.
In this moment without money in the pocket EU isn't nice lady. But in time when she was lost the war in the desert, and money not come in the fond, the biggest lie come over the lips to make change the public opinion.
In the war everything is like chess. The players come to going have a move more then other player in a game.
In this time, everything come much worst than it have right to tell anybody at the West.
More and more arms come at EU street's and drugs now have open corridor to be distribute onto same streets, but now with not so expensive drugs.
So call liberator are step into deep sheet without the Alliance support. The war now is coming at the neighborhood. Who have now power to stop boomerang?!

Friday 21 October 2011

He had idea, but others have plan

In moment when some did to made history, and start to complicate situation at terrain. When is clear that so call murdered is something unprecedented in the history, no one have clear view about real position at the front line.
Why is need to have look at the order?
The remove of one person isn't so unnecessary for high politic. But in revolution, and in an defend war it is cardinal attack against aggression.
If it done some from high persons it have disaster point for situation at the the field.
Now, when somebody operated the direct command from the killed man, aggression is at path to be drop down, and situation in the field come to be much worst then it was.

If some mean that going to destroy one family have something with Clinton, they can going to stay disappoint.
She hasn't real idea for it,because she had knowledge what it would can be.
Now, without real friend like colonel,and with real fighter for liberation and against the aggression against them, both NTC and the west have night mare.

Sunday 16 October 2011

Iran is final disaster for wrong policy

Today is total known that not NATO, neither Qatar or so call liberators from Bengasi have power to drop down Libyan and African dream to liberty and prosperity. Today not Sarko,neither some guy form the City have power to stolen oil from African soil.
The so called emir of Qatar hasn't right to naming self to liberator of liberal ruler because he is only slave dog of some western thief.
NATO is on the path to be removing from place of history because, they are not have same interests and of course same power to come involving into actions over the World.
NATO isn't organisation to come be world police, but organisation to protect the west states from outside intruders.
Now the states in organisation have something wrong in the idea, to use NATO against the Atlantic agenda.
But in the battlefield over the north of Africa the westerner soldiers and Arab occupations forces still make great mess. But only in self units.
Only 15 % of territory are in the hand of occupational forces. The battle for some places into Libya come in the critical phase, but know is clear that victory is very close, and that Mr. Obama must now withdrew all forces from 72 and 82 army units, and of course several hundred so call instructors.
French strangers legioners haven't success from Chad and know they have the lots death and wounded.
And what to doing with officers from UK marine corp, who was captured last week in the desert.
Europe and US after this disaster try to have new named Iran.

Thursday 6 October 2011

Some story, same actors in same crisis

Have some reason that some presidents have nightmares?
In situations where are still existing the wars over the Planet, crisis come over like medicine.
In time where are US Obama make real problem over power influences, and some other try to push him out of power, the markets still standing over big whole.
The Wall Street's happening isn't something spontaneous. It has real signification from the near history, it had been presented in Latin America.
Now, the boomerang comeback in the fatherland and this whose have at US streets is finish of some old glory.
The preparing actions over planet with self protecting rockets system is only make for broke the law.
If some mean that prevent war isn't stick with two side,then they lose everything.
Crisis can't be remove with these war games. And it is total true that the Nazi style in the governance wasn't gave success.
On other side, colonial era is long over. Time is in the new economic era with true economic trade liberty.

Friday 16 September 2011

Sarcoszy and Cameron are in the visit blowing up UN

The Premier and the President take have better to lie.
When you had been in the visit you make changes the city name in the Africa.
One had been divert acting place for another place, or to be clear Benghazi played role of Tripoli in time when is clear that large part of Tripoli has not yet in the hand of pirates.
In splendid action over the act position in the Benghazi some men had made war crime, when they against resolutions of UN take position at land of Africa. Even they made protection over these two guys.
Now its time to say that position of UN is same like it was in the 1930-es of 20th century, when Hitler and Mussolini made positions for wars in next ten years.
The devoid country whose reach with oil isn't nice place for investors.
But even NATO haven't power to bombing Africa more than several months.
The money is over, the power is over and only stay time to some be involve at finale comedown.
And finally, you cannot have all about two millions kilometer square with people who come to told that "Islam must be supremacy". Now is totally clear that the both premier and president made help to created new fascism! Like Chamberlain and Patain at 1938!
And of course, make these lies better.

Tuesday 6 September 2011

Sahara eat democratic oil

The lost theory are coming with same illusion that is possible to moving up into new round of mediation between non existing movement and other who are in the somewhere. In trying to prevent involving so much from east at local markets, specially at oil market, some come from the West in the miss mean ideas to blowing up everything.
But what is happening when the pronounced "criminals" step at charges and have power to protect self position in the time to move so hardly at hart of aggressors?
Now we can saw that both western lieder haven't knowledge to move in the real policy with situation which have same effects what like it produce elephant in the ceramic shop!
Now they are have the real potent crisis where they are have not questions "what to done in the situation when finish of some actions is going to prolong in the future without real time to be finish"?
In this time they, but not only they have real problem because the winter is at the door and no one have knowledge how it have going to be dark and cold?!
In this moment they need new pipelines, but only what they have is coming from Russia, and it positions isn't bypassing real successive. That mean the real time in the winter clashes with Kremlin.
But in the perspectives to loss,for they. The same way is in the so call new African democracy,where the war is lost and some guys come to be icons of new era, era where south come to beat north-west!
And both lieder must stop to take have clime for toy. Europe lost thousands of billion for it in the war with weather against Sahara, and who going to pay it, and the insecurity at the field. These ideas for new oil routs for the old continent now have much high price then oil have it ever.

Friday 26 August 2011

France and true in Africa, the lost hegemony

The some guy into West try to make something. But lost of Africa is total.
When you are loosing the generals and officers in the war which you "not have", than you news and footage from somewhere look like movie and have nothing with reality.

True is in the position of some guys from some places, but in the real time, time is to say that so call conqueror are in the trap, and that they have big trauma in unrealistic fight.

Real is that some have criminal attack against UN constitutional and resolutions, and than some guy try to blowing up UN in the Africa to remove second war world's constructions.

Fascism in the several EU countries going to come be export.

If some have knowledge from the nearly past and situation over Iraq, than is openly to have say that final comedy is gone, and that some big such have tragedy in the west towns for more than decade. Because they are lost one more war in the less than decade.

Tuesday 9 August 2011

Now we are see that London come like Damascus

What is different between London and Damascus?
What is happen when media make different view at same things?
Are situation in England towns different from Syrian places or other places in the World where some people have no hope for better future?
Now we can see how can be worst policy whom are have make at wrong decisions. We can see that so call democracy has big default, and that this so call democratic societies like is UK in deep are split over not only race but social-economic situation,too.
The mass unrest at field come in time when David Cameron not expect that so call unsocial element in the UK stay at streets, because the army make more of them the cannon flash at some places like it is Afghanistan or Syria, Norway, Libya, Venezuela,too.
The riots at the streets come like good message to all that democracy must be made in the home, and than it can be try to be make in aboard.
The young looters in the several England towns are not criminals, but some who screaming the big HELP for this who are loose an hope for real better life.
And in this moment the same things at Syrian streets cannot come at different view in comments at press, because it has not make at the home. The looting is it at all places where it happened or it is revolution even in the England streets.

Thursday 4 August 2011

US,UK and France are starting to blowing the World

China and others countries has right to make order to USA and UK to leave strong money positions.
It has place in situation where are both US and UK loosing the wars, and fight against insolvency.
Not US, nor UK, but neither France has place for one more attack against anybody, if they hasn't solutions to step on market stability. First US has problem with much worst spending in the army resources. In the social security and federal foundation for poor protection, situation isn't nice. The street's faith between police and poor citizens on the far west of US step on new level.
Each month several suburbs blowing up in big violence and police torture against small people,too. Because, federal check for social payment hasn't some validity.
At UK dept is so big that UK soldiers at some places hasn't material for private life in the barracks. Social structure is miss down at several part of social life, and same system of civil war have come on the cities streets, like it has in US far west towns.
Some measure to make have stole money from Libya have catastrophic flash beck effect,and make these big member of UN SC formal criminals which fight everybody who have money. From Libya, Norway, Iran, China and Brazil, they try to stolen money for missing imperial shine.

Thursday 14 July 2011

Capitalism ?

Destroy of democracy still is in the path. Several lieder of West try to cover up self mistakes into relations with the others.
Money is gone, true is done, and some is still wait to be make before old Europe will to going to bloop.
Euro is money of future, but now it is old mistake make in the some cabinets.
Economy isn't same like it was in the near past, specially not what it hat in 19-th century.
Modern economy need active propulsion on the Word level, and now is time to some ministers and presidents make true and open conclusion.
Open market is something what haven't capitalism in the head, but it come with new social mercantilism where France and other new imperialism haven't place.
Now only if EU have take new policy against former colonies, than it can stop big disaster at the old continent.

Thursday 23 June 2011

Grecce tragedy at Alliancy "victory"

The Greece tragedy and NATO agony is something same.
Today is total known that in the Greece everybody can have bay everything from NATO correspondence.
And crisis in the economy may have cause at defend and at cooperation in the Alliance total incompatible.
Know isn't so different to have tell that crisis in not only Greece make have destroy effect at European soil for all.
In time where is total clear that Italy hasn't power to put more pressure at Africa fronts and when is clear that crisis knocking at Paris door, we are shure that is time to be clear tell for all who is real target in these wars.
But we have saw how much is worst to have make unreal plans.
Greece have not power to bring back credits and they are not only one for it. Euro zone is in deeply ill and time isn't for liberation action in the rest of World.
Without reality and real money in the pocket, both Cameron and Saroszy have time to mean about sovereignty over national territory.
The boomerang have clear action, one time in the air it try to find and finish with something. If it miss the target than it try to back for hunter. But know hunter haven't power to bring it in the "hands", because the hands is in busy , and time is come to the end for not only Euro Zone, but for Alliance too.

Friday 3 June 2011

Libya and European road for bankruptcy

More then two months come from the start of African adventure.
In time when it had been in the focus of all at the planet, the high places in the several states have idea to used it to bypassing Russia and Russian energy.
In the first time the so call moderate Arab regime and Sarcosy created crime deal for it.
Now no Sarcoszy, nor Qatar emir have idea what to do with fail intervention. On other side neither Obama and Cameron have knowledge to say to public that this act in to African desert have make big whole in these public pocket, and that with situation at Yemen the Boomerang have come to home.

Now when Russia take hard position on the food and industrial protections we have seen how that colonial fullish can be great.
But involving of the some media has so tragedy and stay asks what is real freedom of speech?
In the moment where is clear that action on Libya, as example, stay worst than ever for so call revolutionist. And when is clear that much more people support the regime, in much part of Benghazi,too. Did this media stay in the criminal deal,too? And after all what now have come to done, so call world prosecutor? May be he know take actions to step down from the position of prosecutor?
Of course, what is position of more and more insecure people at the West, specially in France, which is next to step at "European bankruptcy road" after Ireland, Portugal, Spain?!
The changes was and is need to Algeria, and Maghreb, but not in Libya, and specially not like action against Russia and China, for some Vichy dreamer in the President palace at Paris.
The era of colonial powers is gone forever and time is to tell everybody that democracy cannot been commercial good or such like money sell paper for the legal robbery, state against state. To make have conditions in the Europe much better when they are not.

Friday 27 May 2011

Now isn't time to Russia make sale of the self dignity for NATO

No one other have right to come and make some things over African's problem, but China is only one whome has it.

If Russia or Russian President hasn't power to tell no! for NATO intrusion and aggressions at African soil, he must make withdraw from scene, and he must make silence.

Russia, isn't in position to make same mistakes like it had been in Stalin time.
Now is real move to Moscow have say all over World what is real power in Russia?!

And of course now isn't time to colonel Ghadafy live position, because he has no one position in the Libyan state hierarchy.

UN constitutional act make have that no one can be pres to live a country at exile.

If some make acts against it, than they are aggressors and persons who are out of law.

Because some lost politicians at some NATO member states want to by pass Russian oil supply to Europe with light Libyan, no Russia but neither some other states have right to make mistakes and come at African soil to change colonial history.

If is true that colonel idea hasn't legitimacy, why the so call revolutionist hasn't power in the people to change regime????

Wednesday 25 May 2011

Comeron has faith comunist, and try money from China

He's name is David Cameron and he was the Prime Minister. He has right to take a true, but what is happening when he tell the ordinary lie?

Only few people from the Court and government has involved in the problem. The problem set back in the London in Down Street 10 and come from the nearly past.
Some 64 billion pound was missed from last November, 20 and after that is gone more than hundred billion of euros from the real industry in the Kingdom.

In the several last months the man who come in the garden to tell a true, but told for lie everybody in the World, try to prevent collapse of the City, and do everything to protect monarchy now step up to export or to deliver disaster at Arab world in manner of an lunatic.
He knows that war in the Libya is the past and that no money to pay another political foolish whose come from the government. The money for the Army doesn't exist and only days stay between the mass suicide in the desert or mass withdraw from the front, but not only in the African's field but in the Iran-Iranian border,too.

The big mess in the economy and deep dept in the budget have only one page in the big book with specific name. In the real time the democracy only for one, but not for all, whose had saw in the Kingdom has make position of Cameron at brink of the sword, where he come to lost everything, even liberty. In time when he make mistake and come over UN resolutions motive. And when he lost several UK budgets. When deficit is the worst than ever before. Much worst than in the sixties of last century. And when Pound stay at over whole of the deep.

Now he is much worst man than colonel and everybody have take right to ask accusation to Cameron against them violation of intl. order and peace.

Yes ,Mr. Cameron some mean that they have victory over Communism. But Chine is the large economy and Communist state, from whom last night you try money and lost. What is next?!

Wednesday 11 May 2011

The Premier and President without shine path

Real time has the real problems. In economy it has now exist crisis in the Euro zone,with problem over several time to solve the real problem like which economic stile is proof to be real by economic growth in the markets.
This model whose have to incorporate two smallest member states in the EU has no-liberal, because the states has no right to make real economic policy into economic arena.
It mean that no one has stay at way that Greece and Portugal have some chance to go over crisis and to step up into social calm.
Is it reason why France ans UK do what they do in the neighborhood, from Libya to Syria? Are they have use democracy for not to liberate it's socialites but to remove an empty looks at deep bottom of national treasures?
In the both way non France President, nor UK Premier come at political scene with real program for renew the situation in the social sphere at these two states, has now. But each day, they have new lies on the situation in the neighborhood. Now is clear that both the Presidon and Premier try to remove social states, and to do more for change social relations in the favor for some smallest group whose no one like.
Because that Euro and Pound isn't real money to be secure for invert salary into them.
But on other side some circles has point to make have strong US Dollar over this situation even the US Vice President,must take "new economic" support from the PRC, few days ago. And even the States dept is so big that this catastrophe in the river valley have more problems for the administration. Because even US President step up involve in the far west-east crisis.
Now is clear that not only the Dollar must be removed like global money but some instruments of global economic watchers must be reform to be more autonomic from the crisis in the group of countries. And of course, the trade must by open for all,or we can expect each month a some new war.

Monday 2 May 2011

The time when father Obama kill son Osama

What is happen when mother kill son?
What was happen that mother America kill son Osama?
May be the mother have the wrong positions at the path to Iran, over Syria today?
And because that the son isn't so necessary?!
After Afghanistan, and President Reagan- The son is promoter of liberty and democracy to Obama- We have make justice- stay more and more injustice, and blood for oil.
Today the world have see how much is stay in ruins the West point of democracy and liberty. Today we are free to say that the States, specially the President Obama make not mistake.
The US administration in time to step up to keep the self satellite states like UK and France from disaster in the desert, did something worst from stupidity- declared that they did what they haven't potential to done!
But after that they opened the door for deathly dance with grandchildren, which they have from their son Osama Bin Laden.
It has not our problem, and of course we can only stay away and look at onto scene, where blood come to blow the mind.

Thursday 28 April 2011

Triad of colonial the end

Petreus in CIA,the World in the WAR! Some who want to make it is like Hitler! And he don't know nothing about strategy,when at front of the company going to put general who are lost several war in the near past. At Iraq,Afghanistan and now in the Libya. And if some want to look at disaster than he want to make troubles with Russia at the Middle East, particularly at Syrian soil.
Of course, it is so desperate need for make of new better democracy, without US and former colonial states at throne of common policy. Because, the war in Libya make sure that no France, neither UK have power to change something, and it is so good for all of us.
And on the end of story stay so call big matrimonial procession at London's streets. The show whom is in the point to prevent revolution in the UK, and territorial dismiss of Great Britain and North Ireland.
Show isn't so nice when director of it have show against self.

Tuesday 19 April 2011

The states must push Croats to don't fight against ICTY

Now is time to tell true for real situation in the some new NATO member states.
Like it is at Bulgaria or Croatia. Bout countries has problem with history and national minority. Bout has problem with ethnic cleansing in the past.
In Bulgaria, Turkish minority has problem to be what they are. And in the Croatia Serbs, but other minority has problem with the state,too.
In bout presence US has real connect with situation with minorities, because they have give order or support for nationalistic acts against minorities in this counties.
Of course, that problem exists in Kosovo, because the States actively take have creation of ethic cleansing minorities to create new satellite state with predominate Albanian population,for manipulation with some Arab regime in the World.
But now after ICTY was come with punish for Croat general in the case "Gotovina and other", the States must take have it to change policy in the South-east Europe, and they must try forgiven from minorities in the states at this part of Europe.
The States had involved into mass murders over civilians. Genocide into several places at Balkan with promises and now with support Croatia in them faith against Hague Tribunal.
For more justice and for the better relations in this regions the President and administration must take measure to say that crime is what is done now in the Croatia. That is crime, because some guys negate genocide against minorities in the Kraina region, in Pakrac region against Czech,at east Slavonia against Hungar, Slovak, and Russian minority, after peace reintegration this region onto Klain administration in the late 1990-in.
US must have courage to say sorry for everybody who was bunch with policy of former US administrations in last century at the Balkan. US must take move at going to have creating some normal relations into ethnic correlations at the region. For all who lost life because the States lead wrong policy.
MR. Obama must tell to Bulgarian and particular to Croats that US haven't support for this who are living at mythology and lies. In like operation "Storm" crime stay in the position that former ambassador Peter G. had been involved directly into genocide, and about that exist documents.
We need to US make justice over some people who say "YES" for exodus Serbs and others from Kraina. And need is to US recognize Kraina region with US General Consulate in Knin.

Thursday 14 April 2011

Eiffel have made in the rocket

After all, some structure can be make in the rocket. Like it can be Eiffel tower and London Big Bang? This structures can be use for attack on to Moamar Ghadafi in the war against common law and UN charts which have made some so call leader at Libyan desert with so call democratic rebels.
Or something else?

Monday 11 April 2011

Economy can have grow only without US dollar

New dimension of crisis is in the situation where no more exist the global money like it was dollar.
The US currency now is the paper without real monetary value at the markets. The currency which has real power at the markets is Chinese Yuan, because China stay over them in the whole social life.
This currency has state protection, what then US dollar hasn't it.
In real time of commercial relations at the World markets situation is so fluent, then we have right to take ask: why and who stay at the prices which have US dollar for the market currency?!
Or, why the markets don't make progress into push down the price of electronic goods, gas, medicine equipment and medicine drags, even US dollar hasn't real power and commercial weight?
Of course, the US is necessary to going be lieder on the scene, but with real economic collapse,and without economic strain the only reason for this situation at the markets stay at way of the many wars which US made in the scene.
Time is to US dollar step down from scene, and that going to be reason for new economic grow in the nearest future. It mean lowest prices of many goods, specially the prices of food, the energy, and money market.
If some come to protect US dollar like money leader in these markets it will be signal that situation in the States much more worst than it was present few days before into secret cable of departments.
But isn't time now to the World be hostage for the mistaken US policy.

Tuesday 29 March 2011

In London today they was killed UN

This is the simple thing. If some guys like Mr. Sarkozy or Mr.Cameron have the problems at home, then they put some country or more of them into a war.
It isn't so nice when they have some Mrs. Clinton in associate. The women who has real problem to make a real decision every time when they come to make some troubles to the President.
Now they have a short man named Ban, General Secreter of UN in the pocket. Day when he come in the power at the organization was great disaster for humanity.
But after all they killed UN and now no body have right to try protection in the international law.
If some of Troika mean that they have right to put so many Christians in Arab world on to danger, because they have need to by pass Russian oil and gas system, then they must see something on the sky.
And of course, this is real time to some from aside tell for them that they made these dozen of dictators at the Middle East. For the same reason which they use into Libyan war. To control oil and gas supply for EU.
To remove the both of "enemies"-new Germany and Russia from the economic fields.
For that, they are not so disappointing, if so many Christians going to be removing from the motherland.

Friday 25 March 2011

What is Bahrain case for US?

Did US saw what have happened in Bahrain?
When they do what they do at Mediterranean sea against Libya in head quoter of US fifth fleet situation is on eruption path. Most predominate Shia Muslims populate Bahrain have worst situation in the human right then it was in Libya. The terror of so call king and some states who are come to occupation the small country is somthing what is against UN charts.
Because, US doing noting to protect the civilians in the Bahrain we have right to tell that action against Libya is aggression, and that Iran has full right to come to protect Shia Muslims in this country from mass murders who come from so call Arab dynasties.
Time is to going to broke and smash dictatorship at Bahrain, and it is time to so call care for the civilian right start to be universal for whole planet Earth.
Iran is now to have take the measure against some Arabian states, like it is Saudi Kingdom to prevent genocide at the field.
On other side, UN must take measures to push out UAE and Saudi Araby from Bahrain, and going to demand from Bahrain's royal court to make some constitutional changes for democratic reforms.
In the other way, Libyan story will have only same position in the history like Iraq. And position of fifth fleet will be not so secure.
In the both way it going to be a big disaster for the States.

Monday 21 March 2011

When some doing to blow us

Japn is lost for several centuries and now is totally known that US doing the some things but wrong tings in the World because they are lost the nuclear submarine in the Pacific ocean near Japan. The vessel was destroy into the accident, when one of reactor start to leek onto mision.
This accident was cause the strong earthquake and tsunami in the Japan.
Now same things we have in the some other part of this planet, and what The President can have make to tall for us. He is lost much more than he can imagine. But in time when catastrophe is in the path to make life on the islands impossible, he come to start some speech about what?
US hasn't power to protect Japan from nuclear holocaust, because they cause it. The second time in history.
In other part, make other disaster to cover another is something like war crime.

Friday 18 March 2011

Japan is push in the disaster from them

The idiots in Japanese government doing anything good.
Who is so unreasonable at Japanese soil? Premier, or some guys who are on the connection with US State Department?
Are they believe in the God? Once is secure, that they make big disaster over Asia, and now they are the mega murders like most from the past, like Hitler. They make holocaust over Japan, and now they are on the list. They must going to be punishment for it.
But Japan must take steps to going to use some measure, and with neighbors help, going to start to remove disaster.
Japan can't be so proud that stay solo in the tragedy!
Use the rocket to remove nuclear reactor from surface of this planet,immediately!

Saturday 12 March 2011

With tehnology against nuclear treat in the far east

After big disaster in the far east time is to tell that situation over nuclear plants isn't so nice, and that possibility to come catastrophe is so big that all over the World must take measure to protect innocent people from disasters.
Time is to Russians take some action to going to destroying nuclear power plants in Japan, with of course, Japanese government permission. Only they have knowledge about situation which is now in the power plants at far east.
With "Sharks" they must take action now and they must remove the nuclear treat from the surfaces.
Japanese government have only few days to stop an nuclear holocaust.

Thursday 3 March 2011

The end of one long colonial story

News from US fleet comes more quickly than it is usually. The naval ships come at east Mediterranean sea only for one reason. The strong foreign troops start windrow from trap.
They have knowledge that situation in the field isn't so nice and that everything stay in time when we can expect that Libyan desert wash out the six fleet power.
In this moment we have time to see that US and other forces have mass come back into a basis. And that no one have power to grove up into new war near Europeans soil.
Because, from Balkan nobody have courage to put on rocket at nearest western town.
But colonel have power, knowledge,money and hate to do so.
And than it can start like war Islam against crusades.
In this scenario no one plane or something else from the fleet can have any consequence for colonel.
If US and NATO going to go in the war against colonel and Libya it will have same story like it was Somalia, but several time destructive for invaders.
And if we look at situation into Libyan desert the non colonel forces have control only on the far est of state, and into deeply desert where is major depot of Libyan army and strategic forces they have any presents. The colonel hate against crusades start to grove up from minute to minute, and nothing is can be same like it you have now, to today.
This situation is the end of one long colonial story.

Thursday 24 February 2011

Obama's hypocrisy

The President of USA hasn't right to tell something on the Libyan situation. He is in the dew over massacres in the many places at the Middle East. He and administration of him have right tell only some things about Gaza and West Bank. But when he talk about that he always puts the veto in UN.
Because that the people in the Sahara desert need so much democratic rulers who are coming from the people, not from mr. President yours sponsor.
And now time is there to going to go tell Algerian President, and Moroccan King light message: "Now is time for change"!
Libya will have not good history of massacres and genocide. But it is real point from no one from west to have right to make active involve in desert poem.
The colonel was your doll and you make many mistakes with him. Now put down your fingers from oil and water below Sahara soil.
Of course mister President you had idea to created the war against Iran, and you are step down from this idea with Nobel price.
But what have make EU against you in time when is clear that your misses to make a defend against "desert storm" whose come back like the boomerang.

Thursday 17 February 2011

Restore medical ethics in the east member and candidates of EU

In this time we are witness how is so hard to protect some ordinary thing- the human life!
No one cannot have right to took life from somebody. It isn't crime against people, but against God.
Today, the acts against life have exist in the Europe in the same level like it has in the north Africa, and Arabia. But this attacks against human and dignity comes from companies and with companies connect local officials. The most problem in the east of EU stay in the medicine. A lots of people stay out of good treatment in a hospital and other medical treatment places. If someone haven't good social position,than they haven't same right for medical care. But on other side stay position of local doctors who are involve so much in the crime. Not only over direct corruption,but over political, and pharmaceutic corruption, too.
This corruption is something what doing so bad for EU goals in the east, and make this places at big trouble places into world.
EU most have measure to make the goals for self promotion in the east, and to going to change the worst situation where like some future member states have more than 30% of local medical budget out into pockets of local political hard people.
And where are exist same percent in the deal between local medical company with doctors and others from medicine sector.
It can be new bomb like food into Africa, who can make detonation, and than can start to be reason for EU end. Not Euro fall.

Saturday 12 February 2011

Desert poem

After several weeks in the desert rhapsody,some politicians have time for tea time. But in the situation where isn't so clear who is next, more than others France President is so deeply in the mess.
The states, former France colonies in North Africa start to make domino effect in social evolution.
The dictators who are in the power because France need so call protection from Islamic fanatic now have problem to tell the true in the Paris. The long and very big economic help whose came in the decades before in the region had have no involve in the public life, specially at an life of common people.
On the other side it is so heave problem in the France budget. Today when economic crisis still knocking at door of more than 70% French citizens.The question whose stay in the President palace has the try for the way of French degage from the field of Sahara.
But what is result of this?
Result isn't so nice for French national pride?! Or is possible that they can expect not nice asks about cooperation with some people in north Africa.
Maybe after that everybody going to look at true about so call Islamic extremism. The story that so many noble people lost live, and today they are stay in the wall of liberty.
Money in Morocco, Mauritania,Alger,Tunis and Sudan cannot be make back. But with the story isn't possible that Cairo come at Paris.
After all time isn't so nice to be France President. With no name problems and without resources, Fifth Republic is on the gates of end. Or? But everything is clear,and came like poem from the desert. In this poem she has believe in a love. On other side he has believe that she make have love with other.
This is way for an tragedy.

Tuesday 1 February 2011

The Kingdom isn't it on the path now?

After all we are in the position too ask some government to make be back in the self real policy.
Today you can see how mach people live in the poverty and how are your destiny in the hand of millions at Egyptians streets. How is so badly involve your economic position on the real situation at the field, specially at Suez Chanel.
You are witness how big is the lay whose come from the markets, and how is so bad when your happy and money stay at the blood of innocent people in the poor neighborhood.
Today is still place for good life, where you are now. But today?
The millions in the Arab worlds and on the south of the planet have same wish, to be free and not hungry. To have money for dignity and prosperity in the self country.
But no one in the European and American politics have night mare for that. The night mare come in the reason named The Kingdom. This desert states has the biggest feudal states in the World. Where justice has no name, and where nobody have right to have a mine.
The True is in the story, where Wahhabi Islam start to made a change. And when the monarch step down from terrorism and vandalism of Islam.
The days whose come, and who going to be the legend, make more of you so nervous. And of course, that can be make some politicians in the West like light panic persons.

Thursday 13 January 2011

Politician desert come from North Africa

Here and now we can see how much have exist big problem in Arab World. Poor people and so little reach people stay in the neighborhood and live the big story of injustice.
Arabian people now is at a way to put a power in self hands and than to blow up not homeland, but much more, the other countries at north.
EU is on the pat to be involve at horror. In a clashes where big mass come to demand a liberty, unity and brotherhood.
Islamic revolution like we have in Iran, but much more similar the revolution in Turkey, make have a lot mess in the politicians heads at European continent.
The voice of poor people in the slams of the big Arabic towns like it exist at Egypt and in Tunis, is much worst bomb then it maybe can create Islamic Republic of Iran.
It isn't nuclear bomb, nor dirty bomb, but much worst-social bomb. In this positions a more and more anonymous suicide killer each day can have knocking at the door in your city, maybe some few meters from you.
Revolution in Tunis, revolution in Maghreb, revolution in the Egyptian's suburbs, the government crisis at Lebanon and lite war on the Occupied West Bank and Gaza with poor economic results at home make Europe open for the new Islamic invade like they have 13th centuries ago.
And it wasn't such non predictable situation in the future, but real existing scenario at the real time. The pressure from the south and bankrupt at several most south EU member and candidates states make have same position like it had Nazi acts in the twenty century.
A long and destroy war have first act. But, politicians are in the EU waiting for history repeat.

Saturday 1 January 2011

The war economy

After all, today in the new 2011.situation on the streets isn't so nice like some in the American policy want to have it is.
The war in Afghanistan and Iraq still standing at same position like it was in the near past. Capability of South Korea to broke North isn't real, and we can see how much politician depend from economy.
Without real money in the banks and without real market for Korean's products, South Korea does less then it was expect in the military ruler of US.
Economy haven't reason to come into war without real victory and without real strategy against North Korea. No money in the pocket mean that Korean unification has not been so pleasant like it was in Germany.
South has not the naff money for destroyed communist economy at neighborhood.
At other place we can see how two big neighbor nation have self system to protect peace in the region, and now in the World.
Contact in the systematic climatic change at north have reason to ask some people in the north US institutes do they know what they have in the knowledge? Or it is same like we have in the Iraq and other places at the planet?
Of course, President Obama still make holidays at Hawaii. But now is clear that reason lay in the necessity for change in the Army corp. Against people who are still ready to use a war against peacefully men and women. In the time where is situation at home is worst then ever before.
The States cannot now have luxurious to make another war, even crisis, specially not at European soil.