Tuesday 20 December 2011

Croatia like Hungary?

Today some parts of new Europe have much problems with identity into EU community law.
From Romania, Hungary and Croatia we can see more and more problems into society then it top of EU want to have take in observes.
Unemployment rates is growing over twenty percent of population total number and that have problem to make new or even some economic grow.
The crime is involve into states structures, and on this structures positioned take have non involve people, for ex-plane in Croatia or Hungary some new ministers are much more open to broke laws than to crash organize "normality".
The system is openly determinate to make new crimes and to punish peoples who have courage to say no for it.
The Hungarian government isn't so happy to say that they haven't knowledge how to prevent open chaos in the country. They only have words to prevent EU critics over semi fascist in the national parliament whose make governmental mayor group.
This group have only power to replace presents of illness from streets but they haven't known how to remove lethal economic weapon where some groups of Hungary nation have right to not pay taxes.
Same system have stay at Croatia new coalition government. The candidates for ministers like it can haven't be for interior minister, for defense minister, for minister of justice, ministry for work and minster candidate for economy,finance minster and minister for ecology,too. In this time we can see how is noncompetitive government their can be if we look at from translates on to Hungarian situation, where new conservatives parties haven't going to do something, after socialist party demolition at parliamentary elections.
Because that new government in Croatia must take have responsibility, and now going to have step down nominated candidates in new candidates, because they have ignorance,they protect selfish interests, and try to promote peoples whose have blind support for them. And of course,because they have criminal activity in the past what can come like lethal weapon for blow new social policy in the states.

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