Friday 25 March 2011

What is Bahrain case for US?

Did US saw what have happened in Bahrain?
When they do what they do at Mediterranean sea against Libya in head quoter of US fifth fleet situation is on eruption path. Most predominate Shia Muslims populate Bahrain have worst situation in the human right then it was in Libya. The terror of so call king and some states who are come to occupation the small country is somthing what is against UN charts.
Because, US doing noting to protect the civilians in the Bahrain we have right to tell that action against Libya is aggression, and that Iran has full right to come to protect Shia Muslims in this country from mass murders who come from so call Arab dynasties.
Time is to going to broke and smash dictatorship at Bahrain, and it is time to so call care for the civilian right start to be universal for whole planet Earth.
Iran is now to have take the measure against some Arabian states, like it is Saudi Kingdom to prevent genocide at the field.
On other side, UN must take measures to push out UAE and Saudi Araby from Bahrain, and going to demand from Bahrain's royal court to make some constitutional changes for democratic reforms.
In the other way, Libyan story will have only same position in the history like Iraq. And position of fifth fleet will be not so secure.
In the both way it going to be a big disaster for the States.

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