Tuesday 19 April 2011

The states must push Croats to don't fight against ICTY

Now is time to tell true for real situation in the some new NATO member states.
Like it is at Bulgaria or Croatia. Bout countries has problem with history and national minority. Bout has problem with ethnic cleansing in the past.
In Bulgaria, Turkish minority has problem to be what they are. And in the Croatia Serbs, but other minority has problem with the state,too.
In bout presence US has real connect with situation with minorities, because they have give order or support for nationalistic acts against minorities in this counties.
Of course, that problem exists in Kosovo, because the States actively take have creation of ethic cleansing minorities to create new satellite state with predominate Albanian population,for manipulation with some Arab regime in the World.
But now after ICTY was come with punish for Croat general in the case "Gotovina and other", the States must take have it to change policy in the South-east Europe, and they must try forgiven from minorities in the states at this part of Europe.
The States had involved into mass murders over civilians. Genocide into several places at Balkan with promises and now with support Croatia in them faith against Hague Tribunal.
For more justice and for the better relations in this regions the President and administration must take measure to say that crime is what is done now in the Croatia. That is crime, because some guys negate genocide against minorities in the Kraina region, in Pakrac region against Czech,at east Slavonia against Hungar, Slovak, and Russian minority, after peace reintegration this region onto Klain administration in the late 1990-in.
US must have courage to say sorry for everybody who was bunch with policy of former US administrations in last century at the Balkan. US must take move at going to have creating some normal relations into ethnic correlations at the region. For all who lost life because the States lead wrong policy.
MR. Obama must tell to Bulgarian and particular to Croats that US haven't support for this who are living at mythology and lies. In like operation "Storm" crime stay in the position that former ambassador Peter G. had been involved directly into genocide, and about that exist documents.
We need to US make justice over some people who say "YES" for exodus Serbs and others from Kraina. And need is to US recognize Kraina region with US General Consulate in Knin.

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