Thursday 24 February 2011

Obama's hypocrisy

The President of USA hasn't right to tell something on the Libyan situation. He is in the dew over massacres in the many places at the Middle East. He and administration of him have right tell only some things about Gaza and West Bank. But when he talk about that he always puts the veto in UN.
Because that the people in the Sahara desert need so much democratic rulers who are coming from the people, not from mr. President yours sponsor.
And now time is there to going to go tell Algerian President, and Moroccan King light message: "Now is time for change"!
Libya will have not good history of massacres and genocide. But it is real point from no one from west to have right to make active involve in desert poem.
The colonel was your doll and you make many mistakes with him. Now put down your fingers from oil and water below Sahara soil.
Of course mister President you had idea to created the war against Iran, and you are step down from this idea with Nobel price.
But what have make EU against you in time when is clear that your misses to make a defend against "desert storm" whose come back like the boomerang.

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