Friday 27 May 2011

Now isn't time to Russia make sale of the self dignity for NATO

No one other have right to come and make some things over African's problem, but China is only one whome has it.

If Russia or Russian President hasn't power to tell no! for NATO intrusion and aggressions at African soil, he must make withdraw from scene, and he must make silence.

Russia, isn't in position to make same mistakes like it had been in Stalin time.
Now is real move to Moscow have say all over World what is real power in Russia?!

And of course now isn't time to colonel Ghadafy live position, because he has no one position in the Libyan state hierarchy.

UN constitutional act make have that no one can be pres to live a country at exile.

If some make acts against it, than they are aggressors and persons who are out of law.

Because some lost politicians at some NATO member states want to by pass Russian oil supply to Europe with light Libyan, no Russia but neither some other states have right to make mistakes and come at African soil to change colonial history.

If is true that colonel idea hasn't legitimacy, why the so call revolutionist hasn't power in the people to change regime????

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