Monday 14 December 2009

On the crisis with total war

Present situation on the conference in Copenhagen have one old mission at world's policy. It is old policy of colonial supremacy and now have new way in the new world order.
In time when most power country stay at on the brink,and when one so call most popular president has problem in the war against Iran. No one of this states or their presenters at the conference has real power to tell true others.
Now, can anybody in the planet policy have take something against real problems in the status of planet disaster's time?
No one of politicians in the so call modern West have courage to take advantage against pollution and climatic changes.
It is problem not because have nor existing modern and "green" technology, but because they are presenters of pollutions, and they are involving in the some of more than bigger lies against modern population.
When they have take measure against humanity they doing it not because they have not sensibility, but because they are still stand in the pocket of most powered local companies, which haven't money to change situation in self production.
This not much more power companies try to still stay in decision circles, and to have power role in the local policies in the Europe,but in the north America much more,too.
Today if stay and wait at home,we are in the dangers to be a assistants of this neonazi clubs over the West.
This clubs are involving in the more than dozen rigid politic decisions, where have minority and other peoples at a table to be eat in the massacres at long way over the planet.
In the back stage of the conference stay a some political cocktail.But in the plural resistance the planet can be safe.
It is ironically that so call protectors,who's take have all to broke self in the wars in the Meddle East, and who's have good relations with Nazi groups do everything to build hate against Islam.Put it on the top of agenda, over peace and prosperity of the planet.
They do what Hitler done in the past. On crisis with war!

Friday 27 November 2009

Dont do troubles in the House

Have anybody possibility to think that a war in the World isn't possible even at power in the White House stay the black men?!
In the situations where economic experience have stay away of reality and when true American financiers stay in a trouble,the White House has only one measure to protect American so call stability and it is a WAR.
The President and first lady no one time have positions to look up how much they are less in the power. How they have small potential to protect themselves from determination,because they have people which try to make some goals at political and financial global arena.
They are not in the charge to make a some mistake and they haven't true power to recall this.
But, it isn't mater of point. The point is true tries to have troubles from people at American top political side.
Without success in the Middle East. With no more powers in the emirates and other Islamic popular friends, thy have real problem to make money for self and than for US.
This time when strong words come over world about climatic changes and each day problem in the seismic activities all over the Planet, one type of politicians in the middle of the planetary policy stay up to have new toys for people to try to make have lost mind and to have change the political wive over domestic problems.
Iran is the new toy for peoples to make have this lost of the minds.
Even they haven't real technology to make the A bomb, they are so popular to make so call little troubles for all, the reason for that is in the geographical positions.
Iran is so long from US that it haven't be problem for domestic security in the States.But it can be nice for long wive at some cable networks. The nice toy for popular amnesia.
Everything is prepared for first battle in the Golf. The Army is have more than half of million people in the regions.
A squadrons operated inside of Iran more than year, and stay to prepared situation for changes.
But even in this ritual some people make a lots mistakes. Now they have real problem with the Golf States, and poverty inside of glamor. With revolutions whose comes from city suburbs,and from a low ranking armies positions in the Arab states, they must does some quickly and a big.
But it is impossible when you have the President Nobel price owner.
This Price the President has had because once time it is used to prevent the war.
And owner of the Price hasn't real person to make a goal in the new war.
What is at track is one type and one more crime.
Have they power to remove all from path to change the history? Or they risk to be remove from power like Napoleon or Hitler?
Liberal democracy isn't nice if that hasn't protections of liberty from so call big persons. This capitalism system is off, and time is come for some new. But not is time to have change it with new the war.
Army positions in Afghanistan, and the Gulf stay not in battle positions against rebels in the regions but opposite.
The history has had true story which give the one true point; each war start easy in the glory and than finally drop in the ashes. In a both side.
But this will be first time, where so call big power can lost everything.
Dollar is history, the US economy power is it,too. And only real change in the state is point for recover.

Sunday 8 November 2009

How Gypsies not guillty for all crimes in S.Europe

Today or not only today we have problems at some areas into south east,south and central Europe with low range crime.Whose made from one or several persons,possible from minor population to persons from mayor groups. Or when have it at one territory, than mayor groups take or try to have revenge against specific ethnic groups like it is Gypsy at south and central Europe.
Not one time we have situations where this population violated law, but more than ones we have situations where they have central positions onto crime top lists, because local authorities don't doing more to prevent crime in the local society. The Gypsies are minority, possible minority at "brink", but it isn't reason to they have a point place at crime list for all,what have happen in a community.
In the north part of Serbia at Vojvodina north regions around towns Sombor and Subotica,we have more and more problems with crimes against minor's propriety. Specially where it have oldest households or where live two or one persons in it, too.
Of course that local policy no more stay over this crimes, but not do more to prevent it. It is viable in presents less policemen at countryside than it is necessary.
And because, police have less equipments than they need,too.
But quick actions in this cases is necessary take message for all into community that crime isn't good business and too ease,too.
Only with it and when they have quick prosecution against real thief,but with no mercy for them,too.
South and central Europe can have take better positions against Gypsies only at this way.
Specially at this part of Vojvodina, where not process at court every third case in this crime's group.
Of course that criminals must have take back goods from robbery to real owners in a full proportions in a goods or money,too.So quickly, yes it is necessarily for justice itself,too!

Friday 30 October 2009

Tehnologycal evolutions or what?

Have anybody right to tell that Earth have ill? Or humanity are have ill.
Special information which had come from UN that Earth have only twenty years for reconciliation or humanity have possibility to take have basement of history if every industrial country don't take measure for protections to have protect atmosphere is fully false.
Because, we can see that clime have is changes not only in moment of industrialization, but even in the time of wars.
Now is clear that war in the some part of Earth have more disaster point on the clime than it have some pollutions technologies in China and Brasil.
Today, one phosphor bomb or smart rocket have more dangerous for people and ambient than it have more than dozen tons of carbon dioxide. Now is total known that NASA does have more attack at planet climate changes than Africans nations togeder.
Have it knowledge in the some parts of global reconstruction Biro? Or everyone wants to take some part of history, without real necessity to move this situation at planet Pols on the better side of humanity?!
History have more than thousands examples how to stop climate change at this planet.Not have time to move some new at part of every mental protections. Time stop in the moment, when NASA did not had information of Pol magnetic changes,like one of reason which is main reason for situation on the this field.
Global ice have move on the water for reason known like demagnetization of global planet.Where stay more and more instability in the weather. Big thunders make have positions at large parts of Earth. It change positions of sea currents at global oceans an local seas,too.
This have direct move at global and local climate,too.
On at all, humanity have time to real take have positions over real change at planet, not to only stop to produce some pollutions technology, but to take preventions for more disaster.
Change at Earth's Pol systems,and currents, too. Make have possibility to human race will be push at brink of history.
Because that NASA, but not only have big reason to take the people onto this planet real information at real pollution which make new space technology. They must tell everybody that each satellite in the orbit is one big trash which have big implantation at planet atmosphere changes. That ever have be known way for launch is one big mistake, and reason why one rain cloud change rout.
The space trash in the orbit have same way at climate changes on the planet like it have production in Chines factory. Or we can see how production of energy in the orbit take have changes in the stratosphere.
All of it have reason to take positions to big countries changes mining on the technology evolutions in the time.
Earth need better population,then have it now. Population which know what is necessary to life be good and comfortable, without make have non known acts. Like pollutions planet sphere with some technics,they tell us a better.

Tuesday 29 September 2009

Imported crime in the EU offices

More than of decade stay in southeast Europe situation same like it had in the time of Balkan war's, when dead thousands hundred peoples for not quite known reasons.
Have some reason to stay and wait new escalation of tragic episodes to have done something, for humanity.
If we have right to ask some people-why they have reasons to stay and do nothing, have we right to take measure against them who are involving in the crime. Same people who had fingers in the crime less than decade in the war into Balkan area?
Time isn't stop and no one have right to stay out of justice. Everybody who is involve or was involved into injustice things must come on the court, and must have trail to be prosecute for things what he done in the past, against others or someone personally.
No one, especially from EU bodies hasn't rights to close eyes on the situation where warlords have open political power to broke rights only, because they have some legal amnesty or amnesia at things which they done in the "heroic" and "liberation" wars. EU hasn't right to have questions over some persons and propriety whose they have in the things and goods? This guys have reason to tells justice, how they peak up it. Who had gave them propositions to done it? Are that same politicians who are in the power now? Or have some warlords reason to be put in jail?
For this reason, for justice and peace in the Europe, EU must take steps to protect victims in all parts of continent, specially in the Balkan states,even in the member states in this region.
Is right to tell that is time to be prosecute cases of "yellow house" in the mountains of northern Albania and west Kosovo"?To has come and make same in the cases at situation in the some places in Croatia? What happen in Vojvodina,at north west part of Romania? At Bulgaria, south part of them. In Greece at part around the some big cities in this country whit Albanian minority and Greeks from Turkey.
And cetera....
Commission, and Mr Barroso must tell every reality politician and social worker that they have powerful help and protection if they have actions against crime. Because, crime but not nationality make troubles at south of Europe.
Crime hard incorporate into policy.Where politic make have rules for every part of life. And where it make over corruption and nepotism like have made it in the mobs family. But not all.
Governments of Croatia, Serbia,Bulgaria, Romania, must be into close eyes program. But some personnel in Brussels must have reason to live up EU administration.Crime stay into hols of EU offices, and time is to be push out of there!

Wednesday 29 July 2009

American faul!?

If somebody need to be peace at Balkan than they must do everything to protect it! It mean that security don't stay only at BIH or Kosovo but even it stay at streets of Zagreb and Belgrade, too.
If it isn't truly acknowledge, than we can expect more insecurity at European soil than it ever were been.
Now we must take measure to restore true democracy at the Balkan streets and than we must take measure against some politicians involve into organize crime. Specially against top politicians, not even they were in the charge.Because, even former Premiers in this places have more power than current political officers.
This is real time to move out some movement and of course some parties in the all countries at south east part of Europe.
In Serbia, we done it!But into Croatia,and specially in BIH we haven't this move, so positive. The worst situation stay at Montenegro, where local warlord and several time supreme political officer, now Prime minister Mr Milo Dukanovic has totally real connection with some parts of political terrorism into self state, and into news agencies and papers has connections crime at European level with several "crime boss".
He has the best administrator in the former Croatian Prime minister.Whom he has buy the "little"boat named "Nesto vitra" with domicile port into Montenegrin port Kotor. Where the former Croatian supreme officers spent most days of this long "holidays".
This is real connection with executions whose had last year in the case of "Franjic and Pukanic". It have nomination who are stay at politically sponsor top list of crime. Who are the "boss" in the "Balkan case".
If some have interest to make bloodshed at Belgrade streets it is politic of nationalistic parties from several Balkan states and Kosovo,which means that is right way to destabilize Europe, and right part to them make more blood money at the the local street.
We must take the way for more normal peoples at this streets, for normal Europe,too!
America, and Mr President has right to move quickly into places and take an new positions over situation into not only regions ,but into states,too.
Croatia and Albania is example that democracy can be violated if at political places have the wrong persons. Now, Mr Obama, renew relationship with this so call "American allays" and make have power push against undemocratic movement into economic and political relations and an movements whose have filo Nazi stand. Take the quick step to remove wrong policy and to restore justice into south east Europe,specially in the allay states!

Wednesday 8 July 2009

EU in the monitoring at east Europe

In new conversation between two presidents in Moscow few day before step up many problems from some part of Europe.
More and more part of old continent have problem with corruptions and criminal involve in the government's structure, and make positions of European's security worst then ever it was in the past.
Trafficking with drugs and people, but even with some part of a people on one side and on other nepotism have made states like Hungary,the Baltic states, Ukraine,Moldavia, Romania, Bulgaria, and of course the states at West Balkan in the Eldorao for states criminal. In wich is involve more politicians of this states.
This corruptions have make NATO positions weak not only in Europe but in the other places in World.
In contacts with smugglers the local officers gives lots informations of status in the Aliance,and of course in the Union's task forces.
This situation is total visible in Ucraine and Croatia, where local administration have control over black market. But they are in the cover all local criminals in the uniforms.
It means that not each men or women whose clodes uniform have contact with the crime.
It mean that local politicians, from municipalities to national government have made deal with not to contact international crime, but they had created self mobs in the states companies, from where they have take more money in the self black off sore company and bank accounts over planet.
In time where no one can have make a mistake, they try to put common people in the slavery. They try to took social rights and human rights,and for make it they have broke an Constitutions and Laws.
It isn't meter that they have 50% of national goods in the self hands, and that does lots mistakes in the past.Specially in a social meters and pension sistem, when people in the 30-ties had going in the pension.
But now in time when crisis come and exist, they try to broke it.They have broke right of sik people, and invalids.
And when some took measure against it we have situation like Croats have now.
Because that is necessary to the Union have make over control in this states ,and with MMF make structural reforms or redefinition of state introductions.
It is beater than can have if it make some from local politicians who was created in the socialism and they are more communist then democrat.
It must be organize better than is OHR in Bosnia and Herzegovina.But must be organize quickly.

Sunday 21 June 2009

The Holly Dignity -Contrarevolution in Iran

Mr Khamnei is at an streets to the end of self political insurgence at Iranian policy.
Without ideas, and power to protect Iran from turmoil after votes he most live position of supreme lieder of Islamic Revolution. Now is totally known that he has less knowledge about Holly Koran,and Sharia.
After the riots against the law braking at some action of people who are instrument from foreign forces which come not from west but from east and islam, he must tell truth for all and after that must leave position at he has like supreme lieder of Islamic Revolution.
He must known that he is servant of Allah and the people of Islamic Republic of Iran. He must serve and listen people.He must have courage to prevent an violence and to take measure to stop Taliban to make mess in Iran.
He didn't nothing from all, and he step out from role who had have in the 1989,when he started to made power and peace with Koran in the head and hands.
If he tell that a injustice can be put over justice, he are take actions against Holly Koran, and he put self over this mess.
Know isn't possible that lots of people are in wrong and that some can make have victory with 140% at bailout. It is not Democracy it is pat for an tyranny.
If some hasn't courage to lied, than he cannot be lieder and he isn't man who is deserve respect.
Holly Koran say that only man who are have respect for other, man,women, children and oldest can take place to be a judge.
And no one have right to take the Book if he hasn't clear a mind and an hands.And who hasn't a dignity!

Monday 15 June 2009

Time for change

For change in Islamic Republic of Iran.
In the power of Iran stay man who hasn't same weight in policy like past Ayatollah Homeini.Who was create the Islamic Republic.
Supreme Islam lieder Ayatollah Khamnei must be change in the position,or he must resigned from function, now.
No one can be supreme lieder,who has have power to see lots of problem in the Islamic Republic.
Who is so weak,than not now who stay over this mess in Iran.
In first time, they tell the World and people that vote turn is 70%, but after less then one hour came information that voted more than 85% or more than 84%.
It is not possible that supreme lieder don't know about it. Or if it is possible, then he must have more courage to make have investigation, let say true, and than made more power attack on the people or organization which does this mess.
But, now is time to Khamnei leave position and made statesmen that for public about reason of this mess in the Islamic Republic.
Or he will be in the history known like man who is guilty for Iranian disaster.
After all is time for change.

Tuesday 9 June 2009

Who is in the charge

Did Barack Obama have courage to tell all at planet Earth who had right to told something at self candidature? Or he had haven't right to told something in self favored?
Now in real policy, he hasn't no one right to tell anybody what and when they must to think and do.
The reason stay at solution into administration of Obama President.
Real power is not at hand of President but in the hand of Vice President, and several US army staff member.
Because that, President hasn't real move at policy. He has contact with dictators at the Middle East, specially in the Saudi Kingdom.
Vice President had contact with wrong side in the same places. To did what?
If it is to made a war, he is fail!
If it is to made more secure and power Israel,too.
And after all, not full knowledge push up Mrs Hilary Clinton hasn't right person to make a some real in the policy of President Obama.
He want to have partnership with Russia and China, but then make mistakes in the more regions in the world.
Fight over Iran is troubleshot for the administration, they have look more seriously Iran democratic then it is any regime in the Gulf.
And present Obama like the person who have not right answers at real questions.

Sunday 10 May 2009

One bad allie

One small country stay at Balkan and wait to be organized like normal European state. This country has problem with most politicians at all level more then it has in the Pakistan.
Croatia is country with organized crime at all governing level. This county or government of this country do everything in the sponsoring the organized crime at Europe and Balkan specially.
They give protection at criminals like some notorious killers. Giving them the passports and official badges of secret police, to ordinate in the World.
Today is total clear how they are involve in the smuggling of drugs and arms over borders in the EU. But even at other places of the World.
The names of them is clear knowledge but, with official protection in the Republic Croatia isn't possible to remove this persons from political or public life. They have contacts with other mobs from countries like Albania, Montenegro, but Serbia and Bulgaria,too.
They have good contacts with local news editors and now they have some politicians in the contact at all governments place at the Balkan states.
In this positions, where even policy chiefs works for the them isn't possible to have good and of course democratic public regimes.
This guys has contacts with some extremist from Middle East, and they have move to sell information everybody who has money to pay it. Even it mean making a war between NATO and Russia.
In the Georgia they have contacts to relocating drug over this state, and in some case they are involved in the body transplant smuggling at the some EU's states. Specially Hungary and Czech Republic. With contacts into the president office at Czech presidency.
In this positions stay place to some, from EU Commission and State Department to take action to ask some people at government at Balkan states, especially in the Croatia something about organized crime and some people like Minister of Interior and some people from ex coalition government, now candidates at local elections,what they did when some people killed ex Serbian Prime Minister and several Albanian's witness at the Hague tribunal trials.
On other side some from the State Department must tell someone at Zagreb that come in NATO members place isn't position to they don't change relations at the Serbs and other minority at Croatia. But that they must change positions about Croatian Army,whose hasn't equipment to give strong support the force at Afghanistan and other places in the World, where it is necessary.

Friday 24 April 2009

Taliban in Pakistan created into White House

In one protection region at the Planet, some have try to find gold and minerals to supports self positions at political arena at this planet.
They are in believe how they have right to ordering to everybody do what they need to have creates new order at the World.
Lost in history, and without real vision of historical momentum here, and in confrontation with ethics, they do everything to make produces lots more of crisis. Not only one big crisis of economic system, but with security system,too.

Only one side in the World has position to give more power to the Taliban. In the both positions at Afghanistan and Pakistan,too. One small group whose has a lots information at from top.
In this moment they has contact with some guys into Saudi Arabia to reload money for big operations at the field in the North Pakistan. And which take the actions to push Obama at an action. Action impossible.
After that, everything is prepare for attacks over media, that the Mr. President isn't has competition to rule good and strong over situation in the States, and World,to.
They are sure, that Pakistan army hasn't capability to stop and make destroying the Taliban movement. But one moment had involved into self projections at the situtions.
No only one have power to make and destroying a others at the Planet.
This guys and girls comes from some part of US Navy and Army and they have mission to "protect" democracy in the World, possible in the States. They have connections with some Israelis and with some rights group at EU and South America. The former chief of them coming from the Administration top level, and have most powering influence at the Mr. President.
After Pakistan, come Sudan, and military operation there with Saudi support at the battlefield. And with Albanians cooperation in the intelligence support at it.
Iran, hasn't going to come the new world battlefield with one reason, named Russia and China.
But after this subversion take over and after the most prestigious actors in the World have knowledge about that, stay only one mission for Obama, to expel several guys with Emanuel at the top.

Making mistakes, and misery to protect undemocratic Israel is not good for Israel, and the World,too.
And in the politics, semi criminals and selfish persons haven't the place for exist.

Thursday 16 April 2009

Obama's advisers against Obama President

What is real position of the Mr. Predident? Has he any knowledge about real dangeres against him which exist in the White House? Has he a real friends into administration or we have to see one man at poison position to be defeat when some going to be wrong?
Now is time to tell something about guys whose has the meaning about a new world order."White guys", not because they are really white skin but because they are come from the business, the bank sectors, and they have believes how they are have the historic mission at protect the World from the socialistic treat.
They have some friends close to the Mr.President position and have more crucial information to make quick moving at the markets.To have make fictive changes at one post of the markets to the other post in the World.But with only one reason to reload money from government supporting and protection founds to the some places at the planet, from which they prefer to start new era in the history.
And now, when Mr. President start the visit in the vast zone of trafficking a everything, from money to the human organs,the Mexican capital. They pay lots from the support government's founds money to the trafficking bosses and corrupt officers to bust and expand war over Mexican towns and villages.
It is necessary for them to block the Mr. President's plan for new open policy against the south,powered counters, and to reopen new era into inter American dialog.
But, "the White Boys" have plane to Trinidad's council take to the scene for confrontation against this presidential plans and to make first quickie against so call most power man at the planet.
In contra actions is necessary to the move at now social policy, base at the small people with small and semi businesses. To going to have action for the make injection direct at small and semi companies on one side and at the other to have protect plan for poorest to remove criminal from the streets, not only in the States cities, but in the Mexican's,too.
In the action is necessary to remove from the House several high positioning personnel, remove from position at place some public officers, and make army officer volunteers for the new actions in the actions naming "Somalia power"!
Mr. President must leave position to be control from Biden, and several advisers for inter political issue, and from some persons whose have interest in the Middle Asia region.
Only in the join actions with old enemy, like Russia and China, he can start to be man for the history, and vicious against Islam fascist,what Taliban really are.
Persons whose have make advise Mr. President, that is time to have negotiation with Taliban isn't good for the US security, and the Word prosperity.
Teach that Holly Q'urhan has only one message for all, Love and dignity is the only way for total victory in the war for souls of the Muslim people in the World, and for the peace and prosperity. What mean that it is way for the reconciliation in the societies, and over it, in the markets,too.
You Mr. President must make have quick move to action, now in this moment to the TV addresses at whole Planet, with one word the dignity!

Sunday 5 April 2009

NATO lead the Serb

The big secret stay at door of NATO! The secret whose have disaster consequences for the Alliance and the security of the West.
It is one personal secret,deeply positioned at head of one men, who are the President.
He known what he is, and from where he come. He known something what is unpopular at NATO.
NATO hate this. Hate that have several defeat actions in the World.
But the most worst action was action at Balkan and Kosovo, over Serbia.
In the short but hurt war the Alliance lost not only face but dignity. Lost not one positions, but lost the trek to the east. Lost power, and something worst of it, cohesion.
Now, NATO hasn't power to crush the Taliban movement into middle Asia, and cannot have new war, against Iran, because the secret exist at a table.
Exist like the knowledge about the most powered arms in the Alliance position.
The war against Serbia leave the damage,who has known like have no precise in action by the military aviation of the Alliance. Now is known that the Alliance hasn't good personality at the field.And that many of a high officer into command structures of NATO have life like bureaucrats. Not like human beans.
And now the most powered secret of NATO lay at command structure. At a Head of NATO.
Because,lie don't have power, but only a true,NATO cannot have success at the field of war in Afghanistan or any else.
Only if high commander come by real democrat and not fascist like Danish PM is, then NATO can have right talk about democracy and humanity, dignity and other things.
But in moment where at the power positions in the Alliance step up Muslim hater and really rightist,NATO look like for the others in the World like Hitler's Wehrmacht, and SS troops. Where the most member was Danish, the Netherlanders , and of course some of France.
The doctrine of "drach naht ost" isn't democratic solutions, and in the both historian time had disasters point for both Napoleon,Kaiser, and Hitler,too.
The lie of unity over cries of others is the lie like death wound.
But mistake policy, and the big secret of one men is death for all member in the Alliance.
The big shuch at position in NATO is Serb!!!

Thursday 26 March 2009

Crisis live with dollar from international market

Sand of desert in the some market made mistakes in political try to resolve crisis. Many from EU do nothing to create only one pat for reconciliation. One but necessarily to stop big Bang in the global policy.
Stay and wait to some from US going to creating the resolve of problem for all is like standing and waiting to a sunk man coming at beach.
One big reason why situation is worst than it some want to acknowledge stay at position that economic international regime must stay at dollar like cornerstone in it.
Time is come to dollar going to history, and live place what has at several decades of last century. Now is time to create new money for international trade and of course something what is present much before than this recession come at scene. But some from guys into local US administration tells everybody that it isn't necessary, and that dollar is so strong like the States economy, that no one is need to try new. Today same said President Obama, but he not tell that two big power has total control over US treasury, and has full control over real situation into the administration department for treasury.
Non both of them want to lost money in turbulent economic turmoil whose crushing each day more than dozens company in the society whose lost a moral.
Dollar isn't current on the trade over other foreign currency, because the States Federal reserve hasn't foreign reserve and local deposit in the gold hasn't naff to solve all.
Situation is in mater that no one in the free world cannot have right to control economy, and put in everybody to stay in the prison if this make mess like US administration before and now do.
That dollar is weak tell us message coming from Mrs.Clinton which is best into to does proclamation of war if some want to does what she and her assistants believe isn't true.
Obama's speech few days before at press conference has green light for attack at the states whose want to protect self from bankruptcy in the US.
In first time everybody known that he take preliminary order to the US command at South Pacific to take mass operation over and against North Korea, but even against China.
It is make in the moment when Berstain tell to the private conversation by J. Biden that money isn't exist in the treasure of US.
Few moment after, the prominent member of the administration step up to bit some new war, like one against North Korea and Iran together.
After this time is come to US step down from economic tron and time is to some international over body take control at the global markets. Time is to UN come like independent institution financing from this market in contribution of stock market only one true institution which has right to make order in the World.
Five percent from market global trade like tax income in the UN IMF come to protect the world from other crisis and a wars.
With trillions in dept, and money over pay in the market around world US dollar isn't stability currency. Because, more money in the market mean inflation at market. And crisis going pump in disaster.
Live dollar like international currency is only true pat for economic rescue plan to be implementing and that crisis be solve like global problem.

Saturday 21 March 2009

Social clean at political scene in US

The real situation at US is worst then ever it had been.
Lots US citizens have lost jobs at minute by minute each day. No reform exist to prevent catastrophe and to give more power in resolve the great problem which knock at door each time when some family lost prosperity.
US now has not right to tell everybody how is as real super power in today world. Because, superpower is state whose has power to protect not self integrity but integrity of each domestic citizen,too.
Today the States hasn't potent to serve for all,to remove crisis from door of ordinary people. No exist an bill for punish everybody who use state money not for reconsideration,but in private, personal mater.
Union hasn't real power to tell the war industry that isn't time to rebuild US Army and Navy.
Because, the money not exist and time isn't good for it. But good is is sentences made from Mr. Obama, that relationship with Iran must be creating on to cooperation and better knowledge about real potential of Iranian uranium program.
Israel in this method must be put at an corner. It is dangerous country, with instability in democracy.
State whose want to take bigger role at Middle East, than really has potential.
But if US policy hasn't independence from Israel it is great reason for fear.
New war,bigger crisis and after all disaster for whole world is real perspective.
Now in the States and whole World we need more peace constructive talks, and actions going to resolving this mounts crisis.
Swash up tend towns in the US city suburbs isn't real method to protect economy and society.
Crisis is growing because more politicians in the State hasn't real human capacity to give solutions for restore of American society. Because, they come from capitalists who are create crisis and they are give the promotion for local fall at deep depreciation in the last decade.
Remove this guys is real path for reconciliations. Obama you are at move!

Tuesday 17 March 2009

Without Clinton,whithout crisis

Today is totally clear that a policy of some stance into D.C. has not practice knowledge how to resolve crisis and than put at way better solutions for all.
Today is pure how many verbs is lost in the translation of political market made from some guru of ex-President Clinton administration.
They use many orthodox methods to change situation in which now is US and World, too.
But in the message made from President Obama, they cannot put some good method for resolve crisis, and make some new in the local economy, but in the society,too.
They told Mr. President -"Now isn't time to do some radical or revolutionary, but he must give messages how is clear that Washington have plan, but plan is so big and complex that be give into public now".
They have not power to make new US and Word,too. Because, they are, some of them, creators of so call Clinton era, which made some mistakes for today. And do some so call radical, mean that they must tell everybody at Planet that they are guilty for crisis, not less than last Administration of Mr. Bush.
Indolence, corruption,economical and political frauds is something create in the middle 90th of twenty century. In days of US expansions in the planetary political space. In time where were some war is install like bomb into US arms.
Only total break with past, specially with Clinton era is way for reconciliation in the market and policy. Not revolutionary method but real pat for salve from crisis is way to do what is necessary to done. If it isn't possibly it mean more and more fouls, paints,and then revolutionary reactions at US society.
New regulations about politicians, about policy methods and new orders about policy financing give the way for massive and quick reconciliation, less poverty and mass salve the work places. Than it is only way for crisis beat.

Friday 6 March 2009

Obama,clown or President

Few mounts from inauguration, Mr. President Barack Obama do nothing to resolve more and more problems whose step up after they had more years stay down from public opinion.
Problems are not only in Iraq or Afghanistan,but in Middle Asia,too.Problem by Pakistan and India,problem with Israel, and more than ever problem in the House.
Mr. President has problem with Administration, and some people into it. Nobody cannot say that everything is shine in the US Government. Where position of Mr.President are worst than it possibly. In so call cooperation with self enemy, Mr.President does more mistake than former American President Bush.
Why he stay away from real policy, and give more places one non regular person like Hilary R. Clinton? Which make a gaff to gaff, every place where she was like State Secreter.
Or policy of Mr. President is different from proclamation at he made in elections?! Policy whose blow up positions of US into modern World. Where some so call ally has benefits even they made mistakes and fullish. Israel example have right problem to State Secreter made bitter words when she came at the place. Or has she knowledge to protect US policy in the Europe, if she isn't make first trip not in the NATO or EU, but into hurt of "evil" in Moscow?!
Mr. President has big problem when he start policy in the World with aboard visit to Ottawa or when he had met with Mr. G. Brown,UK Prime Minister. Not for the meting, but for discourse. Isn't nice to said that is nice to have some on aside, if it mean the aggression,breaking of International Law, and at the end some new colonial presence at some part of the Word, Africa or Asia.
Policy in the States has the worst predict. Nothing with new, reforms stay away, but more and more Americans is so hurt with total crisis, which make harsh in the society.
More and more are in the big double over Obama's role in the US policy. And even big supporters try to find what is happen with this Mr. President.
Is it President or clown? The big poser in the White House.
Now is time to do some big, and not to support policy from Hilary Clinton,like policy against Sudan,over ICC. Because it is big mistake, and make bad for this international institution.
Policy that war, can be made over the court isn't nice, and may create instability like it made wrong economic policy several decades ago, from Washington.

Tuesday 17 February 2009


Today is pass one memory day for all at EU. In these day one year ago,the some states come with recognition for Kosovo, Serbian province for decades. In these moment was one small foolish for Kosovo Albanians. They believe than and today that they are made some historical point,but in real they stay away from history and prosperity!
EU member states with active push from the former US administration take actions to make new states not because they believe into some good reason, or because they have sympathy for Kosovo Albanians. No, they have the pragmatic thing onto minds.
In West Europe live and work more than million ethnic Albanians, who are in many case came and tried political assail, because they "have problems with Serbian regime",more with democratic regime in Belgrade than in Miloshevic era.
In several years of international "protection" over Kosovo,the smuggling , organize crime and flushing from Kosovo rapidly grow month by month. And few days before "recognitions", EU states has problem to decide what to dose with it. Deported them into Serbia, was not a good idea, much worst than put more Albanians into asil centers at EU territory.
After all, came MR. Ahtissari with nothing, and EU states with US taken it like good opinion for resolve.The "Independent" Kosovo like big azil camp for thousand had formed and came like big cake for local Kosovo population, most predominate Albanians.
Today one year after, Kosovo isn't independent,isn't state, and isn't society with independent and united populations. More than half of so call Kosovo citizens does not recognize Kosovo like state, not only Serbs, but other,too.
Democracy isn't exists.THuling establishment have autocratic manure in make at a government. Organize crime is import in Kosovo and make more than 80% GDP of local economy. Poverty has high rate at Europe, but in the World,too.
After all, EU has not solve problem at Balkan peninsula. EU creat more others problems, with crime, with poverty and hates at all levels in this part of continent.
The EU states now have one more problem, Serbia with Russia at back. This tandem now have more power than ever it have before. Serbia with legal confrontation with EU can take two. First to take money for illegal decisions of some EU states and US, and second Russia can take steps to push at brink EU in international relations, even they did with Georgia last year, and give more support to Serbian quick application to the Union. To break out long distance for membership with EU.
In both time, the West can have see how is so weak. How they are make mistakes and how they are in positions to locking at relations with Islamic World so big shit. No one in policy and so call analytical caste can say that they are not know about catastrophe named Kosovo, no industry produce, no money, no cultural establish, no infrastructure, no unity, and over all,no democracy. Without that illusory was that some state can exist at Europe. After broke Helsinki Act and International Law, they have total destroy policy. The West cannot have right to tell anything about law broken in the World or they cannot have power to critics nobody for law violations.
At other part EULEX is expensive project with no future, and without legal support from UN and others big players at the planet this project hasn't real power to change anything.
EULEX today is in situation to be name for disaster. In high corrupt space,what Kosovo is. EULEX staff isn't real grant for better future for real talk Serbia semi independent province Kosovo.It is real, everything other is falls and make problem worst.

Tuesday 10 February 2009

Iranian birthday

Not now is fine to remove presence of Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinedgad from the presidency. In today, when Iranian revolution celebrate twenty years of inauguration and imam Khomeini came at the power.
This revolution give up more than one solutions for the future for Iran Islamic Republic. In these historical days this revolutions came like revenge after years and years of mistaken support to the Shah and so colonial local elite, which hasn't motions for populations suffers and at dismissed moral codex in Iran over twenty years ago.
Today Iran has more problems, from economical to the ethnic problems with minority into Islam regime. But this problems will be much worst than it was into Saudi Araby where a non Muslim and non Sunni groups, special Shiites hasn't any right.
In Iran this problem is present, and a nobody want to put it out from ayes. But talk about that,because more than 30% of all population isn't Persians,but minority. Big problem for Iran is dispersions of population, and mix up of them between each other. Presence of Azeri population in the northwest Iran for many years was lethal problem for young republic, but now with more ties between Iran and Azerbaijan, this problem was resume.
Stay more problematic issues with Kurd who are minority into five countries, but in most of them majority at places where they live.
In the sanctions regime, Iran stay stabilize and monolith even they have diversity into Islamic Republic. Because that everybody who try to make policy over Iran must step down from old cliche, and must give a more support for young who are in the way for try to change regime inside of Islamic Republic.It mean give more support for educations and science into Iran,and than give more pledge for culture exchange with this great culture.
Responsible politicians must give, and than try to going to take some scores but never ever try to with sanctions make so call better Iran. Republic with more differences but tolerant more than some Arab states for others, Jews too.
Now is time to take celebrate for Islamic Republic of Iran. More prosperity and better policy inside and outside wish to it!What is necessary for the real future of Iran. Iran is great only if all inside of Republic have right at a decent life.

Thursday 5 February 2009

Chaney must be quite

In this time of big recession at planetary panel, is time to make the big decisions into common life or all planet can take big mess at long time.
Because that, Mr. President Obama, time is to promoting the new strategics view at global panel and make the new political decisions into connections with great global players like Russia and China is.
In opposite situation we can expect some heavy consequences into the World. Not only in political dimensions of relations between US and this two great players but even into relations with the others states into the World. The States are very weak in this moment, and haven't real power to promote different policy from policy of cooperation on the way with much more states in the World than it was to today.
In protections some has plan to going to ruling over democratic institutions in the States, and than to with a money going to give a populist proclamations about a real situation in the World. And than to make a mess against others into the World,in time when a situation in domestic relations take a worst. It is same policy who had came from former administration of President Bush. And this rhetorically now support and tray to implement former Vice President Dick Chaney. Men who are really guilt for massacres into more than dozens world's battlefields. Examples You can take in the Kosovo,Georgia, and of course Middle East.
Every time when the government policy step down, he had came with some war against so call an undemocratic regime and a group,too.
Now when he and they are minority in the local policy,intervenes against Your policy is big treat. Same cliche they used around world. In US,too.
Because that Mr. Obama must take the legal measure over former the Vice President and his assistants if You have want not take obstructions and political murder.
The case of President Kennedy is the big peasant over US neck , and one more can be fatal for the States presence into world's arena. Now You have positions and place to over load this treat from all of us,and do it now!

Wednesday 28 January 2009

Administrations rebuild

Not one time we have to see how much is problem with Israel worst than it is present into public.
Government of Israel does everything to blowing up initiative of US President, and some eminent persons into a international policy.Israelis does such an things what isn't tolerate not even some so close allies of the States.
  • The bombing Gaza after the truce is nightmare for all at the World.The big headache, in the moment when crisis at an economic field where were exist lots small tragedy, and where is present lots of frauds into a policy and an society, too.
Build up one of impossible crisis in modern era, and making some true disgusting things, on one side, bust problems at another side. And it isn't problem between two entity but problem with in civilizations orders. It boost more and more an social turbulent and than make a big problem not only at Middle East, but all around World.
Made problems into resolving of crisis, with the money from big oil producers,specially from Islam World.
Yes, some have support from so call moderate regime into this World but it isn't so smart. On a moment big intolerance into societies of moderate regime, can make a revolution movements like Iranian Revolution, and than you can take more trouble than you have now, without Israelis attack over Gaza.
The support from moderate Arab regime is so costly, than any democracy regime into this World. Colonial era had closed after first half of 20th century, and now is time to have new ties with this nations, if you want to have quite dreams. And the less expenses, too.
Into economy isn't nice to have some state like Israel whose broke law, and whose has money support from the State economy. It isn't smart for many reason, but not more than ever for reason coming from the markets.
New era into policy at the East must be build on new wive at global economy. Without support from some big players at global arena,the States can come an big loser.
So, Mr.President must take some steps to pull out persons from self, who hasn't sensibility for it.

Friday 23 January 2009

Handball Champion Cup in Croatia

Is anybody look at Handball championship into Croatia?
If are you one of them, you can see some liturgy at an stadium and around. People coming at match only in high number when is play match domestic thaem, and then is visible how it is not so cute and nice.
Everything is like Roman era. When people have not money for breath, than Roman Emperors geave them more plays.
Nobody now into Croatia have right to ask some cute questions around money and expectations from all. They have not money for poor people, ill people, unemployment people, but politicians use this Championship to promote self party, and to tell people with nationalistic rhetoric something about Croats supremacy and better view at Croatia from outside.
Who come with questions, become has traitor. Same like Roman Empire's time. But today without lions into arenas.
Lions are reporters who are politician's messenger, who take words to punish so call traitors.
They not have info about tourist over come to Croatia in this time,and nothing they tell to public about real costs, and they don't ask somebody about nationalistic rhetoric and ambles at sports arena. Flags with Ustase heraldic and scrims made from same Nazi movement.
Government is silence!
Not know how mach money is launder and who has presence into it over this big lie.

Monday 19 January 2009

Speech for Obama, President

Mr. Barack H. Obama come from some part of US society, so long pushed at end of history and so long discriminated and segregated that was incredible that was possible to some from this population of US society could had victory at elections for US President.
But it is even have see clear it isn't so correct. Obama is white man who has some dark spot of skin and less knowledge about black into US than any other President before him.
You Mr. Obama must take new positions against the society at first step into inauguration speech.
You mast tell every world that you hasn't an mission to move mountains, but you has position to take control over a direction with World, and US,too. And than you can lead in the reconciliations and changes for better future.
You must tell fellow Americans that you are only men, and that you had what you had been in the past. But tell you want to see more friends, than enemies than you has see now around yourself and US.
You must tell that some into the States have bad will to remove democracy, and to promote selfish interests over public interest. And that it isn't only some politicians, but more others who have power in the States.
Tell everybody that crisis isn't predictable and not short durable, but something what have destroy power against many things. And because, you call for unity. But try to stay up divergent in public and World. Divergence over policy and mind. And less divergence in the prosperity and economic harmony.
Call with name enemies and call for help friends. Give few promises, and give less phrases over better future,and about timetable of the crisis.
Take care about words against some population, but broke so hard hate and tirany. Call for social justice, and preach about Gaza. Call Jewish to step down with Zionism and give more for democracy for all in Israel.
Call Saudi Araby to take the some move against financing terrorism and to open door for other religions into the Kingdom. Tell something about mess into US Army, and urge others to with open mind and hart step to US and you.
And have take promise that International Law and Human Rights is your primary goals in has take action.
Be brave, and don't use script in your speech!

Friday 16 January 2009

One plaine, one river, same scenario

Now is clear who is over this operations, named Leaked plum.
This two darker into White House has plan to step down with stile, and gonna the hell new Mister President. Two big mouths into Washington given order to the our Cabinet to take action against Hamas. And than to destroying every positions at Gaza Strip. To the blaze Gaza Strip.
They both want to leave an bloody place into security that they never be call to the court into Strassbourg.
They believe that nobody can have information about this plan. They was sure into security information from battlefield into Gaza Strip that action at a field is secure to success. That at a field exist a people who are ready to give help our forces in advance.
But now when it look at,it like big lie. They take the media and administration resource to change the all opinions waive at Gaza massacres.
They like seventh years ago use plane from NY airport La Guardia to put out real domestic problem out of waive all US citizens and few others Westerns.
They are shut down plain with 155 people at board and five crew members, too. They made show over the potential tragedy, and it use to close the opinion pressure over situation at Gaza Strip, but not only there. Even in US, situation destroyed.
At battlefield we have lot and lot lost. More and more our soldiers have problems with memory, with concentration, and the others take wounds into close battle against Hamas Indians.
Bush and Rice want to going at history like big such. Like great lieder.
But they are only two criminals who must go on the big trial, at court into Strassbourg. Not only for killed Palestinans but more for our souls, and Israel.
They took Israel Defense Force to remove scar face of out going administration, and after that they blow up any possibility for peace, and truce.
She has dark into soul, and she does most trouble things. But now she done something worst. In fake believe that US and she is so long at Hamas, she given up sings for more dies and more misery at Holly Land. And IDF is path to gone.

Tuesday 13 January 2009

Victory in desert

This day front line no more exist at Gaza battlefield. Israeli Army lost dozens armor vehicle,tanks, and other technical material at this field of hell. More and more Israeli soldiers live battlefield without something, life, leg, arm, and other parts of body and soul.
So many desert, and live this place. Many lose main mind, and live some at nice place.At other side, several hundred man and woman is blasted and burn.
Our helicopter and planes take revenge against normal civilians. More and more home destructed, and killing more and more innocent.
On other side we can see more and more ships at sea. It isn't our ships.
Into battle we have heavy casualties. Now one more big such is dead, several is wounded,and this Indians took at field several our planes. They today take air battle against our drones, because we are blind and haven't real contact withe therein.
Territory of Gaza is our hell. Every minute die somebody, and nobody care for reality and that our mayor part of Army is in the big trap.
Some guy change positions, and now gain into war for our enemies. They named "Sons of David".
The fight is lost. No body after that can come and say that they are vicious. In this moment no exist mercy. Dead took even our wounded soldiers.
Some guy into Tel Aviv tell for news that we are in advance. This fuck an mother is spokesman for what?
At Egyptian side of border, some guys have see big move, about millions take part at our south border. This picnic, what one lost soldier said, now start to be a nightmare.
Another bomb of two tons blast near hear, and we are lost memory. This guys into plains have order to kill all..... More and more soldiers blasts fatherland, and live this place.

Friday 9 January 2009

Repubic Israel for Jews survive

Situation at Middle East is confusion. Israel is lost war, Palestinians lost dignity and others lost face in the last Middle east battle.
Israel lost more than hundred people, and Palestinians seventh time more.
Israelis has few hundreds people wounded and Palestinians twelfth time more.
But something is different and stay at Palestinian side.It is morality and victory.
Israel is come on war to broke Palestinian Islamic Movement and than make positions to take rules to the PLO. To ordered how Palestinians has to make the state at self rules territories. But now when come UN resolutions, when everybody can see how Israeli Army isn't capability to destroy minor enemy like Hamas is.That is reason to all planet take measure against regime who future of Israel take into political self promotion at new Israeli parliament election.
More people dead into this two weeks than into month with war against Hezboallah two years ago.
But last two weeks Israeli Army did more into prevent public opinion to see at real situation at the field used more than ever censors into communications with media. O that war loose war into first moment of the action at the field. When no one West reporter cannot take footage over a real situation into Gaza.
Now Israel can see how has heavy lost over media battle into Gaza war. No more state, non into World has simpatico for Israeli waive at current situation at the field.
After all Israeli supreme court most react and take decisions over the another meas calculation of political elite into Israel. And some guy most be taken at court to take this decision, after the another lost war.
Into Israel must be change not only policy but even constitution! Israel must be real democratic state, with Army out of policy, with abandon to the former officers to take positions at political parties. Israel must step up like Republic of all who are Israeli citizen, and not proclaim but exist apartheid must step down from real life of Republic Israel. Democratic state, with less war,but more friends. With more supporters than enemies. If it is new path for future, it is path for survive Jews into Holly Land.

Monday 5 January 2009

No more Israeli exsist

Sad day for all Israelis! Today Israel lost 12000 young life in the historical battle into Gaza against the World.
This day will be commemorated in Israel if after this day stay exist anymore. Only in few hours IDF has worst loses than they have into previous war together. Three general is dead, eight colonels, few dozens other officers and hundreds soldiers leave this world without Israeli know about that.
Others are into mass trap,where died each minute more then one unit in close clashes with enemies whose come from everywhere, and have more and more. One gone, and dozen come at his place.
Even our bombardiers targeting our positions, and make situation much worst than it is. Onto TV some guy from high command tells that we are catered Gaza at parts, but it is big fullish. We are into circuit. We are lost. Such same situation whose had Caster at Little Big Horn.
We are lost more than hundred vehicle. Mercava tanks isn't usable. Even others heavy machines isn't nice to see. It drive some guy from Romania,because that we need translators. Our communications is in Hamas hands. At our frequencies we can hear Arabic words. In this moment our drone failed target, and kill our tank. Some tell us that we are lost two planes, and several choppers. Who knows?
Our special forces deserted, some of this guys shooting to civilians. Mess, big mess, and who is guilty for it?
Our transport Cobra choppers, coming and take over our head wounded and dead, blood swamp from there. And in Israel nobody know about that. Is it democracy for whom we dead? Lies is much deadly than bullet. It must know Mrs. Livni,isn't true?
We are lost history, and souls. No one tomorrow will be safe into Israel, another war is lost!

Saturday 3 January 2009

Gaza has destiny

Day for Israeli decisions is come. Now has Israel chance to choose with which way they wont to go.
Israeli decisions will forming history on both side of Earth. Incursion into Gaza is only one dimension of this decisions. Other is that it will be question of survive Judaism and Israel,too.
If IDF come into Gaza strip, than political elite into Israel must have knowledge that it mean the straggly Battle house by house, and street by street with millions. Which have support billions in the World,and it on the end of incursions mean the total condemnation of Israel.
Sentences made from Condolisa Rice and George W.Bush is not good for Israel, because made relativism at Jewish victims from the Nazi concentrate camps. No one victim, no one people cannot be guilty immediate than they try to live and exist into modern history. How some like black women Rice can tell that Palestinians, Gazans are guilty for Israeli assault, it is like she said that black people into US is guilty for slavery and worst,for apartheid and segregation.
On other side Bush coming from pro Nazi family and he has the specific view at Judaism and Jewish into history. This administration with cooperation into Israeli government has plan how to destroying State of Israel and make new crisis at Middle East,like an continual crisis into global contacts.
Faith to Hamas isn't Israeli primary interest , because a war can make everybody but some have power to stop it, and after that proclaim victory.
With tanks into urban areas IDF can has only more lost in techniques and people,too. After all withdraw from Gaza everybody can call IDF destroy. Even censors take job over true, now is known that IDF have lost one Brigade general and two colonels. With dozen wounded and kill soldiers and people all around Gaza.