Tuesday 17 February 2009


Today is pass one memory day for all at EU. In these day one year ago,the some states come with recognition for Kosovo, Serbian province for decades. In these moment was one small foolish for Kosovo Albanians. They believe than and today that they are made some historical point,but in real they stay away from history and prosperity!
EU member states with active push from the former US administration take actions to make new states not because they believe into some good reason, or because they have sympathy for Kosovo Albanians. No, they have the pragmatic thing onto minds.
In West Europe live and work more than million ethnic Albanians, who are in many case came and tried political assail, because they "have problems with Serbian regime",more with democratic regime in Belgrade than in Miloshevic era.
In several years of international "protection" over Kosovo,the smuggling , organize crime and flushing from Kosovo rapidly grow month by month. And few days before "recognitions", EU states has problem to decide what to dose with it. Deported them into Serbia, was not a good idea, much worst than put more Albanians into asil centers at EU territory.
After all, came MR. Ahtissari with nothing, and EU states with US taken it like good opinion for resolve.The "Independent" Kosovo like big azil camp for thousand had formed and came like big cake for local Kosovo population, most predominate Albanians.
Today one year after, Kosovo isn't independent,isn't state, and isn't society with independent and united populations. More than half of so call Kosovo citizens does not recognize Kosovo like state, not only Serbs, but other,too.
Democracy isn't exists.THuling establishment have autocratic manure in make at a government. Organize crime is import in Kosovo and make more than 80% GDP of local economy. Poverty has high rate at Europe, but in the World,too.
After all, EU has not solve problem at Balkan peninsula. EU creat more others problems, with crime, with poverty and hates at all levels in this part of continent.
The EU states now have one more problem, Serbia with Russia at back. This tandem now have more power than ever it have before. Serbia with legal confrontation with EU can take two. First to take money for illegal decisions of some EU states and US, and second Russia can take steps to push at brink EU in international relations, even they did with Georgia last year, and give more support to Serbian quick application to the Union. To break out long distance for membership with EU.
In both time, the West can have see how is so weak. How they are make mistakes and how they are in positions to locking at relations with Islamic World so big shit. No one in policy and so call analytical caste can say that they are not know about catastrophe named Kosovo, no industry produce, no money, no cultural establish, no infrastructure, no unity, and over all,no democracy. Without that illusory was that some state can exist at Europe. After broke Helsinki Act and International Law, they have total destroy policy. The West cannot have right to tell anything about law broken in the World or they cannot have power to critics nobody for law violations.
At other part EULEX is expensive project with no future, and without legal support from UN and others big players at the planet this project hasn't real power to change anything.
EULEX today is in situation to be name for disaster. In high corrupt space,what Kosovo is. EULEX staff isn't real grant for better future for real talk Serbia semi independent province Kosovo.It is real, everything other is falls and make problem worst.

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