Friday 6 March 2009

Obama,clown or President

Few mounts from inauguration, Mr. President Barack Obama do nothing to resolve more and more problems whose step up after they had more years stay down from public opinion.
Problems are not only in Iraq or Afghanistan,but in Middle Asia,too.Problem by Pakistan and India,problem with Israel, and more than ever problem in the House.
Mr. President has problem with Administration, and some people into it. Nobody cannot say that everything is shine in the US Government. Where position of Mr.President are worst than it possibly. In so call cooperation with self enemy, Mr.President does more mistake than former American President Bush.
Why he stay away from real policy, and give more places one non regular person like Hilary R. Clinton? Which make a gaff to gaff, every place where she was like State Secreter.
Or policy of Mr. President is different from proclamation at he made in elections?! Policy whose blow up positions of US into modern World. Where some so call ally has benefits even they made mistakes and fullish. Israel example have right problem to State Secreter made bitter words when she came at the place. Or has she knowledge to protect US policy in the Europe, if she isn't make first trip not in the NATO or EU, but into hurt of "evil" in Moscow?!
Mr. President has big problem when he start policy in the World with aboard visit to Ottawa or when he had met with Mr. G. Brown,UK Prime Minister. Not for the meting, but for discourse. Isn't nice to said that is nice to have some on aside, if it mean the aggression,breaking of International Law, and at the end some new colonial presence at some part of the Word, Africa or Asia.
Policy in the States has the worst predict. Nothing with new, reforms stay away, but more and more Americans is so hurt with total crisis, which make harsh in the society.
More and more are in the big double over Obama's role in the US policy. And even big supporters try to find what is happen with this Mr. President.
Is it President or clown? The big poser in the White House.
Now is time to do some big, and not to support policy from Hilary Clinton,like policy against Sudan,over ICC. Because it is big mistake, and make bad for this international institution.
Policy that war, can be made over the court isn't nice, and may create instability like it made wrong economic policy several decades ago, from Washington.

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