Thursday 5 February 2009

Chaney must be quite

In this time of big recession at planetary panel, is time to make the big decisions into common life or all planet can take big mess at long time.
Because that, Mr. President Obama, time is to promoting the new strategics view at global panel and make the new political decisions into connections with great global players like Russia and China is.
In opposite situation we can expect some heavy consequences into the World. Not only in political dimensions of relations between US and this two great players but even into relations with the others states into the World. The States are very weak in this moment, and haven't real power to promote different policy from policy of cooperation on the way with much more states in the World than it was to today.
In protections some has plan to going to ruling over democratic institutions in the States, and than to with a money going to give a populist proclamations about a real situation in the World. And than to make a mess against others into the World,in time when a situation in domestic relations take a worst. It is same policy who had came from former administration of President Bush. And this rhetorically now support and tray to implement former Vice President Dick Chaney. Men who are really guilt for massacres into more than dozens world's battlefields. Examples You can take in the Kosovo,Georgia, and of course Middle East.
Every time when the government policy step down, he had came with some war against so call an undemocratic regime and a group,too.
Now when he and they are minority in the local policy,intervenes against Your policy is big treat. Same cliche they used around world. In US,too.
Because that Mr. Obama must take the legal measure over former the Vice President and his assistants if You have want not take obstructions and political murder.
The case of President Kennedy is the big peasant over US neck , and one more can be fatal for the States presence into world's arena. Now You have positions and place to over load this treat from all of us,and do it now!

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