Monday 19 January 2009

Speech for Obama, President

Mr. Barack H. Obama come from some part of US society, so long pushed at end of history and so long discriminated and segregated that was incredible that was possible to some from this population of US society could had victory at elections for US President.
But it is even have see clear it isn't so correct. Obama is white man who has some dark spot of skin and less knowledge about black into US than any other President before him.
You Mr. Obama must take new positions against the society at first step into inauguration speech.
You mast tell every world that you hasn't an mission to move mountains, but you has position to take control over a direction with World, and US,too. And than you can lead in the reconciliations and changes for better future.
You must tell fellow Americans that you are only men, and that you had what you had been in the past. But tell you want to see more friends, than enemies than you has see now around yourself and US.
You must tell that some into the States have bad will to remove democracy, and to promote selfish interests over public interest. And that it isn't only some politicians, but more others who have power in the States.
Tell everybody that crisis isn't predictable and not short durable, but something what have destroy power against many things. And because, you call for unity. But try to stay up divergent in public and World. Divergence over policy and mind. And less divergence in the prosperity and economic harmony.
Call with name enemies and call for help friends. Give few promises, and give less phrases over better future,and about timetable of the crisis.
Take care about words against some population, but broke so hard hate and tirany. Call for social justice, and preach about Gaza. Call Jewish to step down with Zionism and give more for democracy for all in Israel.
Call Saudi Araby to take the some move against financing terrorism and to open door for other religions into the Kingdom. Tell something about mess into US Army, and urge others to with open mind and hart step to US and you.
And have take promise that International Law and Human Rights is your primary goals in has take action.
Be brave, and don't use script in your speech!

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