Thursday 16 April 2009

Obama's advisers against Obama President

What is real position of the Mr. Predident? Has he any knowledge about real dangeres against him which exist in the White House? Has he a real friends into administration or we have to see one man at poison position to be defeat when some going to be wrong?
Now is time to tell something about guys whose has the meaning about a new world order."White guys", not because they are really white skin but because they are come from the business, the bank sectors, and they have believes how they are have the historic mission at protect the World from the socialistic treat.
They have some friends close to the Mr.President position and have more crucial information to make quick moving at the markets.To have make fictive changes at one post of the markets to the other post in the World.But with only one reason to reload money from government supporting and protection founds to the some places at the planet, from which they prefer to start new era in the history.
And now, when Mr. President start the visit in the vast zone of trafficking a everything, from money to the human organs,the Mexican capital. They pay lots from the support government's founds money to the trafficking bosses and corrupt officers to bust and expand war over Mexican towns and villages.
It is necessary for them to block the Mr. President's plan for new open policy against the south,powered counters, and to reopen new era into inter American dialog.
But, "the White Boys" have plane to Trinidad's council take to the scene for confrontation against this presidential plans and to make first quickie against so call most power man at the planet.
In contra actions is necessary to the move at now social policy, base at the small people with small and semi businesses. To going to have action for the make injection direct at small and semi companies on one side and at the other to have protect plan for poorest to remove criminal from the streets, not only in the States cities, but in the Mexican's,too.
In the action is necessary to remove from the House several high positioning personnel, remove from position at place some public officers, and make army officer volunteers for the new actions in the actions naming "Somalia power"!
Mr. President must leave position to be control from Biden, and several advisers for inter political issue, and from some persons whose have interest in the Middle Asia region.
Only in the join actions with old enemy, like Russia and China, he can start to be man for the history, and vicious against Islam fascist,what Taliban really are.
Persons whose have make advise Mr. President, that is time to have negotiation with Taliban isn't good for the US security, and the Word prosperity.
Teach that Holly Q'urhan has only one message for all, Love and dignity is the only way for total victory in the war for souls of the Muslim people in the World, and for the peace and prosperity. What mean that it is way for the reconciliation in the societies, and over it, in the markets,too.
You Mr. President must make have quick move to action, now in this moment to the TV addresses at whole Planet, with one word the dignity!

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