Saturday 17 December 2016

Ukraine political situation at US

Who has believe that is possible to have fascism from the left political side?

Nobody, maybe, but it is possible.
When we are looking at mainstream media, we are clear that fascism can has brown color, a mix two different color, grey and red.

It comes like problem after US presidential elections, where win Mr. Donald Trump, like semi-independent presidential candidate,  who has support from so different part of the society. From far right to the liberal left.

On other wing, we have to saw, democrat candidate who come with mass support from big media corporation, who made PR, how she is real presenter of so call, human rights and democracy, even everybody could find documents, how she spoken in many cases. From situation in Africa, to situation over so call democratic revolution in Ukraine.

In both of this action, she had associates which had miss lead info about real situation at the field.

After all, we had fear that how she had capabilities to lead the whole World in global disaster, in a global war.

She hadn't  true capabilities to be a world lieder. What is clear over e-mails whose come from her political side, and where was clear how she had been manipulated person.

Situation in Syria is the clear fact of her impropriety to make a clear decisions. When she made the open contacts with so call democrat forces in these country, for whose she had collected info, that they predominately is Islamic radicals, which for prime point in a fight of them, was sectarian war.
The war whose for the fact have interest, to remove all minorities, especially Shia Muslims, and Christians, but other religious and national groups at the field.

She did nothing against Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt, after several attacks against local churches, killings and reaps did not be naff for her to make cleat actions against new ally at the field.

No actions exist when, so call IS attacked against Jaside minority in Iraq, where we had to saw starvation of the ancient nation.

The list of fails which she made is so long. Some things from the list can be called like war crimes, and crimes against humanity, specially things which she made in Libya.

But in open overthrow, against democratic elected President of Ukraine, Mr. Janukovich, when even they know about all difficulties, whose have impact on the stability of the state, it made support action  over false info  that it supported from exclusively democratic forces.

After all, the truth stay in the same way like it had been in Egypt. The supporter and associates at the field was far right nationalist groups, who made worst crime against opponents and minorities member. What push Ukraine in civil war.

In these action she, and people around her, made same things what they did at Presidential elections. They broken democracy, and they fill a mass media with lies, to make fake pictures about real situation in the States and World.
These media did things whose we believe that had been possible in fascist regimes, and Stalinist USSR.
For real and proof democratic relations in policy, we try to the media out of a stadium, with real stand on true source,to make news. Out of ideology approach select  at the so call non exist left liberalism.

Sunday 4 December 2016

Italy is not Austria, but it is picture of fall policy

EU today is not stay i the same form. The victory of leftist onto Presidential election in Austria, has not necessary power to push all Europe on the track.

The differences between north and south of this continent is so high than it can be solve by only one election victory of leftist candidate on the election. In the state whose has special relations with Moscow and whose stay neutral in the many decades from the WWII.
Constitutional Act of Federal Republic Austria made in 1953, and finally signed in the 1956, was signed by all Allies from the war, and mine that no one in the "old lady" has right to do without permissions from all who was involved in the constituency of Austria, different things signed in the act.

On the other way, situation with miss leading and lost referendum in Italy, is much worst for the Union, because it coming clear how  miss leading policy from the Union President, and EU Commission, from the time when they do mistake order to intervene and dismantle constitutional order in Ukraine, even they have more worst situation with human rights and situation with law disorder on the Union south east, Romania, Bulgaria, Croatia, but even in many neighbor non member states. But for reason whose stay in growing economical dysfunctions, in time when fallen policy coming like a boomerang in the economy for most part of the Union, what pushed in several time Moscow with economic sanction against most prominent industry from EU,  internal policy in most member countries stay to be same like we had to saw near last WW.
On the markets only what have buyers is some derivatives. Bank sector has problem with money fluctuation,and liquidity.
Real interest rates drop near zero for savings, but a money cost for investors is much more expensive,and for reason that many banks have growing passive, what is impossible to wash up, only bigger players can expect to get a money in a account.  
In Italy it mean that social differences between big company, and small investors growing so fast, and coming like tsunami in the labor market,where instability at the work places for worker, going up on the common market, where we see how it is in plum.
No more than ten percent of work force now have possibility to buy  real estate, to plane long vacation abroad, or to spent money on the long saving.
The poverty has geometrical progression, amount is not naff for normal life, and many young people so long live with parents, because they have no chance.
On the other way it pumping growing intolerance,xenophobe, what growing in the far right sentiment or push them to go out from Italy, and more of them must go to fine a future over sea,
The Union for many reason, not only for list defeat in Italy, but for peace, whose not so smart persons in the top of the Union and near Union try to blowing up, in the same method like it has Thirdly Reich. many at the Planet expect quick changes, in the personality and political liability. 
More social elements, more inclusions for small and micro businesses, and growing pressure against east member states like it is Poland, Slovakia, Romania. Croatia, Slovenia, the Baltic States, to change internal policy, with close adventure in Ukraine, Syria and Libya, is was for stability and survive to the Union. In opposite, we expect massive bloodshed in the Union's streets.

Saturday 26 November 2016

Castro Fidel Ruz the preacher to the Planet unity

When in the World, pass on an great men or women, coming the time to say something about them.
If is it some like it was Fidel Castro, than is nice time to say more, not something about them, but something about others, who stay out of respect to history.
Maybe he was a dictator, maybe he has opposite view on the democracy, but in time when the people of Republic Cuba live in poverty, out of humanity in regime whose had been supported not only by US, but with several others persons, which had interest in Cuba economy. In regime whose had more corruption than it has in many others Latin America. And where crime step up against everybody whose had different idea than dictator Eugencio Batista he comes. Not poor, but well owned man, academy educated and well-known speaker.

In time when Fidel goes in the history, Cubans stay divide on the majority and minority. Majority which stay at attention, to salute the most prominent politician in the history of the 20th century.
The men who was icon of different view on the reality, whose in most time of the history prepared and directed send a many so call great players in the shadow.    
When everything looks defeated, lost, and when everybody believe how the World came at the end, his word and political maneuver, change it in the moment.
He talk "to much", maybe he said something what was not appropriate, but after many years in the policy he stay on the foots, and other, these rivals of him pass away.
Now, more of apologists, anti Castries's, celebrate the dead of him, in believe that time to change them in the Island, is coming.
Does it true?
The time of so call democracy at the Island of Cuba, was pass away, and no one, never have right to disturb independence, sovereignty and differences from the north big neighborhood.
Republic of Cuba has difficulties, but after forty years the treats with war , with sanctions, and other way aggression, we are coming with demand- stay away from Cuba, and give the chance to the local authority to make a better way to prosperity for all citizens of Republic.
Revolution is not dead, it has more need than ever to make change on the north, where fall empire stay onto crystal legs, and treat to the World to blowing up everything in the Space.
We who stay after Fidel, must be unite more than ever to protect a peace and common prosperity.
No one in the Planet have right more than others, and democracy isn't same for all. It cannot be universe method for everywhere situation, with liberal economy and so call soft control of speech.
How it we can saw in the European Union, last week.
And because that, Fidel Ruz  idea that people must live like human, side by side, each-other and Earth is our common home, stay live forever.             

Thursday 20 October 2016

US Presidential elections like shy for rest of the Planet

The Presidential election in USA have nothing possible for rest of World.
Even in this race, a winner,whenever  who will be, do nothing in change policy against other parts in the big play on the Planet.
Yes, if Mrs Clinton coming in the White House like first female President in the States history, it mean more possibility to we have to see, a lots war zones, and engage more power in war for Russian oil and soil.
On the other way, situation with Mr Trump, coming to be more calm and going to produce more possibilities for economic grow in the States, but more in the rest of the Planet.
It mean more money would be inject in the public and civil area of businesses, and less money income in the military industry complexes.
The war for the Throne come in the new phase, because a real money was gone from the market, and nobody have possibility to find it for invests, if they have idea to produce something, or to make publication at the States social scene.
This is reason why so many publications and actors going to openly support a Mrs Clinton, an to make more humiliate messages against Mr Trump.
This is reason why public media, make info against him, in favor for her.
On the same place we have to see how is not so nice to presentation to "the biggest democracy" at the Planet,when the local authorities split down media houses from the abroad, and do everything to prevent present of foreigner monitors on the Presidential election.
More and more neuroses coming from side of Democrat presidential candidate. A more and more observers coming with a info how is too difficult for Democrats to animate young population. But even bigger problem going to be with middle class and alder,too.
These survey whose come from the several big poll houses give the nice picture for Mrs Clinton, but reason for seriousness stay into not publicized inter party poll, where is clear how the Mr Sander's supporters don't like to change a will, and to going to polls support Mrs Clinton.
In this way stay shameful decision to debates on TV stay abandon for candidates whose not coming from the two big party. For this reason, a many time at the history, the States going with army against other nations. But now, in democratic USA, it is normally.
Even official commentators present how is Mrs Clinton real winner in the battle to the oval office, now is clear how she has only support of some parts of white population,and non one support from minorities.
She has not support even from most democrats, and now is question, who is real creator in campaign of this not so smart lady.
The Trump is not so smart, too. But he is brave, and in many positions he stay like a lone warrior.
He know how isn't certain how he going to be the President of USA, but now he make a battle to fight a part of establishment.
He had more vulgar rhetoric, who he use to be much closer to common Americans. And what he talk, most of them mean.
Meany Americans want to have USA like it had been somewhere in the history. Open country for lone persons. With same possibilities for all.
Now it has not case.
Because that, more and more American's young population try to find something new, much different  what had theirs parents and grandparents.
It mean that in this time, official champagne hiding revolutionary tensions, whose the official media don't want to put in public places.
The both main candidates is serious problem for the whole World, but the bigger is Mrs Clinton, who are not in the condition to be President, and who only have self hungry  for top power place,
She does not understand international politic, and she have not contact with American reality.
Trump coming from the part of Americans which is collected a money from self promotion, in most time on the disputable way.
In this moment, the Planet have filing how several million not so brave people pushing the rest in the nuclear holocaust.
For this reason, time is to say how US Presidential election must be away from the rest of world's population.          

Sunday 4 September 2016

In several months in the south east part of Europe, start a bigger tensions over some disputes between two former Yugoslav republic.
The questions have positions in the near past, mostly in the WWII, what was the bloodiest civil war in the time on the European soil, in this moment. Where in the so call NDH, or Croatian Independent State, made by Nazi German, and Fascist Italy, local fascist named Ustase, did so terrible crimes against everybody whose they believe that they was a opposite this so call state.
In first they did huge extermination against ethnic orthodox Serbs, Romans, and Jewish people, where from full population around 38000 people in the war beginning, on the end of it, stay in life only few hundred.
The Croat Fascists did it even against Croats, who did not want to participate in this inhuman actions, against international law, and who was opposed against Nazi occupation of the country.
In this era, the Catholic church did not made something against brutality of Ustasa, mostly gave support in this actions.
On the other side stay with support in Orthodox Church, grow Cetnic guerrilla forces, formed by formed Serbian officers from former Yugoslav Kingdom Army, now named like YKA in fatherland.
This forces had actions against local Croat ans Muslim population, and they did some of the worst crime against them. But it had not problem to the Croatian Fascist regime to involve this troops in the local regular army corps,with same rights like it had other forces in the NDH.
Today, the problem stay in the way, that in Croatia stay same system of validity like it had been in the  NDH.
The positions of non catholic population, and non ethnic Croat population is very difficult. The right to work and dissent live is not possible.
Problem of ethnic Roman is still high. They have not even elementary human right.
So call Croats Movement for Freedom, made from the mostly far right politicians, but supporting with most part of Catholic church priests and Bishops,Cardinals, doing everything to destroying independent think tank person, and movements. In this actions they mostly use same rhetoric  whose came from the past era of NDH.
May be they are coming with transparent how they are for the Christian values in predominately Christian Europe. They are mostly have historical view on the Europe, and global Catholic Church policy. What mean that they have revisionist vision on the post war Europe, and they are doing everything to destroy memory on the real liberators in Croatia.
They stay on the position that is possible to make apolitical ecumenism only after they finish the Serbian Orthodox Church and Orthodox pilgrims.
It make pressure in the local society, what we have to see like animosity, psychical distortion, and social happiness.
From most part of the country, young people flay off in the thousand, and more villages and small towns stay more and more empty.
The local government doing everything to shadowing it. They do nothing to disclose real number of  state population.
After all, the aggressive notes against Serbia, and some other countries around they use to close some not so popular asks over real Croatian problem.
On the other way, problem in the Serbia, stay in position that they did everything to made rehabilitation for several quisling person, who was involved, some of them, in the total extermination of Jewish people in Serbia, out of Vojvodina, Sandzak.
They do nothing to stop and exculpate far right and neo Nazi movements from the social life.
Some of this groups the government using against political and social opponents.
Serbian government in this summer going to prevent critic media houses, like it was with Radio Television Vojvodina. Where they with not so legal method changed info policy, and they dismissed more editors and journalists.
In this "semi autonomy" Province, central government do everything to pushed out every call for real Autonomy for Vojvodina . In this actions they use same methods like it use in Croatia, against minorities and Serbs who believe how Vojvodina isn't happy in the hand of Belgrade. And how is necessary in the path to the Union member, to Vojvodina stay in positions whose have Bavaria in Germany. Than that is necessary to everything out from the central bank, military and forien affairs, must be in exclusive or predominate in Province government hand.
It mean that it come like good test on the Croatian-Serb relations.Where two predominate nationalistic movements, have no more real power, after in part of Serbia, going to be built old structure from the former Yugoslavia, named AP Vojvodina.
Where could be possible to differences live side by side in harmony and real freedom.    

Saturday 9 July 2016

Dallas like picture of dismantle power

After first information whose came from the Texas and Dallas, where had no dedicated real dimension of problem who is at the field, now is clear that it is a peak of the trouble iceberg, what dominate in US least two years and now culminate in the revolt and open battle between common citizens and police. And where both side use not only small arms but even heavy machine guns and anti armor arms.
In fights, because it has named a fights, casualties grow and nobody want to be predictor to say how it can going to be stop.
The real problem stay in economic situation, where the falls flags from the markets and stock painting it in mostly optimistic colors. Here is still exist methods whose had been valid in 20th centuries, where the industrial components in economy of the States had high involvement.
But, now when industry has not position like it had in the past, and when industry mostly positioned in the Asia and other non western states, than it cannot be good to say that industry exist, because some of the American companies have large portion of actions in the industrial area in mostly China, Vietnam, and in nearest period in the some states in Africa, and Latin America.
Owner of industry is states whose have poses on it, not US, whose have mounting large army groups near border of real industrial states in the World.
Economy based on the IT and trade industry have only position where it depend on the influence on an intellectual services. What have good proportion,only if you are in the big advance against others.
In this moment it has not meter.
The States influence on the intellectual market coming on the historical low levels. Problem stay in the cultural and education system, who is in the gap.
The State is build on the philosophy on the money power.
In moment where money is in the trouble, and when all indexes crying to someone doing something, and where most people must work several not well payed jobs to stay alive.
The differences like blood scars represent how the so call Americans, haven't same culture for live, and life.
Most tradition, whose come with people who was populated USA in 20-th century steel alive, and this tradition has mostly anti democratic and anti social sentiment against other, mostly non European Americans.
Declarative abandon to the all parts of nationalistic rhetoric, whose most of this people pick up in the new homeland, stay away in the public, but frustration whose they live which they came in an problem, put them in mind how them have not position in society whose they believe that it belong to them. Feeding a old know sentiments in US, like it is racism, and apartheid,too.
But it is like corp temperature. If body is ill, then temperature growing. It has same with state and societies.
Problem stay in disharmony whose grow on the economic mess and wrong history data.
This make to national dept is rocketing and now still growing, on  mistreatment "james bond" info, the spies who have not knowledge about issue whose they watch.
In it,the build new fleets and carriers could not make a shadow on the ever worst situation in the States.
Only one move in the market can doing a position of domestic mess in the States much worst.
The soft enemies is on the move.

Saturday 28 May 2016

Whose going to destroy NATO?

In this moment, the summit of  Alliance in Tirane, Albania, coming like last supper.
Even the NATO did everything to came close at Russian borders, now is clear that it had not success in the actions against interests of BRICS.

Yes, the actions in the Latin America, against, close allies of Russian President Putin,came with so call full success.
From Caracas to Brasilia, billions dollars did everything, what no one war can do.
But, on the other way, the situation at the field isn't so cool.
The new regimes haven't real power at the streets, and economy disaster whose did not came in the connection  with special activity by Alliance side, still make Latin America a territory, where the West haven't real power and influence.

The conference in Tirane, with spectacle and demonstration at the public, full unity and cooperative partners, couldn't put in the shadow glacial relations between many NATO member state.
NATO, really don't have capacity to say some against a action from out side,not from side of Russia, nor from IS side.
Problem stay in a domestic relations, especially at eastern member states of the Alliance.
In the power of most member states, came predominately Fascistic regimes, like it was in Poland, Hungary, and Baltic states.But in Croatia,too.
In some others member states, policy coming onto pressure to moving activity against minority and asylum seekers, like it is in Bulgaria, Slovakia, Czech Republic, but even in the east side of Germany.
The positions at the south east wing of the Alliance, stay in the big gap, where even summit host nation, have problem to stay at the western standards. Because, most part of the population going to fight against Western postulation, fight it on the several battlefields at the Planet.
Problem with economy prosperity and financial goals whose is necessary  for army formation, put, at a crystal legs in specially new member states.
Some of them coming with arms trade, or smuggling of the arms from the Alliance's depots to the NATO enemies.
Several member states trade with the Alliance's documentation, to going to made peace with some radical elements from the ME.
All activity whose going against some so call, enemies, but even real enemies, coming elusively from the States.
The two-treed of all incomes in the Alliance infrastructure, came from the States.
Not even Australia, nor Canada have possibilities to participate more than several percent in it.
On the other way, actions from the Ukraine,  over Caucasus to last in the Montenegro, cost so much, and giving to less for projected goals and interests.
A sanctions against Russia, and in small portion, even against China, in several months coming back like "El Nino"- cataclysm with historical elements of epic disaster.
Nothing was done in Moscow, nor in Peking, but what we say, the situation in economy at the east of EU, political situation with Brexit in UK, going to make eruptive mass against democratic social cohesion in EU, and doing that many analysts given in the public catastrophic view on the European future.
The sanctions whose came like action to smash a power of some people at the east, like boomerang swap up in the had more member states, and even the Secretariat of the Alliance.
After former Political Secretary from NATO, coming in the local policy like new President in Croatia, now even former General Secretary coming in a politic life in the non member state, which has difficult relation with soft Alliance enemy- Russia.
Lady former Political Secretary, now is President in Croatia, where she openly presented filo Nazi policy, policy whose in most thing going against NATO postulates.
After that, the real question is: Who is the enemy of western democracy?
Is it bad women and guys from NATO side?
Or how is possible to going to defending some ideals , when two-treed of member state have domestic problems, and they have lack of interest to support with money and goods a NATO  necessities?
Crisis in the EU, with Crisis in NATO coming in the worst time, but have the Alliance enough days to fix it?
After big treason whose disclose from the NATO top.