Saturday 9 July 2016

Dallas like picture of dismantle power

After first information whose came from the Texas and Dallas, where had no dedicated real dimension of problem who is at the field, now is clear that it is a peak of the trouble iceberg, what dominate in US least two years and now culminate in the revolt and open battle between common citizens and police. And where both side use not only small arms but even heavy machine guns and anti armor arms.
In fights, because it has named a fights, casualties grow and nobody want to be predictor to say how it can going to be stop.
The real problem stay in economic situation, where the falls flags from the markets and stock painting it in mostly optimistic colors. Here is still exist methods whose had been valid in 20th centuries, where the industrial components in economy of the States had high involvement.
But, now when industry has not position like it had in the past, and when industry mostly positioned in the Asia and other non western states, than it cannot be good to say that industry exist, because some of the American companies have large portion of actions in the industrial area in mostly China, Vietnam, and in nearest period in the some states in Africa, and Latin America.
Owner of industry is states whose have poses on it, not US, whose have mounting large army groups near border of real industrial states in the World.
Economy based on the IT and trade industry have only position where it depend on the influence on an intellectual services. What have good proportion,only if you are in the big advance against others.
In this moment it has not meter.
The States influence on the intellectual market coming on the historical low levels. Problem stay in the cultural and education system, who is in the gap.
The State is build on the philosophy on the money power.
In moment where money is in the trouble, and when all indexes crying to someone doing something, and where most people must work several not well payed jobs to stay alive.
The differences like blood scars represent how the so call Americans, haven't same culture for live, and life.
Most tradition, whose come with people who was populated USA in 20-th century steel alive, and this tradition has mostly anti democratic and anti social sentiment against other, mostly non European Americans.
Declarative abandon to the all parts of nationalistic rhetoric, whose most of this people pick up in the new homeland, stay away in the public, but frustration whose they live which they came in an problem, put them in mind how them have not position in society whose they believe that it belong to them. Feeding a old know sentiments in US, like it is racism, and apartheid,too.
But it is like corp temperature. If body is ill, then temperature growing. It has same with state and societies.
Problem stay in disharmony whose grow on the economic mess and wrong history data.
This make to national dept is rocketing and now still growing, on  mistreatment "james bond" info, the spies who have not knowledge about issue whose they watch.
In it,the build new fleets and carriers could not make a shadow on the ever worst situation in the States.
Only one move in the market can doing a position of domestic mess in the States much worst.
The soft enemies is on the move.

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