Thursday 20 October 2016

US Presidential elections like shy for rest of the Planet

The Presidential election in USA have nothing possible for rest of World.
Even in this race, a winner,whenever  who will be, do nothing in change policy against other parts in the big play on the Planet.
Yes, if Mrs Clinton coming in the White House like first female President in the States history, it mean more possibility to we have to see, a lots war zones, and engage more power in war for Russian oil and soil.
On the other way, situation with Mr Trump, coming to be more calm and going to produce more possibilities for economic grow in the States, but more in the rest of the Planet.
It mean more money would be inject in the public and civil area of businesses, and less money income in the military industry complexes.
The war for the Throne come in the new phase, because a real money was gone from the market, and nobody have possibility to find it for invests, if they have idea to produce something, or to make publication at the States social scene.
This is reason why so many publications and actors going to openly support a Mrs Clinton, an to make more humiliate messages against Mr Trump.
This is reason why public media, make info against him, in favor for her.
On the same place we have to see how is not so nice to presentation to "the biggest democracy" at the Planet,when the local authorities split down media houses from the abroad, and do everything to prevent present of foreigner monitors on the Presidential election.
More and more neuroses coming from side of Democrat presidential candidate. A more and more observers coming with a info how is too difficult for Democrats to animate young population. But even bigger problem going to be with middle class and alder,too.
These survey whose come from the several big poll houses give the nice picture for Mrs Clinton, but reason for seriousness stay into not publicized inter party poll, where is clear how the Mr Sander's supporters don't like to change a will, and to going to polls support Mrs Clinton.
In this way stay shameful decision to debates on TV stay abandon for candidates whose not coming from the two big party. For this reason, a many time at the history, the States going with army against other nations. But now, in democratic USA, it is normally.
Even official commentators present how is Mrs Clinton real winner in the battle to the oval office, now is clear how she has only support of some parts of white population,and non one support from minorities.
She has not support even from most democrats, and now is question, who is real creator in campaign of this not so smart lady.
The Trump is not so smart, too. But he is brave, and in many positions he stay like a lone warrior.
He know how isn't certain how he going to be the President of USA, but now he make a battle to fight a part of establishment.
He had more vulgar rhetoric, who he use to be much closer to common Americans. And what he talk, most of them mean.
Meany Americans want to have USA like it had been somewhere in the history. Open country for lone persons. With same possibilities for all.
Now it has not case.
Because that, more and more American's young population try to find something new, much different  what had theirs parents and grandparents.
It mean that in this time, official champagne hiding revolutionary tensions, whose the official media don't want to put in public places.
The both main candidates is serious problem for the whole World, but the bigger is Mrs Clinton, who are not in the condition to be President, and who only have self hungry  for top power place,
She does not understand international politic, and she have not contact with American reality.
Trump coming from the part of Americans which is collected a money from self promotion, in most time on the disputable way.
In this moment, the Planet have filing how several million not so brave people pushing the rest in the nuclear holocaust.
For this reason, time is to say how US Presidential election must be away from the rest of world's population.          

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