Saturday 26 November 2016

Castro Fidel Ruz the preacher to the Planet unity

When in the World, pass on an great men or women, coming the time to say something about them.
If is it some like it was Fidel Castro, than is nice time to say more, not something about them, but something about others, who stay out of respect to history.
Maybe he was a dictator, maybe he has opposite view on the democracy, but in time when the people of Republic Cuba live in poverty, out of humanity in regime whose had been supported not only by US, but with several others persons, which had interest in Cuba economy. In regime whose had more corruption than it has in many others Latin America. And where crime step up against everybody whose had different idea than dictator Eugencio Batista he comes. Not poor, but well owned man, academy educated and well-known speaker.

In time when Fidel goes in the history, Cubans stay divide on the majority and minority. Majority which stay at attention, to salute the most prominent politician in the history of the 20th century.
The men who was icon of different view on the reality, whose in most time of the history prepared and directed send a many so call great players in the shadow.    
When everything looks defeated, lost, and when everybody believe how the World came at the end, his word and political maneuver, change it in the moment.
He talk "to much", maybe he said something what was not appropriate, but after many years in the policy he stay on the foots, and other, these rivals of him pass away.
Now, more of apologists, anti Castries's, celebrate the dead of him, in believe that time to change them in the Island, is coming.
Does it true?
The time of so call democracy at the Island of Cuba, was pass away, and no one, never have right to disturb independence, sovereignty and differences from the north big neighborhood.
Republic of Cuba has difficulties, but after forty years the treats with war , with sanctions, and other way aggression, we are coming with demand- stay away from Cuba, and give the chance to the local authority to make a better way to prosperity for all citizens of Republic.
Revolution is not dead, it has more need than ever to make change on the north, where fall empire stay onto crystal legs, and treat to the World to blowing up everything in the Space.
We who stay after Fidel, must be unite more than ever to protect a peace and common prosperity.
No one in the Planet have right more than others, and democracy isn't same for all. It cannot be universe method for everywhere situation, with liberal economy and so call soft control of speech.
How it we can saw in the European Union, last week.
And because that, Fidel Ruz  idea that people must live like human, side by side, each-other and Earth is our common home, stay live forever.             

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