Thursday 25 September 2014

Bombing to promote ally's presents at the field

No ideas, nor real predictions, neither a real actions in the real World.

The actions in the ME against so call IS was made to promoted a power in the arms whose step in the more information production of a success than it has real potential at the field.
The Ally in the war against self dolls whose had been created to dismantled government of Syrian Leader Bashar Al Assad who stay at the path of oil "independence" of some part of the West nations, mostly this whose have much power at the some organisation whose created in the past to promote something different what we have to see at the plan in which created and in several years before from today made and incorporate the so called leaders of the democratic World.

But in the actions whose we had to saw at Iraq and Syria we haven't see that they have a permission to take have action in the independent states?!
Is possible to make have an war actions against somebody if country whose have this aggressors at the territory fight them with an state troops?
Have in the international law a positive order that it has possible?

No, nor in the UN Charters, where is ordered that only government of a country have right to call in a help or to give a permission for an action against  aggressive traitor at a self territory.

Because that actions whose impose the so call Ally has only an illegal motive to over actions against these terrorist group take control over all part of an country.
After all, in this actions stay asks which have to who pay the damages  whose it make have so call liberators?

Is possible that Syria ask over UN to US and Ally to pay a price for everything what they did in the several years, from the time when they created and start to trained ISIS forces to time when they created the action against them, in all time still promote the idea how is no possible to talk with Syrian government?

If we had information from the 1999. and attacks against Yugoslavia, and where had any success in bombing the troops at the ground, even NATO had supported at the ground by the local Albanian rebel forces, to situation in Libya where action against Libyan army made any support to rebel forces, but where only action in the corrupt high officers of the local army made gains at the front. We have right to tell how is action against IS this days from the air have not to much success, not because they have sophisticate antiaircraft, but because the fears in the pilots and politicians that the loss in the air, going to make path for disaster.  

If planes and ships fired bombs and rockets at the positions whose marked from the technicians at the field, it has not so correct to say that it has naff for success, because the arms lunched so far from the target and on the positions whose IS mostly abandon nearest the actions to start.
After this stupidity, the Ally and some NATO member states for not to much long period going to start talks and demands from others to resumes a more support in all.

Monday 22 September 2014

Islamic State is EU, and others whose drop at the hole

Have you some interest to see a truth in a policy?
Have you care how live an people near you? Or have you care to be involve at the battle against someone, like it has IS?

No?! Or Yes?!

But in the both way you have not power to changes something at the better, or to make some decision in a political elite to do what you have to see is correct.

Nothing had been different many time in the history, when your predecessors pushed in an battles against mostly whose you have not known that even exist. Nothing has been changed after this battles when the same lieder calling at the victory, but then nothing told about a price of it.

Now, when they created ISIL or IS, you are again called to going to join in a battle for secure and better world, but nobody in the World, from the political elite have told nothing that they have good connections with same whose you most to help to kick in as somewhere at the ME.

The politicians have good, just to say hundred millions of dollars payment in dirt money, to move the actions against somebody, but to do nothing to change the situation in the main so call ally like it has Saudi Araby, and Qatar or UAE. The main sponsors of terrorist at the Planet.

The US president take no measure to going at the battlefield by self army, because they have no control over them, and he and him advisers have total scare what have to be after IS start to produce in the dozens number full metal jackets, on a board to the home.

No body take the true, how the sophistical  arms come in the posses of IS and what they have in the back of the front line.

IS is the child of same politicians which now have to push public at war path, like they have do mask over total crisis in the domestic areas.

War whose the West created for it, and after that lost for self stupidity, isn't same what it had been against Saddam  in Iraq. Now, they have war against population whose so desperate, and brutal even to self life, in believe how they now have possibilities to conquer the north, and decadent politicians whose want to make a history with them.

All of it known the main intelligence at the Planet, and they have info how the opp in the field mostly stay in the way to make a fog for main targets.
EU and others lost the wars in the history, they lost wars after they wined at them, and in most places these opp make have to stop post colonial way in the Word. Something about that we was seen in Scotland.
In targeting to close the markets for others, mostly former colonies they do everything, even that they produces more crisis than it have been ever in the past. 

Monday 15 September 2014

Scotland must be independent

When they dismantled several federation at Europe, boomerang of secession come to knock at the door.
The same door whose impose  the destruction, bloodshed and wars in several federation in Europe.
UK give more and more falls statements in the past at Scotland, than have no time to say more than - Scotland must be free, independent and without London "support" state. Where have to be more liberty and democracy than it now exist in UK.

When we had gave the advertisement about Kosovo independence in 2008, and how after that at the path of it start to drive Scotland, two day still stay to the time when in Europe start to live independent and sovereign Scotland.

Even now more and more so call Unionist and Premier of UK make threats against Scots and democracy that if they step up in independent state, they have make harsh time for self.
For them it has democratic process, but it hadn't in time when they dismantled other countries. In this ways the person whose stay against "national right to self determination called so bad names". It they do now and at the same way named Scots who are for self country free from London.

London have interest to prolong control over Scottish propriety at the land and sea, and to over Scotland build illusion that they still listed like third world power.

And it had paid Scots. They know how it so been hard?!

Long live independent Scotland!               

Saturday 13 September 2014

IS say to much about these creators

Now is not time to some of fail politicians make self careers, like it have to make some person in the States.

In the Union stay no idea to make something good for the people who have problems in the acts of IS, criminal group fabricated from the same guys who are now in so call action to dismantle it, to "protect int. order and humanity".
IS groups stay like the bad reminder at the policy which created some not so smart adviser in the some place.
But in this moment, point have stay in the situation, where no body take care for the President wish to protect self position at the Home. No body have to see how he is in the position where only the war have make changes in public opinion at the policy whose he and administration made.

In the Union they have no money, and whiles to take some action, at situation where they have total mess at political arena, and where some of the member states have same wishes like it had existed 70th years ago.
Not is clear what to do with the European far east, after have to be clear that the EU policy make the open pact with Nazi movement at the place, after in this area made war crimes against humanity.

On the real path, the several EU countries take place of main exporters of  Jihad warriors who have took place at the battle in Syria.
IS had founded with same warriors, and in the job with them have post of officials in this countries.
They have the not only phone number but even the personal number, and what is significant, number of the bank account, all of them.
The arms whose they posses in this moment started to be built with arms from the depots whose bought few Gulf States, which now have problem with some others who had direct protest to them, "that if only one piece came at the field, than they have to file bright revenge".
IS has only product of some, or same persons who have fix idea to fixed Assad in Syria, because for them and its interest he is the most prominent problem, much worst than IS have ever to be.
Before that,Kerry take act of  lie, against Iran, when he try to push them in the war at Iraq soil, against ISIL, than to after they took place in the battle, he make accusation for it, and  after all a act against them, to protect "Iraq sovereignty against Iranian evil aggression".
After they had not take action, now the same person refuse to done what he proposed in near history.
In front of the true, so call democratic ruler of EU and US now have problem with lack of it inside of the self territory, what we have to see in the Sweden, where before elections rise the tension in the society.
But, what can be doing after some of the investors take place out from Sweden, and something what had been identified like "Swedish capitalism with socialistic face" drop down?!
Or, what we have to expect from the France, where tension at relations between white and black, and Christians and Muslims growing after a public detect that they have "Old new President"?
What is real, it mean that something what most politicians at the EU, but more in the States see like problem who stay out of the door, is several decades pointed at the home, and battle against IS, must be battle for the soul of democracy and liberty for all, not only for several persons.
And this battle can be arrangement with regimes which have nothing with truly Islam, but even more with humanity, human dignity and mostly they have big involving at the terror conspiracy with several IS groups at the Planet. In a interest? What is real posses in the call to faith IS? Rhetorical or deeply call?
Or they want to over IS come on the back doors to some backyards, the same not friendly nation, which they call now?
In deeply regret that we had call to EU make something on the east, we never call on the aggression and coups! We had call to EU take measure to protect humanity in the member states like it has Romania,Bulgaria, Croatia, Greece, Malta, Italy, Poland and Baltic states, where the minorities have not right and where the false history celebrate Nazi heroes or make story like it has in Poland about great nation whose have exclusives right in Europe.
For peace in the World, first what EU must to done has to clean in the self house, and then they maybe have right to step to talk others what they have to do. In contrast the EU has false idea, with no history.        

Monday 8 September 2014

The Polish fate of EU

The markets today have indexes which has not so good, but it has excellent support to the theory how crisis in the World step up in situation where the former colonial states, say "good by " for a supremacy in the same place, like it has the Planet now.

A capital and a money have in the big motion, ever seen  in the history at these markets, after move at the political arena, where the players step up in the condition to be first at a move against interest of others in it.

Even EU make decision and voted to some person from Poland and Italy to step up in the condition to be supreme person at the EU's hierarchy, it has nothing to others in the World. 
The both of them haven't self charisma, and both are in the hypocrisy of policy made in the early 1940', when some people changed self places from the Nazi losers to Allies winners.

These has not same people, but they are coming from the same groups whose had involved at the big crimes at the period of WWII.

Maybe some believe how the Putin is like Hitler, with "same" moves whose the last had. But in the 1930' of 20th century, no one going to change the Peace Treaty from Paris, whose had finished WWI.

No England, nor France have intention to change it, but some new power at the historical plate, come to move influence at the place, and start to supported A.Hitler in them rose to position of German Chancellor. United States of America!

Over German-American associates, and over investment the money of big US trusts, German with A.Hitler gone to prepared the changes in the World.

In the States in this days the Nazi party had been second political force, with most bigger support in the industrial areas of the country. What had price to the State,when they upset of the war, when in favor of some US companies and money, Nazi Germany goes to destroyed Poland in believed how was possible to Nazi   made a job and crash Soviet Union, what make the gains for these companies whose have money involved at German war machine.

 Today, the States support same movements in the World like it had been with Hitler Nazi Germany.
From Ukraine's Nazi groups to IS, in believe how with them they have possibilities to change the history, whose have nothing good to US.

But, like it has been in that time, even England stay in the lime with Hitler, at the war at North Europe, against Stalin aggression against Finland.

Today situation is still same, aggression goes on the minorities at the Baltic States, Ukraine. and other  east EU states,where the SS Waffen movement marched each year like winners to scare mostly Russian minority, whose have no most personal, human right which conclude from European Chart of Human Rights, and no body have to say something in favor to it have be protect  in the Baltic States. 
Nobody say something against moves monuments and acts against Red Army veterans of WWII. 

We have to say how the policy whose some have to present like policy of Russia president maybe has not come from these direction,but from the same persons whose nominated at the high places at EU. 
The same persons whose have fingers in assassinates of former Polish President.