Thursday 1 May 2008

Where Europe is in wrong at Balkan

Inside of the states at Balkan, history has most popular fictions, than that in all time everybody had popular hero. Is it true or not, isn't real important.
Little states, little nations, littles politicians and than you have the great crime and graves,too. In states, where everybody from small child to olds have an selfish trues.
In this moment at Balkan states haven't exist non politician or some other in the power who has real brave to tell what real is in the scene. The legends and the story singed in the national epic poetry had disasters conditions on mental health more of population in this area. In conditions of local isolation, and massive inter cousins sexual relation or incests which wasn't strange non one population at Balkan, but special in West Balkan when it was some common way in social community to the near history periods . And when you put it at way of an epic story, most of them had been fantastic lyric work of some domestic priest, catastrophe was born.
And when some want to change it, than he start to broke most taboo, and have problems not only with people and history but with phantoms from backyard. With some so call heroes who haven't real history dimension.
After all, reformist at Balkan stay down, mostly from life scene, and only few have privileged to safe self.
In it's situation, what history tells us more and more time in the real happens and personal story, too, take some to come in Club is real fool and idiotic. Who have irresponsibility if something going to worst in future. Has it some a plan to protect Europe from the Balkan's disses of nationalist rhetoric and so call fight against anti national free mining people and free press. Who have power to back some gays, to stop them to prevent them to haven't chance to make disaster and nationalism happening. Is real to say that all of this states at Balkan has strong will to implement every act from Copenhagen in local law system and social security. In places where corruption is so strong, and where work the regime loyal people, most of them without adequately school skills and without personal skill to work at work places where is necessary to create the independent and at law found decision.
When it hasn't exist than have corruption, on several level. Not only direct corruption but indirect, too, where a politician, on each level take method to take one part of cakes and cookies. And after all you have BIH, state without real power and domestic vision on same way to going to future. Is it real success or big blame?

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