Wednesday 14 May 2008

European step up in protection of human lifes at South East Europe

What does European ministers, when they didn't took a measure against the health disaster at West Balkan's states.
So much people died and lots of them have the problems in life, but domestic states hasn't take any measure to protect the life and rights of this people, of the self citizens, who have night mere. Which have fear to lost everything, not because, this have problem with credit or job, but with government which take noting to protect them from diseases and from every mental pollutions at nearest great urban centers.
From the problems with uranium at open air depots, to storage asbestos in the center of the region, like it is in Croatian city of Solin, Vranjic. Where died every second citizen, no edge limits, old or young. Or problems at nearest city of Kastela, where, open uranium depot still stand and wait removals from the nearest marina.
And on other side the problems exist at place town of Vareš in Bosnia and Hercegovina, where lots people died from an mysterious daises, and where population still lost numbers in past half decade.
In this town, before last war exist war industry and mines for exploitations of iron, for Zenica's steal industry. Now mines is close and no one want to produce iron, but open mines to killings domestic population.
Same situation is at Livno's field, where, much people died from non expect disses, which still expect more at Chernobil than one Livno.
More and more towns in Serbia is polluted by uranium from drop bombs in last NATO attack at its country, but the same system is with region over big centers at Vojvodina region, and special at Pančevo region, where the problems is enormous.
After all, reactions and pushes at the locals government is necessary to deploy oder and law in the power, then where not exist now.
Neither some government at member state in this regions hasn't take measure to in proof local people that they bring the care for health of them.
Most of this government has much better relations with a local businessman than with ordinary people interest. It mean that corruptions at most level at government at Balkan region is such pleasant and common for the most politicians.
If somebody doesn't have power to change this, Europe going to pay a lots in the nearest future, and it mean the lots problems for changes, and prosperity at all continent,too. Now, have little time to do something and step up methods to in proof all, that right and power of laws, still exist at real life and to all.

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