Thursday 8 May 2008

Israel forgot hero- one eye vision

Today 60years after constitutional the State of Israel, some fascistic state made against main will of Jewish people coming from holocaust European Nazi concentration camps. Most of them was lost ideals over Jewish state when they had broken in real mess of kibbutz concentration labor camps, real connected with old polish Jewish member of prewar government of old marshal, most of them involved at fascistic movement which support this government in the early twenty's in motherland.
Isn't surprise that first lieder of the State come from this European state.
After all, history of Israel wasn't nice history. It was history of divides and most human crisis, with war crimes which IDF commander made in the past.
But one of them had only one eye, other lost in the battle for illusion of democratic and power Israel, but not some State. Republic he had call, democratic society for all citizens, without religions and national occasion. He had try full free Israel without USA so call protection, but only colonial provision to really Israelis dies for American interests in the region. Like watch dog and an policeman against oil rich state, most of them semi feudal kingdoms. In the real status Israel had not much good of this policy. But Zionist regime wasn't try to made better for Israelis but only for Americans. Discrimination Arab citizen of Israel, and apartheids in common life have had disaster influence at real life in the State.
When hero of few Israel- Arab war step up to protest and try changes he lost everything, after all life. But his vision is now reality, which many Israelis live. Isolated of other world, with no one friend, and many enemies Israel has only one way to put in way Moshe Dyan idea peace for land.And rebuild Israel like Republic of Israel, state of all citizen, historically orientate at Jewish tradition.

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