Thursday 22 May 2008

Oil like principal of fail in the EU and US policy

Has the planet some time to spend in the future at some messianic lunatic leaders which try part in the history?
In this moment several person have messianic idea in the heads and they want to pressure others in the way which they believe that is right pat for them ideas. But in this moment this gang is involve at several war crime crisis, at the Chine genocide in the Sechuan province, at movement in the Tibet, plots against Dalai-lama, in aggression against sovereign state of Bolivia, coups in several smaller state in the Africa, at making crisis in the Canada. Trust in the dollar is their way to prevent any reform at economic pat in the world.
They push Georgia in the war, against Russia, and they do everything to create odious against modern Kremlin in fact that this establishment does not against common interest in the world. Not because, Kremlin hasn't power to retaliate against aggression, but because, Russia has real politic plan to beat this junta on the economic field.
Each rise in the oil price, and price of food is strongly against this junta, which hasn't real idea how to prevent global crisis at planet Earth.
In worming conditions and solution, where some few country at West, try to dominate of all, fight against Russia, but China, India, Brazil, Indonesia and Iran interests, its mission impossibles.
Many of economic annalist know that theory of domination of merchant capitalism is past, and that is possible to some country independent from the
G-8 create a world economic policy. Bypassing State Departments, and American Wall Street and Fed reserves.
It mean that, domination of dollar is deep past, and that influence of Anglo-Jewish capital over bank system with dominantly position at Swiss soil isn't strong like such several years ago.
In this moment, when European Central Bank try more money from Islamic bank dominantly positioning at London area, power of Euro stay stably, but depending from politic reality in the contract with new cartel of four new-old power.
European hasn't money to reopen new work places, but they have place to buy lot of goods import from the cartel. Including oil, food, and other commodities needs for real life in so weak old Europe.
In this situation, where lunatics try to create real policy, right, human rights is at low level in the history after War World II, and fall of Nazi regime in the Germany.
Money hasn't place to buy everything and more new rich man haven't place and no time to spend money in the luxury.
On other way stay up poverty, daises and war. But it not cost only one side, poor people, but rich pay more and more, too. In protections program, guards, and war games. Neither it dissolve enemies, which grow in the day by day at streets near them homes.
In situation, where no body want to dead for money and foreigns interests, number of poorest is most dangerous question for economy then oil price.
In coexist this two principles West side have more risen for fear to be conquest from more desperate man and woman from other sides of world.
Oil price is only effect about this principles and real situation in the policy of fail in the Europe and USA.

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