Friday 30 May 2008

Bismilah rahim

Has religion something what is a private thing of a person or propriety of an state?
Today several big countries tray to stay at political arena in fight for supremacy over all other super power, using the religions in common life.
But if someone want to take something, than he or she must stay at way and strongly support it.
If Bush try to promote self like crusades than he must stay at the way with Bible in hand and with true in the mouth.
On other part, stay some clerics from Islam world whom try to private Holly Kur'an and on self way going to interpreting messages from Them.
But we, who stand at front of morning sun, who stay and pray several time in a day, could we take right to promote something what isn't recorded in the Holly Kur'an, and what never on some place said Prophet Mohamed? Has right of someone to remount control of such things like life is? Or to ordered to somebody kill to someone?
Where is real Muslim go today in real life? To God side or dark side?
Our mission at planet Earth is to read, learn, teach, speak, give, help, but never to took non one thing,or something else!
We are not like crusades, we believe in supreme order, coming from our God, and we don't take anything, even when we haven't. Because, we try, and we are mercer against all which try, and take.
But over those who brutally rape something, no one of us can give a pledge or to forgive it. Neither it will be brother or sister, we can't stay away and only looking at.
Our actions must be reaction on evil and tragedy over non only Muslim, but over all person in our neighborhoods and we must be first and fist of power of Prophet Mohamed and Kur'an.
Light which take pat over ours faces in the sunrise when we come at first pray is sun of the glory and victory over dark in us and over us.
Try to be one, and tells that Prophet never said that no one cannot be good Muslim if they no want it, and that no one cannot be sized to be Muslim, but only in free wile is true and others which take the messages that only Jihad can make the best pat for Muslim is nothing but blasphemy!
It is real enemies of Muslim people and Islam. They is poppet install from the real crusades which come from banks of several river in the world.
This so call fighters for Islam, non is it, neither fighter in a full combat, but some lunatic, which unliterary is reason for more and more disasters for the ordinary people.
Because, they haven't mercy,knowledge, and like crusades they only see a money over God.
Time is come to take our destiny in our hands, knowledge that prophet Mohamed in first moved took pencil and wright the Holly Kur'an! Now, we have same way that with books in on hands and arms in other give the world new literacy and poetry, music and everything what Arab Califs gave Europe in the Middle Edge.
History going to never mercer over our names if we don't do it.

Friday 23 May 2008

The Crime to contamination South Europe

Time is come, and now is total clear that situation in the new candidate states for membership at EU is worst than like in the top several totalitarian country in the world. Censor activity against prominent intellectual meaning man and woman is clear and no one from a political or other scene doesn't take manage to cover it.
In several country of south Europe, the blog system is under total control of state or providers have non agreement deal with political structures that censor negative or for this policy incompatible mean or to isolate for them strong and independents persons.
On other side they give lots space to revisionism historical means and that is so popular in this countries like country at Balkan region. Many quasi historic man take place at public to promote potent and strong verbs over historically happens.
Deeply in the nature of regime at Balkan is to promote self personality or self ideology against modern pat in the EU and the world. There isn't problem to some of prominent politician at the region, take part in criminal acts, but problem is in non corrupt free lancer and persons who has right to tell something in the states where free and independent verb isn't a best way for dissent life and work at a work place.
Isn't right to take the country member candidate states from South Europe in the membership of Union, when most of them haven't the justice and law system compatible with European systems, and when most people there live over fear that they can lost even life if they took part in process which have pat to try true in the history, but not only it.
In new problem example in Croatia, exist problem with former Croat soldier who has part in the trial process against some Croat generals. After all this men hasn't right to come back at home in south Croatia, because some so call war lords take manage to prevent it and call him that he was falls warrior and veteran of the war.
Croatian policy do noting to prevent it or to so call war lords take at place like prison is, but give them more public place in so call independent newspapers and electronic media.
Same system exist in the other Balkan states.
Because policy is totally involved in the private sector and of course in the public relations, is need to take manage to deploy some control mechanism over this mob system which exist at the south.

Thursday 22 May 2008

Oil like principal of fail in the EU and US policy

Has the planet some time to spend in the future at some messianic lunatic leaders which try part in the history?
In this moment several person have messianic idea in the heads and they want to pressure others in the way which they believe that is right pat for them ideas. But in this moment this gang is involve at several war crime crisis, at the Chine genocide in the Sechuan province, at movement in the Tibet, plots against Dalai-lama, in aggression against sovereign state of Bolivia, coups in several smaller state in the Africa, at making crisis in the Canada. Trust in the dollar is their way to prevent any reform at economic pat in the world.
They push Georgia in the war, against Russia, and they do everything to create odious against modern Kremlin in fact that this establishment does not against common interest in the world. Not because, Kremlin hasn't power to retaliate against aggression, but because, Russia has real politic plan to beat this junta on the economic field.
Each rise in the oil price, and price of food is strongly against this junta, which hasn't real idea how to prevent global crisis at planet Earth.
In worming conditions and solution, where some few country at West, try to dominate of all, fight against Russia, but China, India, Brazil, Indonesia and Iran interests, its mission impossibles.
Many of economic annalist know that theory of domination of merchant capitalism is past, and that is possible to some country independent from the
G-8 create a world economic policy. Bypassing State Departments, and American Wall Street and Fed reserves.
It mean that, domination of dollar is deep past, and that influence of Anglo-Jewish capital over bank system with dominantly position at Swiss soil isn't strong like such several years ago.
In this moment, when European Central Bank try more money from Islamic bank dominantly positioning at London area, power of Euro stay stably, but depending from politic reality in the contract with new cartel of four new-old power.
European hasn't money to reopen new work places, but they have place to buy lot of goods import from the cartel. Including oil, food, and other commodities needs for real life in so weak old Europe.
In this situation, where lunatics try to create real policy, right, human rights is at low level in the history after War World II, and fall of Nazi regime in the Germany.
Money hasn't place to buy everything and more new rich man haven't place and no time to spend money in the luxury.
On other way stay up poverty, daises and war. But it not cost only one side, poor people, but rich pay more and more, too. In protections program, guards, and war games. Neither it dissolve enemies, which grow in the day by day at streets near them homes.
In situation, where no body want to dead for money and foreigns interests, number of poorest is most dangerous question for economy then oil price.
In coexist this two principles West side have more risen for fear to be conquest from more desperate man and woman from other sides of world.
Oil price is only effect about this principles and real situation in the policy of fail in the Europe and USA.

Saturday 17 May 2008

Alarm for Isael

Time which spend Israel to find so much enemies which will provocative take positions against it state is fullish.
Why some from Hesboallah or some other Shiite minority in Arab world to risk a war against most weakness Judas state in the history? To in proof the Zionist's theory that Israel only exist if it has grate war machine?
Real is it true? No, because real power in IDF is on low lever ever posted in the history. They haven't no power to retaliate attacks neither even Hamas or Jihad movement at Gaza strip, then they haven't any chains against Hesboallah.
Treat with Hesboallah is necessary for domestic issue . In situation of lost fate in positive future of Israel. When most settlements must live promise land and move at deeply Israel territory. In situation when so much people, young people choose to live Israel, because they haven't real prosperity in the country where, step down from military service is crime against nation, and in proof lost of many normal priority of life. This mens or womens cannot take the part in the social life. Cannot take credit, cannot take propriety job, and they live on the border, so far from others.
War in side of Israel is real problem for Israel policy.
They haven't real potent strategic position in USA interior policy,which so much need more oil, from new friends like autocratic Saudi Araby.
In this situation, try to somebody make mistake and give such potential to satisfy for it policy is deeply necessary for politicians whose haven't visions how to change really bad situation inside of the state. With crime rate is in rise, corruptions is domestic issue no.1, and when is pressure from most power places at planet to Israel does something really historically and change domestic apartheid law system in real democracy. It mean Israel for all, not only for small Zionists group.
Only that can make Israel potently power at meddle east.
In this path Israel is in real danger to lost, not only peace but soil.

Wednesday 14 May 2008

European step up in protection of human lifes at South East Europe

What does European ministers, when they didn't took a measure against the health disaster at West Balkan's states.
So much people died and lots of them have the problems in life, but domestic states hasn't take any measure to protect the life and rights of this people, of the self citizens, who have night mere. Which have fear to lost everything, not because, this have problem with credit or job, but with government which take noting to protect them from diseases and from every mental pollutions at nearest great urban centers.
From the problems with uranium at open air depots, to storage asbestos in the center of the region, like it is in Croatian city of Solin, Vranjic. Where died every second citizen, no edge limits, old or young. Or problems at nearest city of Kastela, where, open uranium depot still stand and wait removals from the nearest marina.
And on other side the problems exist at place town of Vareš in Bosnia and Hercegovina, where lots people died from an mysterious daises, and where population still lost numbers in past half decade.
In this town, before last war exist war industry and mines for exploitations of iron, for Zenica's steal industry. Now mines is close and no one want to produce iron, but open mines to killings domestic population.
Same situation is at Livno's field, where, much people died from non expect disses, which still expect more at Chernobil than one Livno.
More and more towns in Serbia is polluted by uranium from drop bombs in last NATO attack at its country, but the same system is with region over big centers at Vojvodina region, and special at Pančevo region, where the problems is enormous.
After all, reactions and pushes at the locals government is necessary to deploy oder and law in the power, then where not exist now.
Neither some government at member state in this regions hasn't take measure to in proof local people that they bring the care for health of them.
Most of this government has much better relations with a local businessman than with ordinary people interest. It mean that corruptions at most level at government at Balkan region is such pleasant and common for the most politicians.
If somebody doesn't have power to change this, Europe going to pay a lots in the nearest future, and it mean the lots problems for changes, and prosperity at all continent,too. Now, have little time to do something and step up methods to in proof all, that right and power of laws, still exist at real life and to all.

Saturday 10 May 2008

Lost inverior and powers misstakes in Lebanon

Has Washington knowledge that somebody take information to the Hezboallah , and that they have info that transporters come at Beirut airfields with heavy arms for sunnies militia man, for battle against so cal Iranian's allay in the Lebanon.
Hezbolallah has info about a introduce of Israel's military intelligence few months ago in the Bekka valley, and an introduce of German and Austrian secret police in Beirut. They took so many information from a field when they capt several local spy.
After interrogation and investigation at several places in the world they found that inter government prepared attack against Hezboallah with support of Egypt and Saudi Araby. Which come with supports in the personal teem and with money and arms in the middle of the some so call conflict.
After reactions of Lebanon's Army secret agents, and army support of several movements in the field, include Hezboallah. So call democrat Hariri lives country and move to the Jeddah.
On other side, Army is still strong and unity power in the jeopardy country like Lebanon, and isn't with allay sympathize for France, and American policy.
This countries after all, lost every possibility to create inter policy at Lebanon's politic scene in the future for long time. On other side, Israel has attack after this, not directly but with most capability forces of Hamas, whose has new war strategy and arms to pound Israel's territory deeply then ever it done.
Without real protection, and with interior instability in the neighborhood, especial in the Egypt. And with Al Qaeda potential retros against Saudi dynasty. With Jordan who hasn't real interior power to protect them self. Israel is push deeply at stormy sea of Middle East political sands and dines.
Moves in the Lebanon open much more questions over real policy of former colonial master and one big power like US at Lebanon and Middle East, too. Is it policy with oil in one hand and matches in the other? In this case some make the big mistake, and after all flame self.

Thursday 8 May 2008

Israel forgot hero- one eye vision

Today 60years after constitutional the State of Israel, some fascistic state made against main will of Jewish people coming from holocaust European Nazi concentration camps. Most of them was lost ideals over Jewish state when they had broken in real mess of kibbutz concentration labor camps, real connected with old polish Jewish member of prewar government of old marshal, most of them involved at fascistic movement which support this government in the early twenty's in motherland.
Isn't surprise that first lieder of the State come from this European state.
After all, history of Israel wasn't nice history. It was history of divides and most human crisis, with war crimes which IDF commander made in the past.
But one of them had only one eye, other lost in the battle for illusion of democratic and power Israel, but not some State. Republic he had call, democratic society for all citizens, without religions and national occasion. He had try full free Israel without USA so call protection, but only colonial provision to really Israelis dies for American interests in the region. Like watch dog and an policeman against oil rich state, most of them semi feudal kingdoms. In the real status Israel had not much good of this policy. But Zionist regime wasn't try to made better for Israelis but only for Americans. Discrimination Arab citizen of Israel, and apartheids in common life have had disaster influence at real life in the State.
When hero of few Israel- Arab war step up to protest and try changes he lost everything, after all life. But his vision is now reality, which many Israelis live. Isolated of other world, with no one friend, and many enemies Israel has only one way to put in way Moshe Dyan idea peace for land.And rebuild Israel like Republic of Israel, state of all citizen, historically orientate at Jewish tradition.

Tuesday 6 May 2008

European to shoot down old credit line policy

Has Europe real and good vision at Balkan issue or Europe try to make something only against maybe Russian influence at the field?
In this case, Europe is lost vision, real vision at the real politic situation at continent. No one, nor Russia, has real plan to take position in such isolate enclave at Balkan, maybe in Serbia, in situation where this non solid country try such way out from past and turbulent history. Nader Medviedev at position to make such troubleshot in situation when Russia has problem with rebel Georgia at never pace full Kaucas at south border.
In this situation no one have idea to push some help to somebody who hasn't idea what real position has in the modern world.
Europe now, hasn't position like some empire in the past. Without real power and real sophistic method in monetary policy, only in a power with so strong Euro, Europe has now only static position at world moves. No one Europe's company has real and health money to invest it at field inside of Europe, And what say to investments at other markets.
Credit situation still wrong stay at method of production from 70th in past century. Do not exist a real economic policy at high level in commission, and ECB is one only exist factor of unity.
Invested money in people, at real estate markets and at non progressive credit round for ordinary people, to buy car, ships, or to do something isn't best way for go out from recession in which Europe step up last year.
How? European country try to create and make job only in the protection clauses boarded European markets. And , at other way they try to sell so expensive products in the other markets, what is impossibles.
Sell, but nothing to buy, isn't real economic policy. Policy which can try exit from crisis.
Real methods is to put in money at some places like Africa or some else and then make work places and goods, a quality products. Because that, Europe is need to do everything to make something deferent from USA, and in cooperation with others to make more progressive social-economy situation, mush better than now. Not only in Europe, but elsewhere int the modern world. It mean less problems and more friends.

Sunday 4 May 2008

Mistake in orientation-or European lost of idea

Without possibility for nice and secure life in Europe, most people of Union member states, citizens try help in the past. No more,they have be leave that situation at field isn't so long and that prosperity is on the way in only few months or weeks.
Situation in an private sector is worts than ever it had been, and only inflation many incoming from state banks reserves push exchange indexes up at stock markets around world. It mean that inflater dollar take position in many domestic trade fact, but with the damage for more decade involve at domestic and full European stocks situation.
In time, when Europe hasn't real power to protect anything, indeed is impossible say that recession not exist yet. No money for social stability, and for trade protection at a domestic food and energetic market have destabilization factor at more international issue.
Inflation is find like aspirin to push down fiver, and to give a some place to restore an old way in trade works. But after all. European, and special USA market haven't a strong will to make new opportunity for job creation. And off course, it is possible that new initiatives goes from some places like India, China, and Brasil. In moment when the power was gone and when new era still stand at began, some western company as involves in trouble like Bolivian domestic issue isn't progressive, but have boomerang effect at most dangerous South America region. Where this company risk to lost more than they can take in Bolivian Santa Cruz, where they have the pact with ordinary nazi white orienter population.

Thursday 1 May 2008

Where Europe is in wrong at Balkan

Inside of the states at Balkan, history has most popular fictions, than that in all time everybody had popular hero. Is it true or not, isn't real important.
Little states, little nations, littles politicians and than you have the great crime and graves,too. In states, where everybody from small child to olds have an selfish trues.
In this moment at Balkan states haven't exist non politician or some other in the power who has real brave to tell what real is in the scene. The legends and the story singed in the national epic poetry had disasters conditions on mental health more of population in this area. In conditions of local isolation, and massive inter cousins sexual relation or incests which wasn't strange non one population at Balkan, but special in West Balkan when it was some common way in social community to the near history periods . And when you put it at way of an epic story, most of them had been fantastic lyric work of some domestic priest, catastrophe was born.
And when some want to change it, than he start to broke most taboo, and have problems not only with people and history but with phantoms from backyard. With some so call heroes who haven't real history dimension.
After all, reformist at Balkan stay down, mostly from life scene, and only few have privileged to safe self.
In it's situation, what history tells us more and more time in the real happens and personal story, too, take some to come in Club is real fool and idiotic. Who have irresponsibility if something going to worst in future. Has it some a plan to protect Europe from the Balkan's disses of nationalist rhetoric and so call fight against anti national free mining people and free press. Who have power to back some gays, to stop them to prevent them to haven't chance to make disaster and nationalism happening. Is real to say that all of this states at Balkan has strong will to implement every act from Copenhagen in local law system and social security. In places where corruption is so strong, and where work the regime loyal people, most of them without adequately school skills and without personal skill to work at work places where is necessary to create the independent and at law found decision.
When it hasn't exist than have corruption, on several level. Not only direct corruption but indirect, too, where a politician, on each level take method to take one part of cakes and cookies. And after all you have BIH, state without real power and domestic vision on same way to going to future. Is it real success or big blame?