Monday 14 May 2018

New Shabra and Shatila or how some lost the power

Tomorow nothihg would be same.
After clashes today, and great massacre against Palestinians, Judaism is at the bring of disaster.
Nothing can be say in the future, after some agly agresion going to the peace Juish people some in the World.
The big silence have be more than ignorance, but more it would be real speach against agresion and cionism like some part of Facsim, whose cuse more suffer from time of Treblinka, where some other beasts killed people in only reason, they had been Jew.

Today, all planet must stay in one colon and say how kills for state, for nation in Palestina is the crime against humanity, and how is necceseary to some call UN to vote against Cionsm and State of Israel, like modern Nazi camp, where Jews live in the baracks surrounded by the big wall and barbed wire on the top. But now with guard who are not Germans, but Jews, and who like Nazi kill everybody who say something against Israel policy.

Bibi Netaniahu, is one nice guy, who come in the power, to dismantel State of Isrel. With lie, and lack of democracy.

Israel now has not state, it is crime scene, where more actors use buliets against peace protesters to cover losts in these wars from Sirya to Yemen.
Not last, but list defeat was in Lebanon elections, where Bibi and his chief of inteligence make worst masacre in the team.

Now they said how it will be possible to creat a war against Lebanom, but with what?
The last action in Sirya, make clear picture, how IDF is in bad conditions, and how badly is open sky over Israel.
The analysis from a independent observers, make clear, that IDF have not naff power to make war evan against HAMAS, out of US help. But even than it have be not more than etnick cleansing Jew form the Israel.
For this reason, some make today Sabra and Shatila, but does world have power to say it is naf?

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