Tuesday 29 May 2018

Few years for EU, to be going to go?!

Today is clear how at EU has not so nice view in the east part of the Union, and how situation with law and human rights at this part of EU going to be worst than ever before.

The rule in the east is so simple than it have be translate to the buirocracy in Bruxseless, how they are lost control over a comand in the common job.

It going to creating crisis which still not gained some results at the fields. But on the other way, it is clear that a workforce and capital strart to make relocating on the other theritories where they expect to be more productive than  they have to be now in EU east.

In more than six country from V4 group we have to see how they have each month so much shortening the work force at the working market, and how they start to going in the red with efficiency , what culminates at growing works off and step out from the markets.

Last situation with Poland, and unconstitutional message to the Pentagon for military help sponsored from the not so clear found of Polish state, is opening speculation, that situation in the so caled corner stone of Nato is unstabile.

After so call reforms came to protect Polish people from newhere known, and after  stay clear how in this moment with hard Russian contrasanctions the economy going in food industry and agriculture to down,in this moment, the part of Polish establisment mean how they have fix it with simple way.
They made call to US troops, to be permanent stationed in Lodz, part of east where situation with agriculture coming to make disaster.

Nothing was changed after Poland find so call mouse route for contraband of some product, abandoned in the export to RF.

Specially after found how the price to it, is so coslty, and how only one quother of it step over Belarus to RF market.

But after severat other countries find that quality of products from Poland is out of declaration at the products, export was slamed and now stay in the protection from EU, which made a wast money in the depoes over Poland.

Some products who still going at the martkets in the EU have not so well ratings.

Only Czech Republic stay in the well, but not because they have to much prodacts or they have open foreigh martkets.
No, they do what they did in century ago. They build part of machines for big German and Swiss companies, and on it they in the second way try to put at the market self produce goods.

But, they did what first did not, they stay in the big stepa with self propeled comapnies, and now they even have same way like others from the Union and West, they have profit.

Not out of price, what is not so big if you have constantly grow in the BDP, without uncontrole shortage at the workforce.

Only what make the crisis is in non EU rules what stay in the market, but even in the investment. On other way it grow the Populist movenets, and strengthens feeling that Bruxeless make play game against Czech's  interests.

The main portion of frustation comming to pay Roma nation, whose are in some aparthaid sistem, but even free media, too.

In Slovakia, and other coutries the capilar nationalism and coruption with wrong sentiments based at the history revisionism and glorification the far right movements from the WWII, blasting all moves to normal democracy.

Like it had been in the century ago, where they have role in "Cordon Sanitair" against Soviet, they now feel that somebody must pay to same role them, and after all they have righ to doing what they want, to preserve selfish wiev on self so call glory role in the past.

It is big risk for common market, to stay stabile. Not even Italian crisis have so dangerous elements how it is situation at the East, where for reason what we told EU could going in the ash.

Shortage of found and incompentent elite in the East make pressure at the Euro, to be removed in favor with USD.

This move can be last pass for the revolutions over the Continent, and of course the Union dissolution.

The main reason we find in situation on the Polish market, where the biggest players have not so much high reason to stay, after they have lost the big potrion of market from the East to the Southeast.

After the EU find new rule in the produce, where the products for whole EU must be with same characteristics, what cuse a multiple problems, stand to the East is payable only in the heavy industry and IT. But only for the reason whose stay at less wight in salary.

Social differences there coming to be highest after WWII, and push the Populist in the top.

Although EU said how economic sanctions made the job against RF, it has not true in the part of EU, whose created to be a bridge for expansion in several decade ago.

What can be clear when you find how some Baltic state stay in hard possition, after impose the sanction, and when they made decision to buy natural gus over Atlantic.

Eurostat, now coming with not more real statistic metter, and in these raports call how there existing some success, but it not true.

How is possible that a crime and fraud, with prostitution come in the things so important for BDP?

Trafficing and contraband is not legal, but if you make a grow on it, than you have real problem to decide what you are?!

Are you real, healthy club, or you are some bar with heavy mess!?

How is possible to make a change in energetic policy, when you have not control even member state, and you are in more things an toy for your so call ally?

German push to reenter production of some goods whose they now have in production at China market, stand over, when they find how even they have not naf workers, but more of it, they have not stabile energy support, out of big consumption from RF, against what is US and the President.

In other way this move could have worst implementation on the realations with not only China, but more with US. When apsolute majority  in Germany try to be out of what they see big war games and more US influence.

After all, what we can say stay in the setence, EU is still a corp but at way to be divided into parts, less than several monts, maybe years. These reason stay in sistems whose not changed in the East EU, and in the West where growing neocolinial and far right sentiments.

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