Thursday 26 April 2018

Macron in wonder

Economic situation at the markets going in different way than it was projected in moment before Syrian's war.
Now, no one point was rise from the West against both Russia and China, but opposite.
Yuan going to be new petro money. and on other way economic situation at the russian market still stay at the possitive path. Even was Rubal scrambled more than 50% from crisis begun and when everybody expect to Russia stay in the ruine no more than few months.
Now situation at agreeculture and food industry in most part of EU start to predict worst results ever. Even more, we have to see how price of food rise in most part of the EU members, and how in Poland more and more farmers stay out of job and propriety, because they have no chance to sell product on the east markets. Specially in Russia.
Neither smagling of  it over Belarus, gain more better results. But some time even they have worst situation, when big shipment come back, and than is no possibilty to be deliver at the third part.

But with milk stay comercial results catastrofic.
Hiperproduction is over, but even with less produce milk at the market they have no chance to be concurent at the third markets.
In difference, they are live at supstitutes and  EU supports, what mean that thay now live, like depend people, and not  be able to give more in so call local reform.
At the more developed economy and agriculture like it we have in the Nederland and France has in the big problems, too.
Nederland going to import more what produce agriculture products,than it grow in the country.
Reason stay in not so well supports for farmers, groweing expence, both in material and labor.
The production of cheese and meet was not so nuf to be able for use in the Nederland, neider to be naf for export. Meet is one of the product whose come from the Latin America.

Before the most of this product have market place at the east, but now they have problem to put it at the market even in the new EU member state.
Produce of food in France stay in declaine, even wine stay in it. After new cemical analises open the questions over human exposure to toxic mether in some expensive tipe of wine.

Local producers is so expensive for more than half of EU market, than visit of litlte Macro to the President coming in the moment when he have growing social escalation, and where farmers stay at the foot to find more justice.

Nothing cam be change with total censorship over France media, whose had and not have news about riots all over the country.

Macro start to trip at big words but in the words stay simple mether, economy.
He was in the agresion against Syria in same reason, but after it he have no less problems. Oposite of it, the problems in the public sector coming to going to be reason for his resignation much erlie than he and his mentors expect.

Nor more presure, even use of the army in riots and even use of tier gas, but not only, have only one way. And he is clear that it can be some like it had been several centuries ago.

The attack at Syria, only stay like smoke curtain for domestic propose of better life.

After all, now even more sanctions against "enemies" look like stick over self.

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