Thursday 6 December 2018

US in the last war

After politicians in the middelections coming into results, than we have to see how situation in the field is. Nothing is so different from the past, even we have to see so call populist into White House.
Better to say, he is the prisoner. Nothing what he said to would be done, he didn't it. Even more, the situation in the economy, in real sector over gross policy and in security stay much worst than it was in the last term of President Obama.
Actions against "enemies", Russia and China coming to be like last swan dance. More and more situation in the world have system for global disaster incorporate in the plan.
From Europe to China the Administration doing everything to blow up global security, and global economy. In the reason whose we have to see in no idea how to solve problems into US. Not only economy,what is neccesery to fix, for healthy America.Nor in the public security, neither in the defence.
 More and more Americans live in the shadow and down of it. Nothing was did to preserve the resalting from crisis 2008 and after.
Decisions whose come from cabinet of the President in past two years coming like mirror of local disolution from democracy.
America first. and America strong is only empty sentence, without real power.
Different of it, America is only stay at a power in naval groups over main oceans.
It mean that only naked arms threat to the whole planet stay only between US today and the fall States tomorrow.  The States's Economy based at the derivates wich are incorporate in the state dept, have not more function. Nobody want to be believer for depts whose roceting and now stay to be concrete table who can in the next momet coming down at the States.
Information in some case are not something what we have in the public, but other things what we have to see at the table, where is clear how the President's idea and administration view stay at opposition.
In several decades before, US in same situation came out with export of "democracy" and war agaist many states. With disaster rusults not only for them but for global scene,too.
Now is clear how economy in the States stay at the BRIC, and how so call democracy exported in Brasil, and some other countries from this group have nothing positive for the US.
But opposite of that, a relations against China and Russia coming to push everythig into fire.
More sanctions agaist everybody who are not at the Administration line for result have only more enemies and more countries out of dollar domination.
In second it mean how they have no more place for sell a union dept, and how it would be difficult to serviced this dept for middle term.
Specially after is stay clear how several US states coming into insolvence. And how is possible that war in the Arabia coming to be last nail at the coffin of the so call America First.
The real result of all now have only the way from where not be back. The lost wars where incorporated several bilion dolars and where is lost more than money, with China presence near neigbourhood in Djibuti and with clear power of IRCI to cut down oil supply from the Gulf, make more people nervous. One more war what they push at the Medditerain going to be last, even not be global, for US what we know now.

Tuesday 6 November 2018

Midterm elections in the fall

The so call democratic world try too find a back of US President. But reality stay in the way known more like export war. Same war what we have to see at the streets of US towns and willages. Civil war which had gone in the possition to be build at the world war.
Today we have nothing to say. Time is to scribe US reality out of world security. Nothing is better than situation where so call midterm elections, whose give nothing new in the States. But in the international relations make more suitable situation where no more exist a superpower no1.
After all, the two years in the White House, from actually President gave the all who want to see clear picture what mean democracy in the States, and what could be happen if it not stay uneder control.
Nobody who realy want a peace and prosperity can say how policy what we see in the President side are not public presents of many in US.
No way, the rule of Donald Trump open painfull cuestions, what is US?
The place where power in the police so hard, where most people have not so naf money to live dignity, to be proud at the children, and have security to be free colected information, and to be free in  a mind.

Anybody would be elected and who coming to be in the Senate and Congress, must know how they have nothing but naked army force against many others in the world. And than they have not real and true friend.
The economy still stay at the part time jobs, and investment coming only like a necceserity to prevent close asets in some countries where actually president imposed sanctions.
Wellfare state has gone, and now stay only way to crisis going to be serve at other mether, like it is borders and imigrants, but not only.
Even Democrats looking to make hard inter affair, coming safe zone for domestic problems that can not be resolved.

Nothing midterm elections has with democracy, human rights, and liberty. In contrast, it means more money in a personal pockets and looted personal happiness from more Americans.

For the world, this elections mean securitiy that a war can't be expose even the States take final power against someone.
A sanctions and the war games for local economy has nothing good. Dollar is gone like first money, and safe port. And even US dept is less atractive. For taxes it is so good.

Saturday 8 September 2018

The forth Europa, someone's old dream

In the curent war situation in the world both sides have some gains, but in both sides we have see how losess can be shut down with press.
The current situation in EU could call free a "dream of Adolof Hitler's Fort Europa". The place where some have a rights and other stay like person in second position.
Even now we see how NATO doing everything same it did Hitlers's generals in the 20th century and how most armies in the Europe going to celebrate a quslings like real heroes.
When we ask what they necessary to it,why NATO command do nothing to prevent some real and true comparation between modern Aliance and Wermacht? Then we have rihgt to ask who have made decision to some armies at the east and south of Europe stay in posititon like WWII winner is Adolf Hitler?
A same position stay in ask, why EU now try to break neutrality of net, and public speach at the net?
Did it planed like to hide a worst situation in agriculure industry and at most of part of social relations in several high positioned Euro states?
The Union now is not more than paper where were written agreement from Lisabon. Nothing from twenty years old chants about EU like place of liberty, democracy, and peace.
Today, EU is involved in war against some other world powers. The fight against Russian Fedearation was disastrous, against China and Iran, too.
Even EU have pover in money and some half bilion inhabitants, they have no power to win in it.
Yes, in other way stay some losses, but only losses in oil supply from Libya and Syria, cost EU hundred bilions Euro for decades.
China have right way to suspended EU in the market, and do it best to prevent EU coming back at most part of Asia, but in Africa, too. Even several thousend soldiers step foot at the African soil from prominent Erupean armies.
The battlefield EU, now has no way to stay without scare in face of next winter.The only what exist now in some heads at the Brusselex head court, stay in idea to giving more war games to common man.
If some expect to US army coming in free land against coalition in Syria, than they haven't significant knowledge how situation in the corps stay.
After all. the war who some start at the area and sea, now stay in the fields.

Tuesday 21 August 2018

New sanctions and bad situation in the economy with fluent war

The Russian president can be very satisfied with new so call economic sanctions from his conterpart US president and US Congres.
Even in Washingoton believe how they have a initiative, they did what the Russian president expect.
In this row, situation for two stay differrently.
US try to make better possition against Russian move in the World. And Russia need to have so strong so call wall against of their interests.
In both parth we have to see how they expect some good relationship, but in real they have no intention to leave these positions.
Russia need to start to be more indenpendent from incoming economy and they have intention to made support for their investorst to build up local economy with local products.
In the States they belive how they have real key in the hands to "open"Russia and put them at the "real" place.
The new batch of sanctions like they imposed in the history against SSSR, they belive doing so well to impose it in some time.
But what they have in the history, they haven't now.
In the so call Cold War era, two side have diferent view at the most things, first at the economy ties, and social sistem. Now it is not case.
US after war start to be predominant energy in the most economy, and with dominante money like USD, they have stick to push more actions against not so cooperative states and movements,too.
But now, they have real problem. The money market have new derivates, and not one have same posititon like it they had.
May be, the new intention to slow dow oil price, to block energy invests in the so call enemy, and constantly research to make tanable presure against price of gold spot, make them shure how they have initiative.
But in real with war what we have now over planet clime, and so big losts whose imposed it in the EU economy, with not so good played game over Turkey against the so call enemies, the big and quick crush of BRICS economy stay out of promise.
The respond of it coming not so loudly, but more painfully.
These garbages stay at the most ally ports. The tresure bonds slash down after massive sale at the markets, like the problem with the money flood at the markets where not needed USD stay out of functions.
Even game aganist cripto currency fail to move it from the markets.
Not price of the oil step down, but we have more demand after stay clear what stay in the back of this climate changes.
After all, but not last, the economy in the States stay at the cristal legs in the part time jobs and not so well credit market, for most population. What we see there coming the worst economic scenario where the middle class is gone, and where uper class stay more rich, against sea of poor pesants who try to live with less than several dollars in the pocket.
The relation of not so well and important states with US like ally, start to bring more trouble than success.
Actions in these several countries, fom Afganistan to Jemen, and from Pakistan to Libya coming to be nightmare.
To stop open public view over it, some came with decide to open new front in Europe.
The other side, called BRICS, coming with counter attacks over all planet, and did but do it now to remove USD from tansactions, they pool out assets from US bonds, they remove productions from most part of US predominate ally, and out of all they changes travel routs around the World.
In this intention stay a way to block oil export from the Gulf, and to push presure against some specific industries at the West.
Info wars who we are witness in the summer have nothing to change the truth how bad is economy and how war is in the path.
But no more stay intention to some stop it, non to help some against other, neither that this moves come with expect to Cold War era winer can do it again.
Like we said it, the situation is change, and this is not ideology war, but struggle to life.
In this struggle, US decisions is not so nice but good for self destruction, even they export inflation, less pay, and avoidance of tax with money laundering at BRICS side. Specially after Russian economy watchdog stoped smuglling over Minsk and Balkan states.
BRICS now has some retriets but in this winter they going to have big gaine, specially after stay clear how the EU can be remove quicly from the energy line with the East.
Now we have to see where they are coming, or how the possition of Turkey made EU east a waste land.

Friday 27 July 2018

The scenario for Iranian war, and US fall

A few moment coming to make situation in the States worst than ever in the history.
One moment coming to be with predict how the US Army has power to dismantal Iran, very quickly and successefuly. 
It mean what they planed to made it in several weeks, with heavy bombardament from strategical forces from sea, area, and land bases over more than hundred places at the Arabian peninsula and neighboring Afganistan. 
Of course that plan have post about an local uprising against dictatory regime. What they have at the field Iranians know very well.

The act against Iran start more than an local war. Because, it coming to be global war two big country, and some other smallest country each other.
Even US Army have predict how they have secure position at the field, it is so far of reality. The Iranian forces has more power force groups near US ports and towns than they had concluded in the past investigations.

How the Iranian forces has be strong, the US can saw few days before, where they demolish 70 000 SA coalitian led forces, and when they made small uprising in the UAE, where strugles between parts od the Union rose to high peak from former indempendecy from Britain in 20th century.

Not only, but never less, the SA promise to the President how they have potention to make more oil at the market, blowed in the first step, and now is known, how SA is diply unfit to make any move over direct US support.

But, we are in the focus at the war against Iran.
The first bombing going to make real confusion at both, oil and finance markets. In one day, oil has going to rise over hundred dolars per barel, and on other, dollar start to declaine against most real tresures,

Next day coming with hight price of commodities, and other energy, and trhird come with total US bond sale. In markets of so call the Gulf states, first day coming wiht the fear, and thirtd with uprising of more than half population, because everything coming to shortly, from food to wather.

In Iran, even the local Army has not so well equipped, and have lack of some resource, and even some guys at the West believe how they are in struggle with Republican  Guard, they hate the same western boys more than these Republicans. And even they have not so many, they have naff to blow up several hundred block post around Iran.

In Iran, after several decades in isolation, war coming like prayer,a and final countdown against "grait satan". 

Against forces in Iran the coalition in the US lead have to post not much than 50000 people,with several thousend machines in air and sea. Oposite of them, Iran's coalition coming with more than doubled force at the field and similar number of equipment.

In economy, Iran has not have to feel morer economic stress, even the war coming to be immensely long.

They expected how they have to lost not more than hundred thousend lives, and how they must did what they know to do.

After a week at the war, the word comming to pay the price. In more than half of planet coming to start uprisens against local government, mostly necked by US. The main reason stay in great shortage of common goods, and highest price of same.

But, we are not against this war, no more. Time is come to be make some changes in the ME, for long time. 
Time is come to ME people have real democracy, and that so call control power bigins to live his life.

In fifth day, the US Dollar coming not more than paper for... And gold start with cripto and Yuan new rullers of economy at the Planet.

Tuesday 29 May 2018

Few years for EU, to be going to go?!

Today is clear how at EU has not so nice view in the east part of the Union, and how situation with law and human rights at this part of EU going to be worst than ever before.

The rule in the east is so simple than it have be translate to the buirocracy in Bruxseless, how they are lost control over a comand in the common job.

It going to creating crisis which still not gained some results at the fields. But on the other way, it is clear that a workforce and capital strart to make relocating on the other theritories where they expect to be more productive than  they have to be now in EU east.

In more than six country from V4 group we have to see how they have each month so much shortening the work force at the working market, and how they start to going in the red with efficiency , what culminates at growing works off and step out from the markets.

Last situation with Poland, and unconstitutional message to the Pentagon for military help sponsored from the not so clear found of Polish state, is opening speculation, that situation in the so caled corner stone of Nato is unstabile.

After so call reforms came to protect Polish people from newhere known, and after  stay clear how in this moment with hard Russian contrasanctions the economy going in food industry and agriculture to down,in this moment, the part of Polish establisment mean how they have fix it with simple way.
They made call to US troops, to be permanent stationed in Lodz, part of east where situation with agriculture coming to make disaster.

Nothing was changed after Poland find so call mouse route for contraband of some product, abandoned in the export to RF.

Specially after found how the price to it, is so coslty, and how only one quother of it step over Belarus to RF market.

But after severat other countries find that quality of products from Poland is out of declaration at the products, export was slamed and now stay in the protection from EU, which made a wast money in the depoes over Poland.

Some products who still going at the martkets in the EU have not so well ratings.

Only Czech Republic stay in the well, but not because they have to much prodacts or they have open foreigh martkets.
No, they do what they did in century ago. They build part of machines for big German and Swiss companies, and on it they in the second way try to put at the market self produce goods.

But, they did what first did not, they stay in the big stepa with self propeled comapnies, and now they even have same way like others from the Union and West, they have profit.

Not out of price, what is not so big if you have constantly grow in the BDP, without uncontrole shortage at the workforce.

Only what make the crisis is in non EU rules what stay in the market, but even in the investment. On other way it grow the Populist movenets, and strengthens feeling that Bruxeless make play game against Czech's  interests.

The main portion of frustation comming to pay Roma nation, whose are in some aparthaid sistem, but even free media, too.

In Slovakia, and other coutries the capilar nationalism and coruption with wrong sentiments based at the history revisionism and glorification the far right movements from the WWII, blasting all moves to normal democracy.

Like it had been in the century ago, where they have role in "Cordon Sanitair" against Soviet, they now feel that somebody must pay to same role them, and after all they have righ to doing what they want, to preserve selfish wiev on self so call glory role in the past.

It is big risk for common market, to stay stabile. Not even Italian crisis have so dangerous elements how it is situation at the East, where for reason what we told EU could going in the ash.

Shortage of found and incompentent elite in the East make pressure at the Euro, to be removed in favor with USD.

This move can be last pass for the revolutions over the Continent, and of course the Union dissolution.

The main reason we find in situation on the Polish market, where the biggest players have not so much high reason to stay, after they have lost the big potrion of market from the East to the Southeast.

After the EU find new rule in the produce, where the products for whole EU must be with same characteristics, what cuse a multiple problems, stand to the East is payable only in the heavy industry and IT. But only for the reason whose stay at less wight in salary.

Social differences there coming to be highest after WWII, and push the Populist in the top.

Although EU said how economic sanctions made the job against RF, it has not true in the part of EU, whose created to be a bridge for expansion in several decade ago.

What can be clear when you find how some Baltic state stay in hard possition, after impose the sanction, and when they made decision to buy natural gus over Atlantic.

Eurostat, now coming with not more real statistic metter, and in these raports call how there existing some success, but it not true.

How is possible that a crime and fraud, with prostitution come in the things so important for BDP?

Trafficing and contraband is not legal, but if you make a grow on it, than you have real problem to decide what you are?!

Are you real, healthy club, or you are some bar with heavy mess!?

How is possible to make a change in energetic policy, when you have not control even member state, and you are in more things an toy for your so call ally?

German push to reenter production of some goods whose they now have in production at China market, stand over, when they find how even they have not naf workers, but more of it, they have not stabile energy support, out of big consumption from RF, against what is US and the President.

In other way this move could have worst implementation on the realations with not only China, but more with US. When apsolute majority  in Germany try to be out of what they see big war games and more US influence.

After all, what we can say stay in the setence, EU is still a corp but at way to be divided into parts, less than several monts, maybe years. These reason stay in sistems whose not changed in the East EU, and in the West where growing neocolinial and far right sentiments.

Monday 14 May 2018

New Shabra and Shatila or how some lost the power

Tomorow nothihg would be same.
After clashes today, and great massacre against Palestinians, Judaism is at the bring of disaster.
Nothing can be say in the future, after some agly agresion going to the peace Juish people some in the World.
The big silence have be more than ignorance, but more it would be real speach against agresion and cionism like some part of Facsim, whose cuse more suffer from time of Treblinka, where some other beasts killed people in only reason, they had been Jew.

Today, all planet must stay in one colon and say how kills for state, for nation in Palestina is the crime against humanity, and how is necceseary to some call UN to vote against Cionsm and State of Israel, like modern Nazi camp, where Jews live in the baracks surrounded by the big wall and barbed wire on the top. But now with guard who are not Germans, but Jews, and who like Nazi kill everybody who say something against Israel policy.

Bibi Netaniahu, is one nice guy, who come in the power, to dismantel State of Isrel. With lie, and lack of democracy.

Israel now has not state, it is crime scene, where more actors use buliets against peace protesters to cover losts in these wars from Sirya to Yemen.
Not last, but list defeat was in Lebanon elections, where Bibi and his chief of inteligence make worst masacre in the team.

Now they said how it will be possible to creat a war against Lebanom, but with what?
The last action in Sirya, make clear picture, how IDF is in bad conditions, and how badly is open sky over Israel.
The analysis from a independent observers, make clear, that IDF have not naff power to make war evan against HAMAS, out of US help. But even than it have be not more than etnick cleansing Jew form the Israel.
For this reason, some make today Sabra and Shatila, but does world have power to say it is naf?

Thursday 26 April 2018

Macron in wonder

Economic situation at the markets going in different way than it was projected in moment before Syrian's war.
Now, no one point was rise from the West against both Russia and China, but opposite.
Yuan going to be new petro money. and on other way economic situation at the russian market still stay at the possitive path. Even was Rubal scrambled more than 50% from crisis begun and when everybody expect to Russia stay in the ruine no more than few months.
Now situation at agreeculture and food industry in most part of EU start to predict worst results ever. Even more, we have to see how price of food rise in most part of the EU members, and how in Poland more and more farmers stay out of job and propriety, because they have no chance to sell product on the east markets. Specially in Russia.
Neither smagling of  it over Belarus, gain more better results. But some time even they have worst situation, when big shipment come back, and than is no possibilty to be deliver at the third part.

But with milk stay comercial results catastrofic.
Hiperproduction is over, but even with less produce milk at the market they have no chance to be concurent at the third markets.
In difference, they are live at supstitutes and  EU supports, what mean that thay now live, like depend people, and not  be able to give more in so call local reform.
At the more developed economy and agriculture like it we have in the Nederland and France has in the big problems, too.
Nederland going to import more what produce agriculture products,than it grow in the country.
Reason stay in not so well supports for farmers, groweing expence, both in material and labor.
The production of cheese and meet was not so nuf to be able for use in the Nederland, neider to be naf for export. Meet is one of the product whose come from the Latin America.

Before the most of this product have market place at the east, but now they have problem to put it at the market even in the new EU member state.
Produce of food in France stay in declaine, even wine stay in it. After new cemical analises open the questions over human exposure to toxic mether in some expensive tipe of wine.

Local producers is so expensive for more than half of EU market, than visit of litlte Macro to the President coming in the moment when he have growing social escalation, and where farmers stay at the foot to find more justice.

Nothing cam be change with total censorship over France media, whose had and not have news about riots all over the country.

Macro start to trip at big words but in the words stay simple mether, economy.
He was in the agresion against Syria in same reason, but after it he have no less problems. Oposite of it, the problems in the public sector coming to going to be reason for his resignation much erlie than he and his mentors expect.

Nor more presure, even use of the army in riots and even use of tier gas, but not only, have only one way. And he is clear that it can be some like it had been several centuries ago.

The attack at Syria, only stay like smoke curtain for domestic propose of better life.

After all, now even more sanctions against "enemies" look like stick over self.

Wednesday 28 March 2018

Theresa May want to have, and war must be!

Theresa May made wondrfull action against Mr. Putin. It was somthing what he expect to have, and she was gave him.

Why and what, we do not say here.

On the other way we have to say how so call "mad dog" from Washington sarcasticly made advertsmant  about  situation. He told how Nato is relevant now when Stoltenberg Secretar General follow the May decision. 

Sarcasm in the mesage come after he fonund that some things stay at the wrong. Out of impurity of mind, with lack of evidence, and without coordination with high comand,when she was made a theater for self promotion.

In so dangerous action whose she row against imagine, the global, NATO and European position come unader treat.  

Even she start to make message in the Parliament how her decision to expel  the diplomat have planetary support, story going to stay totally oposite.

Only, around twenty countries come in the action, most of them like sheeps whose did it in fear from stick over head.

In some cases, we was withess how democracy is so sleazy when some try to make some selfish act.

But, she made what she made, and now she expect what?

Is she belive how kiling of Mr. Skriping could change local wiew on the situation after Brexit? 
Why we at the BBC looking on the article about mass deads in the Sibir?

In reason that some in the UK have condolence , or some have  a fingers in it?

Nothing what she did or do have no change to made worst for the world. But only for her.

After all, she going against democracy, she push action at Mr. Corbin, and put the censors in the media. The control of maind, in situation of economical disgrace. Where she going to fight with the prisoner in the White House in war against China, at an reasons who stay in "celebrity history" and misguided sight on real place of UK in the world, going to we make conclusion how bad stay possibilities to US recovery and how the story about rich UK out from the EU, is not more than big lie.

With so call big players whose now in troubles and charges against them. With most of them,whose  have lucreative contracts with US administration, and work for them, start with war against China plus Russia, looks like cavalry attack against tanks.

The most sad things is with EU whose take same side like her even she and the Union stay at great dispute, long before Brexit.

Now is totaly known how the idea of democratic club is over. Nothing what we have see now is compared by elementary idea fiftee years ago.

EU now is money laundering, where growing far right populist parties and movements. Where powerty is rise, and where pension could not give naf money for decent life in old age.

EU today say how it much welth than enemy Russia, but what is true?

What is wiht milions who are out from the statistics, who live in margine, and where is mililons of minorities whose havent even constitutional rights.

EU now look like old colonial lady whose believe how have everything, can do everything, and no body have right to call it at historian court.

What can be happen if in some case it stay out of energy? What is Euro than paper printed in the Frankfurt!?

How is possible that today in EU living several hundred milion poor people and ten coutry member have less  GOP than multicomp? 

In battle for Russian sources, EU like many before it have no chance to win. Europe and the states had been ocupant forces hundred years ago at Russian soil, and what they made? Nothihg. 

Now, when war is near Big Bang, because Prime Minister look at it to safe yorself, time is to start.



Thursday 15 March 2018

Four on one, one above all

When you lost these wars, and after you stay away from economic surplus, than you come at idea to push more sanctions create at false move.

Economy stay at brink of sword, and after Brexit it stay so worst than it anybody predict it.
In industry nothing has same posistions,what it had been several years ago. The so call new industry has not so big inport to the local BDP, and more money must go in the social program for growing powerty in the country.
Devide between south and nort is so great, than no body have real vision what should be at autumn.
Nor some reason exist to get proof how is possible that nothing going wrong for constitutional sistem in tha state.
This state after Brexit, going to has more problems whose growing from the common people to the top.
The Prime Minister now have not so secret projection about what is real situation at the field. From energy industry to defense. Problem from the high tehnology use for high arms equipment make so scary the minister of defese, than he move in the public like lunetic.
In this moment some so call attack in the middle of state, is big trash, used to removed public interes in the state's things.

Other states who are support this ridiculous,  comming in it for different reason, but united in one, defeat. In Middle East, Notrh Korea, Indian Ocean, South Africa, Latin America, and Arctic.
On Russian side,the act has potential disaster effect on the internal affairs. Specially for relation between President and high ranking businessman,the weak link-how it believe at the quartet.
But, real prolblem stay in the common standard. Salary must grow, or they have real people at the streets.
In other way, incresy of small and micro business would have positve act against this maybe scenario.

Counterattack  from the East comming very soon. It has nothing with weapons and poisons.
More it shoud be money, the much hard weapon in the state crash.

What can be done after that at the West is realy not so cute to be predict. The real crisis in the Union, and hard work to stop the Populist Parties in the several counties make incredible posiblilities for long act with sanctions against the East.
Now we have to see growing and hard differences in the social strata. Pension insecurity, and pension decline. Salaries have no more naf intention to push workers at hard work.
After all, the war is impossible, but revolution from Sweden to Italy is at the path.

With dollar whose come to be non paper in the market not so far from summer.
Overturn in the economy is here and Chine have real knowledge about that, because they had changes in the constitution.

Sunday 4 March 2018

Mafia denigrated from Malta and Slovak corupt public serviceman

EU has no more the save zone for a jurnalists.
Nor even for free speach, whose in great danger against growing coruption at all levesls in the Union.
The last execution in Slovakia, has no more differences than it had execution in La Valleta several monts ago.
In the same role we can found same actors, local politicians, and in favor some persons whose have so call private interest in public afairs.
In both situation we have to saw that police and public security tried to clean any incursion of local politicians.
They did everything to create fals way to the point-who was stay behind these criminal acts.

Everybody known how the Mafia codex say that kiling a children, woman. and olders can be made. Only in specific situation. But even than, a child has never had been a victims. 
Never had been kiled a wooman, if she has no direct treat to the organisation. 
In business with corupt government they have no direct contact, or they have never make a deal with this persons, because they look like very weak and unstabile. In most situation they try to move quickly against the treat, and they act  without scrupoulous.

In both kills we have to see how the securities try to clean the traces, and lead the investigation to close conection with Mafia,specially Italian mafia.

Simply! To make strong message for everybody who had intention to make something like did it the killed journalist.
On this was they concel acts of the guys who are really involved in the murder. They protect the buisnees of them.

The Mafia, even the Slovakian journalist scribe about connection between these local politician and them,is colateral victim, who now is in possition to going to find real executor and ciller autorisator.

Because that, the local Premier and President try to "find killers". They are clear how they are now isn't at long path to the cementery.

And after all, they first must be clear in mind, how they would not leave the breathe before they have tell a name of the Belgrade conection. 

The order must be established. And a persons who did this mess must known how everything they made wrong.

Thursday 25 January 2018

Davos, divorce

The economic summit in Swiss Davos come in the moment where most politicians have not real answers at problems in the global economy and local society.
In this situation they support so call independent reports whom came from the prominent creditworthiness agencies, and EU agencies which giving a view at economic situation in an markets. And who than put at a paper an grades how they see economic propulsion in some country.
But when we are looking at the method whose they use in it, we see how method changes several time in the several years. and how methods isn't same for all.
It mean that some is not so nice in economy, than they do everything to prevent popular dismantlement of capitalism.

Specially when we have to support really independent investigation, and grades whom come from it.

Davos now is only place where old manner politicians and economist come to  self defend from most furious community, whom try to make new business rule at the markets, some made so nervous. 

Only so call capitalism from far north of Europe give some results. No even so call communist-capitalism from China have some results to made better start position for common man and woman.
These results in China stay into great pollution, more illness and insecurity in the local market. What push local Communist Party to brush more and more hard rules in China.

The Chinese partners from EU have not nice results, even Germany has problems whose come in not so nice perspective at the labor market, and on the growing differences in money income per capita.

Brexit whose innovated from the Tory top, in reason to be "smoke screen" against not so good economic situation at the local markets, but for penalize Scots, too.
Now, after all is clear what is truly economy at the Islands, and how income to BDP comes from so call stealing, mostly from African states and China. But in some case from Russia.

It is impossible to someone not pay taxes in UK, and after that leave the county in secure asylum haven.
But it is possible vice versa.
Now when is find many info about it and about money laundering in off shore havens, when is  clear how modern economy stay at the wreck of economic science, Davos must give new/old  theories for the future.
Can it be possible with criminal methods whom use so call prominent economic regulators, in war whose promoted  fall "angels" of old capitalism?
No, it is impossible. The World need more radical changes, create at the new world money, whom not be in the hands of one state or group of states.
Cripto currencies have a future, or the World most take gold for trade and economy cornerstone.
On other way, stay US decision to defend economy base on the "world dollar", with nuke rocket and force. Even is clear how economic situation in the States and records about it stay on the lies.

The labor market is in much worst situation than ever before, even federal end state regulators speak to increase employment. Increase in part time jobs, where for regular live still is necessary to work at several work places in a day. And where users of federal and state social supplements grow rocketing.
About differences in BDP involve, others said more before.

EU stay on brink of divorce, and is not so stable. More income for locals BDP come from abroad,from foreign investment and so call colonial taxes. And more in reason that common market not exist. Neither in Euro zone.
Differences in products quality at the "common market" made view how it make business with low money cost.
In summary, in economy grow is impossible to be put prostitution, money laundry. human trafficking, crime, bribery, tax fraud. It cannot be cornerstone for capitalism economy. For it cannot be good to have personal insecure workers, more state depend people, and  young people whose exclusion from markets, situation in the global society make worst, more build a wall of poverty.
So call liberal capitalism is dead.
Part time jobs have no future, and it not made motivate people, but create state camp. Where police and so call fighters against fake new burning creativity at all.