Thursday 19 November 2015

In the shadow of terrorism-economy disaster

Turn it on! Problem is in the money.
This problem coming in the dissolve economy at the Union, and several so call friendly economy at the Planet.
The problem in in real malfunction to sanctions against many countries at the East, lead by Russian Federation, whose going like boomerang, hardly back in the Union's economy face.
The economy who stay at the crystal legs, in area whose in full charge by high explosive materials.
In this time, when the money from commodities stay at the low level ever posted from the crisis start in the 2008, and the money shortages in several budgets, so call ally states- in the several places at the Planet, what cause a shortage at the work places in the Union member states. What cause insecurity and lack of trust in the banking system, not only in Greece but in most countries at European continent. Believe in the common currency, at the global markets stay in decline.
Because, but not only for it, the so call world money-US Dollar have more incursion at the markets than it is real in power of local domestic economy.
A most industrial states coming at the market with so call nice imagines of economy situation, than it has in real.
The employment rates step dawn month by month, but several time in the year most of them made changes in statistic methods whose use to present situation, in a state,to the economy society.
In this methods they step down with most info about situation with status of poverty, economic freedom, and even situation with banking loans.
More and more companies coming at the market with furnished date at the info.
Most goods whose had way at the East markets now stay in the Union, and make situation at the market in the some prime industry like it is agriculture and automotive, double worst than it look like in usual reports.
Problem with solvency, make security at the market impossible.
Dollar rise, only in reason because several states try to take money from the States for a important business. But, it is sword with two sides. They have needs to take more money, but because they have no money to back new dept,with several of them have a wars in the back yard,and if they don't understand that they must change position whose they have now, the States stay at the brink of the disaster. In this scenario,this so call ally, could change the power place at the Planet, without the States and Union at the table.
No more war,nor sanction, neither terrorist act can stop it.

Wednesday 21 October 2015

Mr.Trudeau has right to abandon Mr.Obama

After many years of domination, a power coming in the end. The super power can not be something which has not economic power, and where the economy stay in crumbling.
In this situation stay new elected Prime Minister of Canada- Mr. Trudeau. The state is in big gap, economy stay on the worst than it had been decade ago, an now, social situation going to be out of control.
Social security, education, health care system,and even security systems stay at the brink of sword.
Money was lost, wast money leave the country and potential investments coming to be the past in economy whose have strongest feast no more even in the prime industry. An  mining now is in the money gap. Oil rig stay in the gap. 
Everything goes to start expensive, and invest is so hard. The money live in the safe havens, out of the problematic industries, whose in many reason, depend from the international policy.
War at the ME, and aggression at Yemen, mean that situation with oil stay no more secure,and lucrative. 
Yes, in both suspect actions was involve the SA, actively support the actions coming from the West.
But now is close to known, how this policy have hard effect onto Canada economy.
The economy depend mostly from export the raw materials, like it has oil, gas, wood, paper, food, electric equipment, such chemistry parts. 
But after, Mr Harper decided to step in the battle against Russia, and coming first with financial sanction against them, they was withdraw several billion dollars assessment, and it was cause the money shortage at the industry, specially finance industry.
The growing tourist in two thousands th, now they have suffer decline specially from suspect side.
New Canadian Prime Minister, know how much situation is in disaster.
The proclaiming US policy, both domestic and inter, stay at the crystal legs.
Incoming produce going down, what mean, that Canadian goods can not be sell at the State's market.
Unemployment rate isn't at the proclaiming five to seven per cent, but four time high. What in the House everybody know, but stay in the so call custody, and they have no courage to explain common Americans.
But, Canada has problem in the system. This system is most common with EU standards, of welfare state. But in position, where at the market exist shortage of money,to much is to going in double wars where results coming in an numbering migrants whose knocks at the state door.
Even Canada need inhabitants, for it is too much to same group migrants and refugees coming in number, without preparation and so call social vaccination. 
Because that, the state need old market from the east-west. The money from the Siberia,and China,too. 
It mean that wars far from Canada is over for Canadians,and even US stay hard against it, Canada must stay out of confrontation.
Now is clear how it look like, when Mr. Harper, step on the one side in the Crimea crisis. Nothing goes in good, but situation in the Commonwealth goes to be worst.
Canada isn't so necessary to US, for supplies and economical support, but only to be there in moment when US stay alone, to support them. 
This position for all Canadian is to hard and unpleasant. Insecurity is growing and in finale we have to see where it in final push one small nation in the big country.
Wars in ME whose support US has no international law protection, and time come to be abandoned or we have to see how economy at the NY stock market slam down in a day.                     

Saturday 22 August 2015

IS have support in the some NATO member states

In this time, the IS army growing self presence in the several towns at Turkey.
Like a telephone, from ear to ear of refugees, in a long line from Syria to the European frontiers coming a voice, how the IS so close to the most Turkish cities on Aegean sea.

It reason,why, the refugees tray so quickly moving in the finish state, like it has been Germany.
Desperation is so big.
The States stay no meter to the so call ex ally in some Arab states, after US leave them at the places, and now they only what can to do, do it. They run to find security. The secure zone, where they have no problems with past, and where them families going to be in-proof for future.

Situation at the domestic terrain going from bad to worst.
Syria, coming to be in a fragments, and no one have power to stay against IS, but what is the worst scenario for west, Hezbollah, and Sheikh Nasrallah.

It coming to be happen when some idiots on the desk, coming to be experts for questions, whose they have no knowledge.

In several months, the anti-IS coalition made some moves to crack down IS power. But on the other way, some US ally do everything to have good, but excellent relationship with so call Islamic State, to push out all fears about possible attacks from IS to them.

Some of them are Mediterranean ally of the States, other like some Arab  states, do it in hate on the States, and fears on the same situation on the self soil.

Most of the countries which has good connection/relation with IS, now are in the first line to defend self from migrant present of self territory. It is true that they buy the peace with arms trade and with sells of the cyber top secrets, whose IS take in attacks against enemies.
The most prominent actor in this trivial role is State of Israel.

Now, after all, the fight against modern Nazi movement stay in fantastic arrogance. Most of so call crusades stay in a position, a traitors, whose do everything to do nothing, to stop the enemy of all.

On the other side they do some stupidity, where doing similar what we have to see from IS, but they doing it in East Europe, where they support semi Nazi states in Baltic, Ukraine, Croatia, Serbia, Bulgaria, Poland. For what? For democracy they don't it.
For a profit or to bring the World on the brink of sword of global war?
Against who?
In moment when the markets going down, and crisis on the East growing badly in the West economy.  

Saturday 4 July 2015

The Merkel visit must be time for change

Situation on Balkan peninsula step up from bad to worst only several month ago.
These nationalism growing up, and make pressure at all points of civil societies in these Balkan states.
New visit of Mrs Merkel, coming like great moment to put on the pressure regimes in the region, and make clear message for all, how is impossible to make any goals in the Union, or in the future, if they have no ideas how to open these states must be, for all whose lives in it.

If we have the situation in the mind than we know how like is big problems lives in life of common people.
Nationalism, stay growing in Serbia,where people whose come in the north autonomic province of Vojvodina, in time after last Balkan wars, from regions in Croatia, mostly ethnic Serbs, with self problems in the public mind. With nationalism whose grown in his memory in ninety years of twenty century, try to pull out situation in multi-ethic relation, whose stay it from several century before.

The Serbian government in last several years try to remove all particularities from the local constitution, where they try to remove real autonomy of the north autonomic province, on the other way it going to be make changes in positions of local authentic non Orthodox population.
Even the situation in relations between Serbia and Bosnia and Herzegovina, going to be worst because Serbian government doing most things whose make positions of independence of Bosnia and Herzegovina made much worst.
For new situation and new policy, relations, to make better protection of the Union border, Mrs Merkel, must say how Vojvodina must be free from the Serbian pressure and nationalism.

Sunday 21 June 2015

Greek Prime minister is covard

Only brave man have chance to be put in the history!
The brave man going to be statesman, one for all, who has the power to protect self interest, and who have a vision how to protect vital interest of a nation.

That isn't what have in position Greek's Prime minister and his finance minister.

They do everything to discredit self, after pompous victory on the election , with crying how they come to say a naff to EU and the creditors. Now they do everything opposite from what they declared in it.

We have reason to believe how they have no intense to press creditors with only one reasonable pressure stick, and it is live the monetary union,known like Euro.

With Drachma, they have more space to change situation for whole Greece.
Yes, it mean how they have option to start with big inflation at the door, but it mean possibility to people of Greece coming to have a salary, pension, and social care, what isn't situation now.

Tsipras and Vaunfakis  are the type of man who are opportunist, who are not braving.
They are in the gap of self promotion on one side, and great lies what created election victory in year before at other side.

Because that, crisis still going to be bigger and bigger. With growing insecurity and after all start to make a black hole at the port of Europe.

To change something, Tsipras must say that time is come, and that is impossible to Greece repay dept.
On other way, he must say the follow man how they must start to live with one third what they had in the better days.
It has to be only way to Greece step up from the deadly fever.

Sunday 1 March 2015

Shadow of the political murder

In some reason, some has nervous in this act against Nemcov, he did a mistake.
Nemcov come to be the collateral in the fight between two side. At the side which lost an battles at
the field, came a idea to incorporate the fight at the backyard of the opponent.

It look like simple same what we had saw in the several same case in the past,too, where some other prominent person lost life in the battle for a goods, merchants and oil.

The democracy where people haven't to eat,and where the side stole the goods of other side cannot be democracy and liberty.

If in fight between two biggest player, over several wars at the Planet, no place to be replaced an persons whose have no direct involve at the conflict.

Specially an persons whose in a political arena have no potential influence, but they live in fire line on populist words against a regime.

But the biggest crime is when some kill a person which they have at the self side, and which use the same money, to destabilize your old friend. It mean, that you have no political sense for your position at the Planet. And than you are in the big gap with influence whose on you have your collaborators at East Europe.
On other side, who have made murder against the opposition lieder, came to made the fatal mistake.
And they know it! 
In this case, like Politkovskaya  case, the gift come from the aside, to move the media focus, from the front disaster and the self  incorporate in it.

In the case was involved the domestic  helper, and money was not problem, at all. 
But problem came after. What we have to see it has total mistake in prediction of the analysts, whose have bad info about situation at the Castle.
We are sorry for the human life, specially for life of Nemcov persone, who haven't so good quality to be martyr. Our sympathy!    

Thursday 19 February 2015

NATO problematic Allies

In this moment the South-East is the problem to EU, who has not power to change situation whose growing in the crisis not only at Greece's soil but even in several countries from the former Balkan federation.
There, in the political power step up old-new nationalist whose want to change the national face from these countries on the same way how they done it, in the two decade early.

It was mean that in these countries and them socialites have no place for people who are not in the mind same like most in ruling majority, or they are national minority in country where semi Fascism canted in favor how "everybody who are not feel pleasant in a country must going to live forever it".

The verbs which is possible to hear at the public, crated in the top positions of the state power, to be used for replace a  public opinion from real problems like it has criminal and corruption at a politic elite.
Tragicomic situation now stay in the youngest EU member states, where the opposition and position made deal how to replace critical reporters from national newspapers. And how they doing everything to make that public opinion does not look at the real problems.

For it, they came with several controversial decisions from Constitutional court, what produce aggravate in relation against Serb minority, specially them lieder,too.
Even US try to crate from the new inaugurated President pleasant person,who going to be very ease on the inter ethnically relation, and who going to be very critic on the some things what was happened in the last year at the ground, she has do opposite of it.

At the presidential inauguration, where was invited a lot of people whose have problem with domestic law, with Nazi songs,too.And singers appointed from opposition,came from all part of the country, in collaboration with some activity of inaugurate President, make a bad memory in the more than 60% of population, whose really have a memory at the darkness 1990-th, 20-th century, in time when people was vanish only because they hadn't right "blood", or because they have something what some other with support from the regime tried to stole.

Same situation is now, but now EU is out of focus at the situation at this country, and countries around, and it is right time for an looters in the policy and high place of economy to start new deal for looting,there.
The looting was made over pension system where the group of war veterans  try to squeeze more money in the pocket, but even in these governments which try to "reopen new corridors",too . Even these two group is at different sides, it is not true.
They are in close contact. Both of them have close contact with politic and economy class.
The veterans stay in rhetoric and acts like far right movement, and in the actions they are anti NATO movement, because, they have odious for democracy and public transparency.
On the other side nothing is different. Because, they have only intention to pick up money from aside, and if they have no success in it, they use same rhetoric, like veterans.

If, NATO and EU haven't intention to lost battle against IS, than they must intervene clearly in inter affair of EU member like it is Croatia. The broken state, with growing instability and insecurity for what we said ,60% of population whose not vote,and not support policy from the inaugurated President, see like place from exist only the way abroad.
Croatian situation is simplistically version of situation in the all ex- member states of Yugoslavia,plus Albania.
Money whose coming from abroad, an elite take like self service for promotion of self interests, corruption in media, but other part of societies, too.
These countries has not propriety army forces, and they have not clear battle potential in a fight at future front, whose stay so close against both, NATO and EU.
The former  ally after all have only the interest in a self pocket, what mean how IS, with no bordering money source now step up like winner in it.
Specially, after some of this so call ally have close contact with Islamic group. Where they for selfish interests at a table has readiness to give everything.                        

Sunday 25 January 2015

The wars which not exist, but it has lost

After hard talks in the space over Pacific, the US President stay with more and more lies against an reporters in told to all, the truth.
He and US stay in the gap of defeat in actions whose have no more support in the economic elite on the West, East, South, and North.
No one at the planet have interest to war against Russian Federation stay at the path.
Reason, they have more and more loses and money in them pocket are not so strong to buy what they need to a productions bust.
Crisis which had presented like secured act, which have make a changes of regime in Moscow, after whom the big state market have be re-open with any regulation for products from the one side.
But after in the war on the Moscow side , Peking come with most disastrous claims how some goods from the West have not healthy, and that they have some viruses in food products, but even that technical products are not with quality which stay have at the declaration,productivity and marketing at the West stay in the territory which created only three subjects in the World.
Because that, Mr Draghi stay in the public with initiative for inflationary printing of Euros.
Euro now have no value in the market, what we could saw in Swiss Frank rocketing at the markets all over the World.
Secondary money, like SF, only stay like indicator for heating at the markets place, and open sign how investors trying to find security in gold.
Situation in the US market, and specially in the local labor market has worst ever than before, and in this view we can comment the President move in the Senate when he told how "US no more stay in recession."
It false adverse to the local public, made to remove pressure whose grow in the economy class of middle class, and some part of the President supporters at high economy.
The move to close ties with India, war against Moscow and Peking, and push public opinion against Brazilian President Dilma Russel, with support fail operation at the ME and East Europe, import Islamist treat at Africa soil, have only reason to protect the President from impeachment.
Even he told that he never use the troops in the place, not specially against Moscow, it has not true,what now is replay on the public over mass media.
Same situation stay in some places in the crisis room.
The only door which he can open out from these room, is open speech for the global public in what they must say how economy in the States really stay.
Even we have not open new in the media about war between two sides, clear is that it has in progress in which EU economy not exist, and after Greek scenario unity is in ruin. Dollar have not give the help.

Sunday 11 January 2015

Middle Ages in Charlie Hadbo's case?!

Today the free and normal World has shame against same population who staid in these streets, in manner of colonial history. Manipulated people even before did same, in same situation, when the crimes stay on the colonial territories, and when other did same against it, with a terror acts.

Yes, they can not be involved in the situation, or some actions against an colonial crimes, because it was happened in the time of theirs fathers and grandfathers.
Today is so idiotic to going to the street against something what is created in them countries in moment when situation with economy push welfare state out from the history scene.
At the countries who are not want, and reject to do it, too, actions in the economic war is at the way.
In other motion, they have measure to make trouble people at the places what they have to try to control and who stay in long distance from the West borders."
No, it has not possible. We have to see each time in each hour.
More and more refugees are at the trip to the West, in fugitive move from the disaster which was made at the other place. And whose  are" not impossible to fixing  from the same creators."
They are only can doing to make new troubles at these streets and to buy it on the "market" from madness ruler of desert, which stay in the shadow of the terror.
The money which they have, they move to invest in the new liberal economy of the West countries, who are have corrupt leadership, and the politicians whose have not potential to be statesman like  Charles De Gaulle .
So call terror action in France, was action whose create and lead some personality from the right way from EU, some small territories in the south. With arms whose come form the army depot "Balkan state, close ally of the big boss in the House".
The terrorist was bought on the "market" from prominent lieder from the Arab peninsula, and it was made to remove concentration of the population on the West from the real problem, like it has economy, social insecurity, and impossibility to live decent with a salary.
Impotence in these moves in it, try from the politics to did what they done, and after that to come at the streets to present self ugly faces in the policy whose broke a life at the Planet.
This is not apology to Islamist and the fear whose they produce. It has action against hypocrisy, double standard, and injustice what stay in the West support to the autocratic states in the Arab's monarchies.
Because, we look at the marches at the streets of France's capital like calls on the revenge and war.
It has more credible to have make concrete action in the suburbs and in the mind of some people, to they start to know what religions and other things may have in the life of other cultural circle.
Impossible is to some come to say what they want and to it have not same right to say other part?!
In democracy if we want to believe that EU is it, no one have right to make allusion against different
person, mining and culture view. Opposite, the West is looser, the big looser in the fight whose was created, because they try to be like the fathers whose make worst colonial crimes in the history.
Islamism was create and financed from the West colonial supporters at the desert, same them who have exclusive right to drill oil and abandon others to live in normal condition in the same place.
For Paris, some guys must step up in face of  a public, and tell to all, why they have made logistic for the killers?