Sunday 21 June 2015

Greek Prime minister is covard

Only brave man have chance to be put in the history!
The brave man going to be statesman, one for all, who has the power to protect self interest, and who have a vision how to protect vital interest of a nation.

That isn't what have in position Greek's Prime minister and his finance minister.

They do everything to discredit self, after pompous victory on the election , with crying how they come to say a naff to EU and the creditors. Now they do everything opposite from what they declared in it.

We have reason to believe how they have no intense to press creditors with only one reasonable pressure stick, and it is live the monetary union,known like Euro.

With Drachma, they have more space to change situation for whole Greece.
Yes, it mean how they have option to start with big inflation at the door, but it mean possibility to people of Greece coming to have a salary, pension, and social care, what isn't situation now.

Tsipras and Vaunfakis  are the type of man who are opportunist, who are not braving.
They are in the gap of self promotion on one side, and great lies what created election victory in year before at other side.

Because that, crisis still going to be bigger and bigger. With growing insecurity and after all start to make a black hole at the port of Europe.

To change something, Tsipras must say that time is come, and that is impossible to Greece repay dept.
On other way, he must say the follow man how they must start to live with one third what they had in the better days.
It has to be only way to Greece step up from the deadly fever.

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