Sunday 1 March 2015

Shadow of the political murder

In some reason, some has nervous in this act against Nemcov, he did a mistake.
Nemcov come to be the collateral in the fight between two side. At the side which lost an battles at
the field, came a idea to incorporate the fight at the backyard of the opponent.

It look like simple same what we had saw in the several same case in the past,too, where some other prominent person lost life in the battle for a goods, merchants and oil.

The democracy where people haven't to eat,and where the side stole the goods of other side cannot be democracy and liberty.

If in fight between two biggest player, over several wars at the Planet, no place to be replaced an persons whose have no direct involve at the conflict.

Specially an persons whose in a political arena have no potential influence, but they live in fire line on populist words against a regime.

But the biggest crime is when some kill a person which they have at the self side, and which use the same money, to destabilize your old friend. It mean, that you have no political sense for your position at the Planet. And than you are in the big gap with influence whose on you have your collaborators at East Europe.
On other side, who have made murder against the opposition lieder, came to made the fatal mistake.
And they know it! 
In this case, like Politkovskaya  case, the gift come from the aside, to move the media focus, from the front disaster and the self  incorporate in it.

In the case was involved the domestic  helper, and money was not problem, at all. 
But problem came after. What we have to see it has total mistake in prediction of the analysts, whose have bad info about situation at the Castle.
We are sorry for the human life, specially for life of Nemcov persone, who haven't so good quality to be martyr. Our sympathy!    

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