Thursday 19 November 2015

In the shadow of terrorism-economy disaster

Turn it on! Problem is in the money.
This problem coming in the dissolve economy at the Union, and several so call friendly economy at the Planet.
The problem in in real malfunction to sanctions against many countries at the East, lead by Russian Federation, whose going like boomerang, hardly back in the Union's economy face.
The economy who stay at the crystal legs, in area whose in full charge by high explosive materials.
In this time, when the money from commodities stay at the low level ever posted from the crisis start in the 2008, and the money shortages in several budgets, so call ally states- in the several places at the Planet, what cause a shortage at the work places in the Union member states. What cause insecurity and lack of trust in the banking system, not only in Greece but in most countries at European continent. Believe in the common currency, at the global markets stay in decline.
Because, but not only for it, the so call world money-US Dollar have more incursion at the markets than it is real in power of local domestic economy.
A most industrial states coming at the market with so call nice imagines of economy situation, than it has in real.
The employment rates step dawn month by month, but several time in the year most of them made changes in statistic methods whose use to present situation, in a state,to the economy society.
In this methods they step down with most info about situation with status of poverty, economic freedom, and even situation with banking loans.
More and more companies coming at the market with furnished date at the info.
Most goods whose had way at the East markets now stay in the Union, and make situation at the market in the some prime industry like it is agriculture and automotive, double worst than it look like in usual reports.
Problem with solvency, make security at the market impossible.
Dollar rise, only in reason because several states try to take money from the States for a important business. But, it is sword with two sides. They have needs to take more money, but because they have no money to back new dept,with several of them have a wars in the back yard,and if they don't understand that they must change position whose they have now, the States stay at the brink of the disaster. In this scenario,this so call ally, could change the power place at the Planet, without the States and Union at the table.
No more war,nor sanction, neither terrorist act can stop it.

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