Tuesday, 29 July 2014

US, EU and Russia, who is winner in these sanctions?

When you stay to be like fortress than you have no long time to going to be a prison.
The EU with several acts in the last two months make it.
But they do something worst, they try to make a true in several cases in the World. Most time they have the wrong point the view at the matter.
In actions in Libya they came to sold a democracy against "worst dictator in the history", and after all they make crime against intel law, with murder to Qaddafi.
Now the same men coming to make revenge against so call democrats from the north, the same who are have the colonial aspiration at the oil and gas in this country.
The situation with escalation in Libya going to be come in the worst time for the EU economy.
They impose the new sanction to Russia, but in believe how they have reserve in North Africa. Algeria and Libya, too.
But, with not so secures in the both of the countries and with war in Gaza Strip they have big whole in the economical analytic on the economic perspectives.

Fuel who maybe can be import from the Arab states is not so secure, for the same reason who they have in the previous point.

In actives against Russia, India, and other states in BRICS group EU stand to be flush from the money and commodity markets. And after all stay alone like the big  concentration camp, with borders in high voltage. But now to prevent people to leave the Union.

In only few moments after EU came with the statement at these sanctions, the most investors coming to try sell so much corporate obligation, action, and off course the risk states bonds from the Union states members.

Second, the most investors coming to going to make transactions in the crude materials, out of US bonds, and UK treasure auctions.
The position in the east stay so well, because, these markets came to stay in stability, with more cash and gold at the table, what in the other parts, especial in the Union have no to be chance.
Markets in the most Arab states stay at the bring of the revolution, what pump the governmental silence and inactivity in Gaza case. Then more investors from these states coming to leave with money in London and nearest area.
Sanctions against Russia, relevantly quickly make hit to east EU member states, than they now have no chance to make recover in the self economy.
But if we look at history,than we had to saw how it finished at the Serbia and Montenegro case, where the neighborhood, Romania, Bulgaria, and specially Greece have been heat with sanctions against Serbia and Montenegro. But even Albania,too.

These countries now have broken economy, and fail society, with more and more people who are in the path to leave countries where they borne.

They follow to make be worst in the Russian case, if they have make conclusion, how they have no money to buy the Western goods.

In only several months the EU job rate going to be broke in the several countries 45% of employ ability , and the more of 65% unemployment rate.
It make the Union dysfunctional. With more instability and more pressure at the ECB to print more Euros. It push to rise the inflation. After all it built the situation same like it had been in 1930-th.
Russia have to stay with some casualties, but in the more analysis they have to make all gains what they have to predict before sanctions.
US have no more money to make a big actions in the World. Even they have help to Israel in Gaza Strip, they have bring the economic collapse so close to NYMEX, and  after all, to make a heat  at the market in the all World.               

Friday, 25 July 2014

Israel stay in the Norway treat to teror

Norway say how they have no intention to be only watcher in the state terror and how they have emotion on the pain.

Israel has nice relationship the command of  ISIL. They gave money for the arms, and logistical support for the arming and war advance in the Syria and Iraq. In collaboration with Saudi Arabia dynastic.

When Israelis see how opp in Palestine goes wrong they decide to make discipline to others which have no same view at the situation at the field.

Order to kill came over London, executors are a white contractors in the Army.

The actions have make financing the Saudi King, to resolve Iranian influence at the ME.

But it have no support at the other Gulf states, what made most tensions at the place, and after all made that info about cooperation between Saudis and Israelis step out of the silence and secrecy.

This had been the way to make acts over the ME untouched.

The States now stay in the trouble.     

Monday, 21 July 2014

Gaza, the west trip

He get them to make a history move and now they have made a step on the road to ......

Israel has believe to the Prime Minister how they are win so easily in attack against Palestinians in Gaza Strip.

The info came from how they had believe from some agents at the field, and they had believe how is possibly that it had made in several days with grate success, which could be cover by MN 17 fly in Ukraine.

Prime Minister is the same man who had stayed in massacres at the Norwegian island, and in big demo at the south east of Sweden.

He had crated several actions against government in Tunisia, Libya, and after all in Syria.  But they have finger print in the actions of ISIL terror group in the ME, against Holly God. He have introduce in the actions against Shiites and Christians at ME.

But most blasphemy in the plot against UN, and actions to shot down MN 17 flay,too.

Why he do it?
The main economy in the UK have not power to change reality where is possibly that from the UK live Scots, and to with them England stay out of Oil and gas supply.

On the other way, he do everything to make situation at EU so difficult. Because he have no respect to the big ally like it has Germany.

With no oil and gas from the Russia, but even from the north he believe how they have much more chance to control Mrs Angela Merkel  and Germany.

The situation, and script has same like it had before in Iraq and specially in Syria.

Specially, when we know how the phosphor munition came from the same position like it came the poison gas in Syria. What he and former FM Hague have been say nothing after UN find them in the post.
For it both of them, specially the first men take action to "honor" UN, and we see the circumstances in more than 800 dead.                 

Friday, 18 July 2014

In fall down to Malaysian Airlines.........

The plane, the man, the order, the war, and the lie....

The pane was crash in the attack to prevent WHO to come in the fool info about AIDS.

The two man was targeted from the same man in Washington, out of the President room.

First was Putin, and second the high scientist from the UN WHO. The third  has second in the Administration.

Order to shot down come in over Warsaw to Dnepropetrovsk.

The second, control from Odessa made had info how is the wrong position of the plane.

The Rostov control in this moment lost contact with the plane.
Several moment after something hit the plane.

The order come in 14.26 GMT.

Is impossible that so many NATO war ships have stay blind over this fly down. Specially it had not possible from the French electronic intercept cruise ship stationed at Black sea.

In moment of act, three attacker  going in the action.
First, from the Dnepropetrovsk fly up the SU-24 i an pair, to intercept the fly from the Warsaw and do what is order.
Second, the robotic fly drone, who had used from the sea, to watch and done the order if something go wrong.
Third, the anti aircraft missile battery from Novorussia army, which get info over a radar about two war plane in the area.  
A visual contact between the panes had been pass without act. An pilots had not find similarly with the Russian plane.
After it they made the withdrawal. Sharply down to a field. In this maneuver one of then had shot down by the Novorosian Army missile.
Altitude was 4200 meters, so less than it had been the MN 17.
Not so long from the first shot, next shot take it in the passenger plane, at above 8800 meters, much higher than it has possibility Novorussian to do.
Who had made finished the job? The drone or some missile from the land, whose come in the air to protect the war plane, attacked from the Novorosian Army.
First is open to conclude.
Second, the missile of land battery fail the other missile, gone up in the space, and than had made catch the passenger plane.

We have to say how is so sad when less than century some going to copy NAZI policy for a war start.

Yes, if this is not the fool war than what it has?
How is possible that the Palestinian life cost less than it has life from the such westerner?
Why the Israel have right, and other have not right to self determination and self defense?

Ugly is situation that some sacrificed own people to make deal with the devil.
The actions what we had to saw after all tell to us, how is possible that some guys believe that they over the law. But it has not true.
And evidence would present real manner of looser.

Sunday, 13 July 2014

Israel have drive to be lost

If someone mean how he have right to make destroy homes and lives of some other than he have no right to try for mercy!

Israel's Prime-minister took the info from the agencies  how they have no a force to make gains at the terrain, and from the IDF comando they took the info how situation in the Army is. So bad.

From 40000 reservist called to come at the service, they have no more than 25%. Because that they take more professional soldiers, many of them from the some ally nation.

After this, where the HAMAS make more precious attacks at the IDF bases, the Prime-minster do what he done in the past. He is pushing Israel to over brink in the deep.

Why IDF make actions against Gaza?

It has need to help the ally forces in Iraq and East Europe.
US and the satellite states want to make blind smoke against the World.

What is result?

Israel is oblate, and after new humiliation, the existence of State Israel have no more purpose.

Iron dome is the worst thing what Israelis payed. For this money most of Israelis had take the better social and education system. with more right for peoples out of socialite. Specially to non Jewish citizens.

The end of actions have result to more of hundred deaths soldiers, the army facilities lost, and after all more Jews who going to suffer in the World.

Is it necessary?           

Monday, 7 July 2014

The spin whose made the indexes

Even economy analysts say how is possible to economic growth have positive impact on the situation at the some parts of the World,mainly at the North and West, the real true stay in the position how is clear that material to positive growth in these markets have stay in the predominate interests to real info don't come at the public.
Industry, specially oil industry and energetic industry now stay more insecure than it look like several months ago in the beginning of the several crisis at the East and South-east,too.
The controlled info about a employment at the work market in the States, with the spin about the cracking for oil and gas explore and produce in the US, with false info to the States start to be the first in energetic industry, in several months make that the markets stay so high.
An indexes of most prominent stock places at the World make info how the crisis at Africa, ME,and specially in the Europe, haven't any influence.
But, most prominent EU member states stay in the of record talks about situation, and about reason whose stay out side of the power to be removed, and the crisis fix.
Information of true story whose stay over the States proclamations, make calls to US Dollar to going to be remove from the No1 position at the trade in the World.
The money whose come in the States budget, stay less than it had been before Watergate crisis.
Yes, the States have the huge amount of gold at the several post in the World, but true stay in the way how it have not in the possession and propriety of the Fed reserve.
Most of it stay in the hand of the Chines and others who are have in possession government bonds and treasure vouchers from several US official and non official emitters.
In this moment the so call growth of the States economy stay against low consumption at the domestic market. And in position the States's companies from the several branches at the most ally market in the World.
But situation at UK with labor market, and the labor law, have make more complication for the US companies to make such gains in EU, what have make clear how the position of US is weak.
UK oil industry now have not so big income at the local market, what have believe to US to make have plans for export oil and gas to them.
Over the UK, a plans have to be predict, how is possible export the same to rest of EU and how on this way make control on the other side of Atlantic,too.
After all, the cracking stay like SF story, the export of energy mine how the situation in US is so bad and how industry stay out of function.
With more and more money in war industry, without increase money in the public needs, the States government make have opposite what they try to improve the rest of World.
Only several months stay between now and an economic end of simple time economy, whose based on the true lies produced to make stability whose they push with a more and more instability around the World.
Work places in most dominate EU member states and US have going in ash, not monthly but daily. Economy based on the welfare relation in a society, stay away of reality of a life.
More and more people stay out of these process, they have no intention to grow a family and after all the demographic loses create real picture at the market, where more and more gone. And it create the EU states, more of US States have growing problem with money income in the local budgets. Stay no reason to be more investments and what is clear the lie whose some make stay to have now, after all, become to be bloodshed.