Thursday, 29 November 2012

ICTY,tribunal the maker of an wars

ICTY tribunal was formed to support peace and reconciliation at Balkan peninsula, but after two doubt decisions in second decide, we have same situation which created "Paris treatment" in 1918-1923 year, after WWI.

Decisions after this treatment made positive motion for next terrible war in which more then 20 million people lost life, and which more countries come into occupation from other countries.
Where two third population of the planet had been involved in military actions.

After two doubt decisions of the tribunal for former Yugoslavia, we expect more than ever before new tensions, and of course new military actions in some not long moment in the future,too.

This court has not make nothing from proclamation and self rules, injustice is terrible thing and ICTY made it so deep that no one in the world can expect for common man and women or child an justice against big states, personality or against other injustice acts against humanity.

It is not true that crime in Balkans war stay only at one side. And isn't true that so call big nation have reason to be punish for crimes who someone made in name to this nation, because a victims from this nations stay and cry against injustice and call have to revenge, which come in an next wars and not good relationship at Balkan.

But if we know that ICTY make decisions in favor to H. R. Clinton, than we know why decision was what we look it now.

Saturday, 24 November 2012

Does Pope and curia has support to two Croat generals?

This days we have see what was happened in Croatia,after decision some judges from ICTY tribunal to realist two Croat generals from all charges at the Tribunal.

The real questions is, what was role have Pope and Vatican curia in this case, and what they have to going to stop eroding relations with Orthodox Church in Croatia, and Bosnia and Herzegovina,too?

Do they support actions which Catholic priests and bishops at Croatia give open support to the two generals? Where the priests and bishops do nothing to say about war crimes after actions in what Croats call "Homeland war"?

Specially after two member of court council of ICTY openly call against Tribunal decision, and after more relative involved persons in the past actions said,what they said for a public.

Have to Pope and  Vatican curia can make stop against actions of Catholic priests and bishops in memories of victims, who had lost lives and propriety in actions of Croatian Army?
Or they come to call nothing against victims in the acts at actions what ordered the two former croatian general? What mean how they support a cleric actions in Croatia.

Tuesday, 20 November 2012

Israel must be dismiss and destroy

Who is Hilary R. Clinton? Who can have take any messages from this person?
This person is with self former husband guilty for mass murders and for mess at international policy!

Because that, time is a arms in the hands of most people at this planet to plugging at buttons, take control over Israel and take peace at ME.

Israel like an child of former Nazi Germany ideas must be destroy and than rebuild like Republic Israel, state of all citizens.

To be military neutral and like it said UN resolution keep from the all member states of this organisation.

Zionism  = Nazism and differences between it cannot have exist.

On the other side we expect modern,democratic Republic of Palestine the state for all who live at this territories.  In peace with others, and military neutral.

For that IDF must take an offensive at ground to operation to destroy Israel what we known, now.

Saturday, 17 November 2012

Secretary Clinton instructed ICTY judges Meron

In yesterday moves in Europe some guys was made the big mistake.
Here we have right that talling about sentences in process against two Croatian former generals, Gotovina and Markac.

The tribunal in Haag of what we known like ICTY come in role against this two former general several years ago, and in 2011 made the sentences against both. For Gotovina this tribunal find that he had guilty and they had take 45 years in prison. The second general find guilty and sentences on to 18 years in prison.
But yesterday same tribunal in role of new juridical council made had order to this generals most be dismiss from charges at all.
What was happen from sentences in prison at 45 years,18 years,too, to order to this person stay beck out like free personas?

Question at it is simply, three of five judges make decision on the political influence from the madam Clinton, US Secretary of State, which has the large role in the maybe sentences against the two Croat generals.

The former madam Clinton husband and former US President Bill Clinton, had been in charged at moment when reason for sentences against two formed.

The "Storm", Croatian army action was sponsored and financed by US and Turkey, where the list country had the active role in operations in the airspace with F-16 against targets in  former "Kraina" region in Croatia.
Actions had active supervision from the private US army agencies, which had strait contacts on to White House and others.
The "final sentences" came in moment when is totally know how State of Israel not exist anymore and that time is come to more than thousand politicians and army servants from IDF can going to be sentences in the charges against humanity and injustice action against civilian population at several places on the Planet.

In that moment what we can expect from US judges and president of court who had come with "in favorem" sentences against International Human Right order and International Law.
He must did what he done and he can say now everything but he is guilty  because he had blow up idea of ICTY. The last decision on the court in Haag give most rights to the persons which had made shits on Balkan peninsula, to destroyed a people who had active role in this and other trials.

Now, the general Mladic and Karadic can take right to say "o, hello, you must see what mr. Meron done and you must free us from guilty for everything, because a people who was died from our actions, died in justification actions".

Of course that we after all, and with knowledge that Clintons have active role at the court in ICTY, because they push with some Israel lobby,the judges on ICTY court to made decisions "in favorem", because at situation with sentences "in contrarem" all of them take places like the active subjects of in-charges and after all US and Turkey must going to give financial support for persons which lost live,or to them families and relatives.

For reason which we make scribe in the previous part of text we try to yesterday court come to be dismiss and charges like activity against ICTY ,UN and International Law order!
We expect that new trial come in the place in January next year, and after all we demand to new trial going to have  active public supervision, to stop political influences at ICTY.

After that we expect an decision base at real and true justice, evidences, and law.

Friday, 16 November 2012

UN must change decision from 1948 against Israel

Now is time to going to remove Israel from the maps!
The state who had form like western guilty against Jews, now is one of potential world's security problem.
State who now look like Nazi state, with segregation against Palestinian.
Now the situation at Israel economy come like real problem for Bibi and others. Less money and more abuse from Israel state budget make this state very weak.
 Of course, time is there,and we try to resolve this problem in mean to dismiss Israel like international subject.
If we look at situation from 2007, where IDF had real problem in divides on unites at the battlefield, make IDF commands very nervous in moment when Bibi call them to make assault in Gaza.
Because that they only can make troubles to HAMAS with aviation and some part of navy. But what it has in point when full Israel come into war zone.
Israel must be remove from the politic arena!

Tuesday, 13 November 2012

EU nice shadow at the area

EU is association for money.
EU now is association for poor and unhappy persons and people. And states whose have not money for self people, and plutocracy politicians in domestic policy.
EU now is something what isn't necessary to "great" nations like it had been France and UK. Because, they loose power and introduce in world relations.
EU is something what with situation on the legislation look like former Bismark "Second Reich" or K und K monarchy. Mostly ordered in the bureaucracy.
EU now have no power to make new "order" but to have look at situation where some member states going to have broke international law, when they make decisions against humanity and, and when EU commission stay away to say how it has blow effect on situation in the Union.
When we saw how is nice to have some over national institution like it is EU at Europe continent, now we most say how is horrible that is one idea come to be the next plea for new instability and maybe an war.
Instability in France and UK can not be reason for instability at "Old Continent", or reason for another mistreat  move against free country like it had done in the case against Libya with disaster pointing against collective security on the south borders of the Union in Mediterranean see.
With no money in the pocket and with no cohesion at the tables the EU is so narrow to come to be something like Ottoman empire in the past, nice shadow at the area.          

Wednesday, 7 November 2012

New President old problems

The World is not need to have something in US election. It is election have only impact at peace at planet Earth, but not for economy or at peoples habit.

The real truth is that US election have open more questions about inside of US, and it had openly presented  how situation in this former world power was difficult.

In US we have to see second civil war where so far right going with everything against other-liberal side of the society. But even this part of US have so strange look at the World.
If some come and said how they are first and the best in the nation at the World than we can say how it has real problem with mind. Specially when they have no power to remove situation at the field after disasters which was came with storm "Sandy".

When is total known how they have problem with self arms which they used in  Sahara region last year, and this year in some other parts of Asia.
When they make blowing up the planet climate situation, and when after all some start to use drones against so call enemies that than we have not democracy but NAZI state.
Obama is putted down after first election with Nobel price, to be cool against specially Iran, but not only over it.
The President advisers make the total idiotic advice against more countries then it make former President R. Reagan advisers.
They make advice the President how is nice to make path to Moscow or how to come over poses in the Asian oil fields  without local partners.
In some moments world was on the brink of sword and only direct pushes at the now actually administration in US make this planet peace and well place for life.
Obama many time was came to use technology against economic problems, but it can not be drones which going to come to kill everybody in the Word who are not support him and them policies. 

Thursday, 1 November 2012

Storm "Sandy" and democracy

When come some to step over the super power, then we can see at an media like it has an "tragedy". But when a representatives of an super power come and talk about some country and regime of this state than it was "calls to democracy".

Why we must listen it? No, not today, neither tomorrow we have right to listen the lies which come from the woman and man who built self power and prosperity with a "crime money" and corruption.
The people who have the interests in the many wars and in places where people don't want to make an revolutions.
From Iraq to Libya and now Syria the States want to look like "No. one". But after more disasters and natural catastrophes we can saw that power of the States is lie at dust. Now, after what they call free press communication with common people, or what is true the lie and censored information about everything over hurricane "Sandy" the total true is that US exist like former super power, with more problems which we can see at Africa or some part of Asia after tropical storms.
Looting and shooting are in the places where no police forces, order is "gone with wind" and army have no power to restore order, but we only can saw how the "Presidential rice" is reserve only for two.
For this and much less reason, US government will come to say how it was "undemocratic and unfair" and "how is time to the Word come and intervene in this states", and come against "ugly regime and help a common people in import revolution" to destroy tyranny.

Today, is clear that US isn't democratic state, and that US isn't integrate state, but conglomerate of several interest, where some people use ideals for self proposals.
And where is not have open to mind at the self head.

"Sandy" is gone, but with the wind gone the States, gone administrations which had not right to told      something about others.
And time is to tell how in the States not exist "free speech and press", but a dictate of lie, for the mass manipulation. Even today, when Mr. Bloomberg have the vision of no help from the state and US.