Sunday 31 March 2024

What said Pontifex into Easter speach, and why?!

 Today many celebrate the one of most important day into Christianity, but not only. Even, if it is not so popular into most part of Christian Churches, some others have Holly memories about Christ,Muslims, too. 

But, today into so call western civilization, where some other memories have much bigger weight, than religious, and where history stay only in the way of power and purity of western might and Christianity, this things is not popular. 

By the way, in the new ceremonial proclamation from San Peter square, named Urbi et Orbi, Pontifex Maximus  stood and said some interest things, on some way what was sublimation of each problem what exist in the time at the Planet.  In this sublimation, He said to many, but nothing to much. Even in some directions, He said to little, and we are in the position to say more in the back of it, of all, too. 

World today is place where some things do not exist no more. EU was finished and old idea about unity and tranquility,egal and legality  at the Old Lady, stay out in front of door of reality. 

This reality was presented into Bucharest few months ago, at the so call Pan European Congress of Popular Parties from all EU, and around. What we constantly find into it is deep miss understand of what mean the EU like common house. And why is not possible to be correct inside, if your leaders try to have same position like their colonial predecessors. In many ways, even inside of EU, where they have view at the new members, small members, week members like colonies. Where they have right to over their ambassadors and Commissioners from EU Commission provoked situation and government what was needed to push their, but not local interests. Of course, People Parties into EU now much more look like Fuhrer  SA battalions, who promoted much strange rhetoric and practice, where is only way to stability, the politician bribery and greed. Where is possibly to take acts in favor of LGBT, but in opposite take acts against everybody who have to say something against moral and criminal acts of some politics and other elite, involved into deep, deep crimes against minorities, not only national or sexual, but to much in aggression against child. 

Yes, the Churches had been part of it in some times, and some places, but in majority, the Church had never take acts what we have today in the most part of EU and west side of the World. 

Inhumanity is something what have institutional fundamental support, and where is now normal that all things what was abandoned and forbidden after WWII in UN Chart, and other documents, now have public right to be involve in the full life. 

So call euthanasia- or what many try to publicized "shot from mercy" is something, what used in the dark of Third Reich. And with mercy have had nothing. 

Use of so call protect vaccine in the similar way have contact with it darkness. And is so strange how in it was pushed Holly Father?! 

Now, is fully found that it was connection of some part of German Church with local Catholic elite in the face of family fon der Lyden. Aristocratic family, who had no much power before their family mutter had took the post of EU Commission President. 

The circles around this connection make possibility that in ten years ago some from the GFR take these acts against democracy and law into European east, and make some carpet to situation what have the World now. In this circles much persons had strange initiatives. Like about supremacy over east, and in the  2020, how is historical time to history of WWII have possible to be revived.

In support with some so call fundamentalist Christians group from the west side of Atlantic they make new government which now have path to German dissolution. 

Or Signora Mallony who have support of some from us, than now have position which cause that only in the month Italy take the swamp of poverty, where they lost 14% of  GDP and suitable social weight come at the 7% less than into 1950th. More, she make crucial mistake when she send army group at at the east front, where the local Alpine forces have grave casualties, even where left the life both high ranked officers into the group. And where into several days after, happen that more Italians left a life into battle over Odessa. Where they have logistic camp for NATO forces into Ukraine. 

This situation is not finish, if you have knowledge how such 4000 Polish and Balt forces take casualties in Dombas region. And France regiments around Kharkov. Today, the Holly Father call at the peace and prisoner change because, into RUF custody is to much western soldiers. On the railways around Ukraine still now came more two compositions with 16 wagons, with soldier remands, about 12600 of them. Or two tactical NATO group. 

Both of which finished in their Command disaster few days ago.

In this situation same people from the same institutions all over the World try to make trouble at Balkan. After they did nothing to protect the people from Gaza, most of them is Muslims, and after they lost the war against humanity. After stay clear how colonial era is finish. And how is only way at which they have plane to make some gains have much cooperation with Nazi, and Nazism around world. The new war over Balkan for them is some usually to finished what they had started thee decades ago.

To change population into Balkan. The Church find how it have disaster melody, and how concert over Balkan need to be changed, if she want to stay at the place next centuries.

Demographic disaster, more than 30% of all population from 1990 now is gone, and only what exist is to old, and to little. For the Church so dangerous and not so pleasant. Other things is into local believers what they believe is so far from the catechism, and specially from Second Council. More of them at all sides have believe at against other, and different, only because they try to "defend religions" and "self way of lifestyle" in traditional view at the Sanctity, even they have same language and history.

Much of priests have different view and way on a life than it have Vatican. This came  like reason that authority of the Church was loose, and now is only predominantly viewed like right hand of local politicians. Who are predominantly, not only Catholics, but all, have selfish interest, and they only have interest what promote their political sponsors from abroad.  Some what look like at kleptocracy. 

In this situation came US and UK policy, with so call democratic protection of common right, but in real  true, they did not to protect civil and group rights if it not in their interest, like it is in Slovenia and Croatia, and now in the BiH. 

About situation in other parts of Balkan, Romania, Kosovo and Albania, or North Macedonia, is to less place to full and transparent presentation and explanation. Of course neither in other states of region situation is not good and clear. 

Today, situation with EU stile of different pronounce, EU law against some candidates to EU member status, have more disabilities at the territory, and cause more instability than it is opposite. 

For this reason, like it is in Lebanon, prediction of the Church is in the way of stability, equality,unity, cooperation, national calm and non nationalistic sentiments, with support to the local communities to work at the only their interest, not in interest of some abroad. In this case some acts of US and others, into the region, and Lebanon, too, is not correct and going to be not support. 

When we said about situation in Italy, than we must say some about others. Situation in France is similar, but much worst than Italy. French "etatism" is gone, and only way to be stay into position of the new social situation in the country find into state pick in promotion of the war abroad, specially after they lost position into Sahel. Economic situation, with social incapability and with total divorce between population in suburbs and other part of France, cause more and more public undemocratic stance. Specially it was into mass media. Where they try to present only what believe their owner, and their friends.

France today, haven't power to take act against even little countries, and Macron voice like" he have plan about something" is only cry of the man who lost not only dignity but the life. Some like it was Faust. In France, but not only, find to much disgusting situation with acts  against child, maternity, medical treatments, specially  by transplantation. But, more of it Macron acts against UN Chart in the time of Corona disease. Such what present like revival of Nazi dictatorship. When these person who have opposition against common way to vaccination, had been pushed from the authority and where they lost to much, even is now known how it was wrong. 

France, now must say sorry to Lebanon and say sorry to Beirut. Now is clear how Mr President had fingers into disaster, and how he now have same into situation where this lovely nation cause more casualties.  

France involve into war  between Azerbaijan and Armenia, with support of Christian fundamentalist from US, for us is not sustainably. And about it was place in the Easters Noon ceremony. The Church was opposite from the EU and NATO policy ethnic cleansing, what cause so much trouble, disaster and sad at the people on Balkan peninsula. What was place again in year before war at Caucasus,too. Because, EU today is not EU at begun.Today it is to much copy of dark era in Three Reich, and totalitarian ideology. 

All of this is happen in moment where common man start to live out of security, well payment, social  legal and common solidarity.  Where at the east of Europe make horror, where existed concentration lager with thousand in-prisoners, who have only destiny to be sell or to be use for transplant organ, for huge money, what after have way to central Europe, where some of criminals from the state structure buy everything to clean a money. Money of blood and tragedy. With support of local government and EU Commission.

Or human "factory", where thousand woman stay pregnant to be surrogate mothers,which born child came to have place at the human market around "white world". And where no born used for terrible thing, and industrial products.

Greed of little cause situation about said the Pontifex. Greed who have name described into Holly books. 

Stay in good condition and believes.                            


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