Monday 11 March 2024

Sweden open the can and close the grave to NATO

 All things what we have to see at the news had nothing by reality. And if is G7 reality show, than their military wing is much more nightmare. But if you believe how it is against somebody, than you are wrong.

NATO is it, G7 military component what have interest to exist only to make trouble to others at these Planet. In it's stands the Pact  have more problem to solve interests inside of them, than to fight somebody. 

In this moment, NATO exist to protect all production what still exist in the area of the Group. But, after February 22, 2022, they are only in situation to solve problems inside of member states.

We said how real cause why Sweden stand to be part of NATO is not believe in the Group how it lead in better conditions at the East Front, no, but only to protect mineral and energy resource what have they expect in the north Sweden, predominantly in the owned from native nation in the region split between four state. Three Scandinavian states, and Russian Federation. 

Position of native people at the region named Laponia is difficult and not so well arrangement. They have most problems in Sweden where  segregation, nationalism. xenophobia, and well ordered neo Nazi movement, have place in the governments policies against more autonomy and equity native Laps vs majority into whole country. 

Where mainly UK companies,especially at the north, have mines in the open area and try to find critical minerals, from Lithium to Uranium. And of course, more energy from so call green installations.  

Of course, they did and do it now into other Scandinavian countries, on the same way how they did it in the past in colonialism. Theyare not only UK, but G7 in fool, try to take control over everything in the far north of Europe. And in this case they have same manner what they had into colonial past,too. 

The local native population upraise against this, and try to take self control over land and everything what had existed inside of this land. But in this fight against so call prosperity they have more and more strange specification against, from local governments, of some part of them. 

If we look at demography at the region, than we see how in region in last 20 years, imported such more than 50 thousand foreign people, in last two years more than ten percent of this number came from Ukraine. All operation, what G7 had into past five years with population from the ME, and some other plants of the Planet have only way to make protection against local natives and their fundamental right to all what is in the far north of EU. This was fall, and now they only way to have to make secure against riots of something else stay in the huge presence, what, UK troops in the region, and in so call NATO ally support clouded into myth about war against Russian aggression.

On the other way, in this moment into association of former democratic states, or NATO, come country where is problem in public security so high. Where Nazi movement is in high public presets. Where is suppression against other and different state policy, and where is no money for normal life, without so call investment from the ally country. 

For this reason, from August 2022, local Army was high involved into war against Russia, and their so call instructors, spies, technical assembles live and did everything even it was against local constitution, and against UN Chart, where is scribe what mean to be neutral. 

In all of this actions, they lost more than 1800 officials, and not less so call mercenaries, where they was from regular army units, and some part of territorial defense units. After all, all of this loses, wait to be present in the public, and of course some relatives. 

Same situation is in Finland, where after all, local army now have not much than 60 thousand army personnel in total( the army plus territorial defense), and where one third of previous number left the ranks after they step in the Pact. 

Nothing better stay into other neighbor states, where the loses into battle against Russia, grow at the 10 percent of local units member. 

And there is another, much crucial moment, who stay in ask: what to do with our fall in the battle people?

Now is full known, how NATO was involved in the Ukraine from August 2022, and how in the operation used such 314 thousand personnel. In this case, regular army personnel, and some 68 thousand so call volunteers from 54 countries.  In the case when in the two years of fight, now not exist half of Ukraine army, than in these cases, stay significant number of NATO loses. 

This loses, such 38 thousand of Polish, only, try to find question, where was other missed?

In some information from Ukraine Partisans, such 16 or more trains stay at the open areas and wait to be transport somewhere. Most of this transports is fool metal jacket trains, with 40 wagons in each train. 

 To lift it from the Russian hands, they need to move maneuvers at the east, where they try to pretend numbers of soldiers involve in it much higher than is true. 

Russian against it, have numerous casualties, but this is not so high into death rate, but in wounded and capture in action. Number what going to be in the total above 30 thousand soldiers, and civilians. 

Their way of propaganda going to be so trivial, that no one have interest to say against that something. 

If they are coming to say how they doing nothing in the moment, than it is bad for the enemies. Against in the moment they rain heavy bombs. Or if they say how they are repel the attack from other side, it mean that they have no prosperity in a operation. 

In one word, they have same distance in the front, and information, too. All things was arrangement to cause more damage to these enemies.  It mean that they lie to protect self real plan. 

Both sides now is in progress, and both of them have interest to do everything against other. But, in this moment one of them   shut in the foot self. And other make mistake of long wait.

War World III no way to be solve in the green table. Only way is in precision import in international relations UN Chart, and specially chapter who call against colonization, Nazi ideology, supremacy and inhuman relation against different. 

NATO in the 32 member states, have some member who is named into UN Chart like countries against which is possible to lead a war, and in this case no NATO, nor US have position to step against them who going to call at it. For this reason the Association named NATO, day in day look like more SS Waffen, where only cause to exist we said in before.   



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