Tuesday 28 December 2021

The so call pandemic against the signed rules from the Antarctic, and answer at it

 After all this days, we have no more time to wait and no more reason to say how we understand what was happen in Western Europe, where old manner of Nazi used to solved some things what never in the history could be. 

In this time we are ready to say how the system in these countries going to be using to destroy all what was inaugurated in several acts from 1945-1949, where the main point take positions where no one have right to take actions against other, without our surprise and our time to say yes.

Out of it, all of these actions into Western Europe have place to be punish with nothing less than great war. The war, where abnormality would be vanish and where after all stay situation what we ordered after WWII. Because that, we are ready to make massive destruction into the Word. No one, with not authorized negotiation have possibility to move out the our decision. 

All of so call new age establishment with old Nazi ideology of Eugenic have only way to be put at the new big trial, what was Nurnberg in 1945-1947. Only at this platform we are ready to make some gains and put at hold our decision to remove all with what had Ishmael in the Holly Bible. 

Time going to be close and nothing was different if some believe how this is not real. 

In next days the key have come at the planet, in the early morning at the western side of USA. White lighted bowl would be send to move problems into some place at California. 

No NASA, nor some others have possibility to stop it with a arms. 

We said how we are ready to make what you recognizance in 1958, what you had the clear picture who and how long had this planet in posses.

Our rule is only there to be implement, and who have believe how they have right to be rulers at Earth slip into wrong side of bed. 

If we take a look at the war, in our perspective it is not negative. All deviations into Earth's history, the history million years long, had been cleaned by the war. Or if we try to move something, with our interaction. About it, most have possibility to learn in what now modern scientist call the ancient books and so call legends.

The side which try to promote evil in deep lies about so call virus, and other side what have only position to play role how they have some right, but out of personal right of common people, must be clear, how nothing new will be happen into history, what the planet not been seen. 

For this reason,we said how the absolutely prohibited places for both side is Balkan, former Yugoslav states. Antarctica, Bolivia, Aborigines Australia. Greenland and Svalbard,too. Like it has areas around North Ocean, and South Ocean.                      

Sunday 19 December 2021

The Balkan rhapsody in the western poverty

 In front of new war, more and more useless persons from most "power" western countries come to make some mess into Balkan states, specially in Bosnia and Herzegovina, especially after local population decided to stay out from hysteria named so call pandemic. 

In front of this decision some of them stay seriously "ill", after find how pandemic into local field have not so much disaster measure like it they have. And how they are living in some case, more or less normal. 

Into this positions at the place, from London to Washington stay opinion how they need so quickly import new civil war, and inter ethnic violations. All of name to "prevent inter-mediation from Russia and China", but not only them.

Main point in all of this so call mediators is in position what they try to have before the global war start.

With neutral and in a peace dressed  Bosnia and Herzegovina, and neutral Serbia, they had more problem and an headaches. Even they are equipping by most EU and non EU countries like allies, they are in position that in this case other side have more advantage and than they have possibilities to make big victory in the war. 

But if  NATO or two dominate country from the west start to make some gains and what we have to say make black water in the two neutral country, the war would start immediately.

It was said in talks between two big in week ago. Where the american ego say how it is not correct. How is not obligation from the Moscow to protect Bosnia and Herzegovina, and how this entity had decisions to make full partnership and membership by NATO and EU. 

Other side said how it was not possible, because Bosnia and Herzegovina was and is in UN mandate.And how in this reason wasn't legally say it. For full membership Bosnia and Herzegovina need to take approval from SC UN, where two main member have right onto veto. 

And how in mark 7 of UN Chart stay clear what would happen if some make action against a decisions of the Council. 

After all the western side start to make some actions at the field and recruited several persons in Bosnia and Herzegovina to make disturb situation. Where they have possibility to change legacy.

Other side don't seat at peace and do everything to prevent new operation.

Clear is how no USA, nor UK have power to create such more than few crisis, and how at the other side existed credibility to create hard reply. In the both side find how they have same situation what had been into 1914.

We have only to say how the war is at the moment from today, and how is no possibility that the westerns come with war into Balkan state. Even they have quislings at these governments in Croatia, Slovenia, and North Macedonia.

The first is in economical gap, and have divide at the part over "pandemic methods" in governing.

Slovenia is totally out, and have not power to make any possible act to take part into NATO acts.

Macedonia, was and is in situation where they live at the bring of sword between western "support" and eastern love. 

Unstable ally was more problem than Bosnia and Herzegovina with Serbia. They now why!           

Sunday 12 December 2021

G-7 the former ruler and great Nazi restorers at today

 At all, the main problem so called G7 stay at the liquid financial sources. Most of them have not any money in the pocket, and only what they have now is strong role in their move, where they have nice role like democracy defender and pretender how they have something what they haven't.

Democracy they have not defend, because all of them try to change UN Declaration of Human Rights. and where all of them have problem to restore economic situation with what they try to present like care for human life and health, over stolen human rights.  

From 2008 this countries lost 3/4 of national wealth and they now have only big dept what they have never come to serviced. On the way in the same packet came shorts in material and equipment. Energy going to be next problem, and drive faster and faster out of control. 

In these public founds they have deep hole. Pension founds and health care found, but even several others, are empty, and no one of politicians in these countries have courage to step out with it and present to the public the reality. What they did is so call pandemic and virus. And assassin who at them other reduce what they saw a problem in their project.

At the all, this situation grow in the new acts of abnormality in these countries, and break them, to be what they try to pretend into world community. 

Lost into deep economic blast, and out of reality, but into deal with Nazi movement around the World. They try like what is in reality, make revisionism against WWII victory and  biggest contributors in it from former Yugoslavia to Russia plus China. 

Only what they need is same what was proclaimed Adolf and friends into thirties 20th century. And now like in this time, we saw same fingers and heads over the maps.

All thinking about what and how to make gains against the real contributor stay at post, where they have clear knowledge how not exist sources to take aggression against East Commonwealth. 

It had not been into plans, and now they try to make success into plan, by what they had into past. 

In time where what we presented, USA has only 60 percent of full food supply at the domestic market.

In UK it is worst then into WWII, only 30 percent of foll supply at domestic market existed into ministry of  common affairs. 

France, Spain, Canada, and Benelux have shorts into food supply more than 50 percent. And they have not products for bigger export.

Germany now stay at the 70 percent of full food supply, but this is at the brink of sword if winter going to be more natural.

For this reason, big suppliers coming to restore local food markets, and invest more money into short chains of supply. 

When Russia start to destroy Ukraine, presented shorts quickly going to be hipper inflation and fewer in all. 

It mean, how situation now is so worst for them, then they have it into plan and agreement with Nazi. 

For this reason we are really happy that mighty Russia in help with these ally have storm Kiev and Baltic States.

On other way we expect fast move China against Taiwan, and even Israel try to stop Iran and their friends, move into Great Synagogue.    

Only few weeks left to final countdown.     

Tuesday 7 December 2021

War is not possible to prevent, it is at the path

 Today two of many have talks in some reason. The main reason stay in the weather map and time what they lost list two years in war against so call virus. But in reality more known like military poison what was effectually find and started with produce in several decades ago. 

This has several variants, and three of them is most popular. One of them now come in variant "MRNA vaccine MODERNA", what UK Johnson like to use against political opponents and Grandma. 

The poison have same system to work like Russian Novichok, and have similar symptoms. 

So call vaccine MODERNA   used in poison act against two Russian citizens in UK, two years ago. And against two British agent who want to poise it in the public opinion. 

In the story named Pandemic, all things was in close knowledge what would be happen if they stay in economical regime what they had currently. 

But even with the virus all things goes from wrong to worst, and now have only way to be cleaned, how we before explained in the war. 

Even, the war exist in the planetary economical and political system from 2014, and at real life caused most problem for many.

Today so call conference try to push back the war, even is clear how both sides have different views at reality. 

In US we early list year detected how at the high power point stay Military Junta, and that Biden is only marionette in these hands. With Harris at post near Biden, some had believe how is possible that new administration do something in the nearest future. Even was clear, that US election process stay contaminated and deeply  condemned in the World.

After two years of "administration" two part of US elite try to make gains and push self rule at the political scene in the local and global. But, how is clear, without real success. 

In this case, where no more exist economy independence and monetary stability, and where the movements in the US openly present this dualism, "administration" try to solve self position in the arena. But how?

US in this time have not naff money to restore even objective basic system needed, and shortages in food and energy with high polluted areas in the central east, and south est, cause that inflation ride in high speed. 

Only 60 percent of food supply is reason that "administration" have no maneuver space to make the war at any place at the Planet.

They have arrangement with so call investors, how they use vaccine to make biggest control into US to make what they want to present like "recovery plan".

Most of this guys had economical arrangement with previous Administrations, who had used them to promote some new product, from Web to Bitcoin.

You have to make conclusion what is behind that, and how much money exist in this relations, after clear that "administration" haven't money to print more USD, and now try to make what they see electronic money. Bit was part of these plans, but how successful, you have right to now. 

Shortages have even Pentagon, where more and more people try to leave posts, before they take what they claim- a shot. Many hardware now stay empty in same reason, and so call relocation of US forces at the new post at list two years long activity, know exactly present it. 

In our predict about future acts, we found how only seven nuke going to cause US capitulation and delusion at the small parts. 

In EU we explain before everything, and now only what we saw is approval our words in many cases at many member states. 

If you try to explain what happen in Franc, like global explain point, only you need to find what they did in half year, and you see how they start now to sell military potential, after economy ride in the bancrupcy. And of course they have Vichy 2 in social-political sphere. 

The same is with others. The worst statement came from Warsaw where they find how in this winter they have not sufficient supply in many, and how they have real energy problem to move troops even over military basis doors. 

In our prediction we found how mach would be take resistance against East Commonwealth. In best way Poland would be bitten for no more than four day, Baltic states even quickly, several hours, like Slovakia, Romania and Bulgaria. Paris would fall in seven days, and London in two months. 

North going to be conquer not more than week. Depend from state to state. Even Iceland is full control of the Commonwealth now, and NATO arrangements in former basis still have a picture of depress man. This basis is formally into siege two months ago. 

Eastern Commonwealth was consolidated and now they have more than several million personnel at these post all over the World. They effectively control most frequent points and post what looks like valves of global economy.

The nervous in the Commonwealth came in reason that they have more provocation and economical distortion from other side, what cause insecurity at the local political and economical scene in the member's elites.

And make them problem to restore money on the other points out from the Army supply.

Angry people in the case try to take action and use some measure to prevent the government to take them a uniforms. 

What can be very danger for future planed actions.