Wednesday 30 September 2020

Napoleon syndrome in the Macron head, make mistakenly decision for Pashinyan and Aliev

 Even the world want to say how now we can see new war in Caucasus, we are not see same.

In the region do not exist nothing but the penetration of the French president, and his not so clear psychical health. In situation where he have worst situation in the country, where they must look up to sell some overseas territories, and where he try to find more money in some international institution for regular state dept services, he try to growing up French presents in too much region over planet to remove public view against worst situation int the country after WWII. 

We told about it, and say how he try to manage in Lebanon, over Croatia in biggest explosion in the port, after he did not successful penetration with French fleet against Syria and Russia. Now he try to make the peak with actions in the east Mediterranean, at side of Greece, and when he found how he have no chance against Turkish President, in the open straggle, he dislocate above 134 million Euro to Armenian Prime Minister and what they saw new Armenian Elite. Something same we had been saw in Libya  by French former president Sarcossy.

It was plan over plan, and the situation what we saw,was unclear in first moment. The escalation in the region was possible after frau Merkel did great mistake and give the alibi to him in case of Navalny,even we found that poise came like gift to the person in Navalny inner circle, who have clear order to bring the blogger dead.

Poison coming like label who was made in place near Paris. 

But even the frau Merkel had it, she decide to make great objection and give support to sick man, sick in the head.

The Macron has great fiction in the head how he can be something between Napoleon and De Gaulle.

But now we have to say how situation with so call war between Azerbaijan and Armenia, can be solve for the minute. And how it can be created in situation where is clear that price for it must coming to pay EU, specially France, which find after at clear interrupted actions at Belarus territory, over support to Litvania and Polan, over coordination with actions from Croatian Adriatic.

The fact is that crush of gas and oil transport system whose coming from the Azerbaijan and going in Georgians ports, and in Turkey,too, make Azerbaijan army impose to make big actions, and make great crisis, much worst, than it is now in Turkey.

On other way, we see how Armenian Prime minster Pashinyan must be removed from the post and than how so call new elite must be send in Paris, with ask to pay more than several billion dept to Russia and China.

We expect to Iran be involve in these actions, and how they have biggest role in it. With right to say that Azerbaijan was and is corner of Iranian history and political reality. Specially when we see how Supreme Leader Ayatollah Khamnei  is Azer. And because, Iranian interest is to have clear background in some possible war dispute by Arabs. 

In this situation, Turkey have no chase to make any gains at the area. 

For Erdogan we have advice, to step out from this, because if he make lost in the current actions he risk to be removed by military and inner circle, not so far.

After all in the actions coming to play China, who has interest in this region to preserve quickest rout to the European markets by the train and to have  strong supply  with energy to back in the mainland.

American don't like anything where they see close step of  Iran. They have only plan to buy somebody, but after several Aliev's experience with them, we have no reason to believe how, few months before election, they had intention to make introduction in the situation. The next reason stay in good condition where they have gift against EU, where main state of  the block did new great mistake,and blowing up EU credibility, open large gape in the whole name EU demolition.  About we known more, after talks between frau Merkel and German political and economical elite,today.                    

Tuesday 8 September 2020

Belarus operation from the Adriatic sea

 After long investigation we found what was happen in the Belarus, and who was poised Navalnij. Now we found all part of the operation puzzle in whose EU try to find money for so call rebuild of Union's economy.

In October year before the EU Commission find how they have no money to stay stable in most part of common life. In this time, no one predict to be exposed COVID-19 and how it was made situation much worst. 
In April of this year EC made decide how would be necessarily to prevent social and economical protest moves. In this situation, they made plan how it be made in coordination with so call democratic move in the Belarus.

For this reason EU had decide to make new-normal tourist season, and make order to all member states whose have coast at the Mediterranean sea, to make everything to it be possible. In first, to stop accounted a illness from COVID-19, to be better picture for how they had the plan, to make better atmosphere and optimism for more people in the EU, possible from the west states, whose had biggest lost in the two quarter of this year. 

Situation in the Benelux, and big part of Germany, but not only in this country came in disaster. Situation with infected people in the Sweden and Switzerland stay not so clear in this moment, because they had different approach to pandemic situation, and after all everything was packed in the war game what start two years ago, when in the operation named "justified warrior", in Europe came to many equipment for new actions against East. 

In this equipment we found even some strange substance, what now know how COVID-19. A gelatin substance in yellow. The absolute military poise what was put in several EU towns, and near border with Russian Federation.

But, when something go wrong with operation in the field, and when in the non combat action many army lost several hundred officers and soldiers, and after start massive spreed over the continent, the operation commit to be abandon from NATO.

Situation in the EU start to be worst day by day, and after all started to be clear how, economy in this situation going to be worst than ever before. 

For reason to solve it and to made new-normal, EU came in the plan to tourist season 2020 take for  an umbrella  for operation in the east neighborhood.   

First they planed to open so call implementation camps in the several country at the Mediterranean and for it they decide to it would be Croatia, and Greece. This two country had same situation, where they desperately need the money and who had not so big infect rate. 

In Croatia, we found how in island Losinj was mounted Polish base, where they planed, and made exercise to be involve in the so call peace overthrow in Belarus. In logistic operation they have support of local military and civil secret services. And they made coordination with Ukraine's military, who have servicemen in the "tourist visit" to Croatia. 

In Greece we found how Lithuanians have post in the west coast. And how they have cooperation in the Romanian criminals.

These plans stay operative in late July, but something coming wrong after in Croatia, Polish part of the action, lost high commander.

After that, we found how in EU try to on the same scenario like they had in Ukraine in 2014, try to change regime in Minsk. How they prepared to change with buble action somewhere in the Middle East, and with some action in the Russian Federation.

On the other side, they had plan to open new front in the USA. Because they need self defense, in so call liberal point.

What we found in the plans, look like a book for James Bond move script. In the operation, plan said would be involve neutral Sweden in operation against military post of RF in the Kaliningrad, electronic suppression and coordination attack against military communication. 

In operation, do not be involve NATO. Because it had planed to be make in the low level hybrid war action. Whose lead Paris, and finish Croatia,Greece,Poland, Lithuania, Ukraine, Sweden, Romania.

For action they prepared 56-58 million euros. They pay several million to prominent opposition person in the Belarus, and several hundred thousand for operation in Russian Federation.

All of this was planed, financed, involved to desperately needed to EU for reason what we published before.

EU have the war not against East, but against Senat. Some guy in the Brussels made decide to remove member of it. In this operation, they pay Polish criminal group, whose used in operation in Dombas region, Ukraine, for reason that they had big fear how we speak after all. 

In prediction, we try to said how the operation is over, and how we do everything to make Poland and others in ruins. First, Zlot, Polish currency must be destroy in not more than two mounts. Economy in Lithuania must be ruined for two to four weeks. 

No body have right to did something against us, and we have not reason to believe the Union, which now look like Third Reich, so much.

Revisionism, national supremacy, racism, established Fascism in many country at EU level. 

This is only the part what we know about so call democratic spreed against world, from EU in time where EU  came with laws who annulled elementary human rights, in so call new-normal COVID-19 democracy.                           

Wednesday 2 September 2020

European Union Norwegian gambit( not so long from popular serious "Okkupant")

 After EU stay out of gains in Minsk, and after Russia gave support to the local government. For EU it is not only problem! The biggest problem stay in situation with the money. They are not so happy after they find how Beijing do noting to support economy of the Union, and how in this time they have no reason to say something positive against crisis which ride in the big speed on the Union institution and specially in the several state members, from Baltic to Adriatic,

ECB in this moment have more problems to open new way to proclaim so call recovery fund. They in the great speed need not what was proclaimed two months ago, now they try to have more than 600 billion  Euro, whose do not come from the primary emission. Reason coming in the situation with industry and real economy at the most part of EU. The new money at market without some shadow in the real obligation like it is China credit or some money transformation in the real market, make Euro very insecure and put the all in the moment, where the market start to growing, in inflation or in this situation in deflation. 

With to much free Euro at the market, not Germany, nor Holland have power to solve so call good situation on the global European market. The two biggest economy in the Euro zone and in the Union in global. now have great problem with production, and situation with employers. The input price in real product stay stable or growing slowly but constantly. In other way situation with eminent market in the Union stay not so nice. Many of states have different problems what COVID-19 made more worst, but it had not some crucial point in the game at the markets. Reality came from time when  in 2008 EU try to solve crisis with what it had been projected from Berlin in the so call structural change and saving.

But in member state whose have so big dept like it have Greece, Spain, Italy, and France, this solution stay only at the paper point. nothing else.

They need to have more spending and more involve the state in the real process, not like it had several north countries.

Now in this time reality crash all expectations. For EU budget the Union need more money than they have real reserves. In first step they find how they can stolen money from Minsk, but after counterattack and hard Russian speech over situation at the place, EU start to change strategy.

In new strategy named "Sea Sword" EC try to complete plan how to take money at the real politic playground. Now they find that only one country in the neighborhood have so naff money what now is desperate need to 27 EU members.

The strategy with plane call to be made new Maidan in Oslo. They try to find what can be interest to the local population for change to be put like agenda, and be make more contagious for ears of the small people to make they what EC expect, Norway in the Union, and the Union in theirs pockets.

Start of the plan come now because predictions say how not more than month, EU can be progressively insolvent.

First it going to coming from two main member state involved in the Minsk's putsch, Lithuania and Poland.

To this two players EC has some debits and this can cost more than ten billion Euros each. But in situation where they have not money from operations in Minsk and Moscow , but more from Beijing, they have problem, where the local currencies for not than month coming in plunge, and where out of EU donation they could not made even army move from the barracks, push them in the lateral crisis, whose with growing pandemic, make from them detonator of EU demolition.        

After them in the line so quickly going to be present Sweden and after that Germany. 

Both of them have problem in expanding trade and export mostly what we say before in the countries around. Whose in the situation had not money, and no ideas how to made at the market.

Yes, after all actions in the Norway not be so same like we had saw in the Minsk, but similar, coming not so long time from today. Local government did nothing to change it, with bought more and more equipment from the EU. or invested more money around there. 

EU now urgently need money, more than 1700 billions Euros to solve situation at the market, society, economy. This stolen theory growing and now have not scrupulously against anybody. 

The author of scenarios series "Occupation" really had not intention to say how it would be real in the future, maybe somewhere, but not there in the north Europe. Now, in the same club.

It come real in reason that EU and NATO have not intention to going in war against East. It have not be war with winner, but holocaust.

On the other way. without actions, in next 2021. you have to see new composition of EU. at the three part. Where some of this parts be in war each other, and with authoritarian regimes in the power.

But EU has not money to change self, and Euro is only reason, why the Club did not broke up two years ago.