Wednesday, 27 August 2014

What Obama must to do, to help itself!?

Time is to say how Mr. Obama must stop to make miscalculation and then he must to start to make new US policy in the World.

Mr. Obama must step out from Syria and he and his advisers must to have new obligation with Russia and China. Because, world have right to live at the peace. The peace for all, and out of the neocolonialist schemes.

No body have right to have make violating UN constitution and the chapter 7 of it, out of the SC UN permission. Out of that, even US stay to be aggressor.

The madness in the east Europe have to be changes after Mr. Obama and advisers start to changes policy against the rest of World.
Kiev's junta is in position that they haven't legitimate, and they do most worst things whose have the poison effect  at NATO, and the relations with others in the World, too.

Because that, Mr. Obama must to going to say C. Rice how she must live the post of the top adviser.
But even for not so correct advised in Gaza case,too.

Now is clear how the real policy in the World has been changes and how the uni-polar Word does not exist, any more.

Most of US ally have no more power to support actions abroad to US, and much of so call enemies has in the potent to broke spine of more of them. What we have to saw in Gaza case.

After all, before some put finger at the red button, Mr. Obama must call Mr. Putin to discus about wrong advise and miscalculated economical proposals at these markets after sanctions going on the power.

On the another part of the Planet Putin must step up in the action against some guys whose in the WWIII  have to see possibilities for self promotion.
Like it had some admirals in US Navy,IDF,Australia Royal Navy after they made help to created IS, in worst knowledge history and geography, and in after all, in miscalculated that they have be a weapon in the hand against BRICS  interest.     

Friday, 22 August 2014

These sanctions make the new World

If we looking at the policy whose impose Putin, then we have to see how the capitalism is ill.

The most economy in the World have not power to change position which they have in this moment. EU economy stay in the gap of self publised isolation against most part of the Planet, where they do everything against the WTO's protocol and broke free market trade over these borders.

Even more, they have intervention in most prominent industries where the member states and the Union make more and more support  for producers to make damping prices at the market,even they have costs which stay in the narrow of inflation and inputs whose grow monthly and pres the final prices like a rocket.

These sanctions whose impose Russian Federation to these countries displays how the Union basically stay the Agricultural Union, where the former neocolonialist policy stay in the back of economic policies, and where only a hard force against others make gain for the Union's policy and economy.

After the Union stay against same weapon whose they took to make politic gains over the Planet, economy, they have to see how the politic influence of EU is so less, and how the price for expansion is high.  The real price stay in the point that EU make BRICS more coherent and in-fluent at the modern political scene.

Positive from the both embargo stay in the possibility to live Russian Federation out of so expensive and not so good products from the West, but on the other way the other players at the Planet have place to stand up and fall down democratic fascism from EU. Especially after stay clear how some of the prominent EU states stay in active role at the Ebola case, and how they do noting to protect the Christians at the ME against the West made product named ISIL.

Crisis after summer holidays step up in the EU homes, broke the personal economic status.
Less money income at the agriculture industry in this moment make damages in several so east member states, whose have more than 60 % incomes in the agriculture and export this products at Russian Federation.
France whose live only at the agriculture expansion in the nearly past, now have decline at the economy grow and rose of unemployment. The more and more people most take second or thread work place, to pay no more a luxury, but normal life. More and more people live with the relevant support and state support, but it have no place at Eurostat notes to the Union's public opinion.  
Maybe it make have to EU going to more to protect fundamental ideas of the Union at self soil, and step down from the lost ideas from history. Because, EU is so weak and not coherent.  

Monday, 11 August 2014

ISIL has at Turkey

After several years, what they had prepared and only few weeks in the actions, ISIL make opposite what they have to do in originally construction-to destabilized Syria and Iraq, and after all to make goals in SA importance at political map in the region of ME.

Now, the ISIL has the imperial army which have money, support, logistic and of course cover from the so call important places in the World.
They did everything what they have to make in order from the support places, and nothing can come to stop them in it.
The army equipment have mostly military cods number from the east part of Europe. It had payed from the reach supporters, mostly from the SA, but not only. In some contacts with the regular forces at the terrain, mostly special forces of the West countries, they buy info by gold, and after all they have advance for one more step at the field.

The actions at the East Europe going at the act to disaster and it had known at the some places like it has upper command of a several big player in the game.

But what they have no intention to say in the public, it has that ISIL whose created for something else know is coming deeply in the NATO member state, Turkey.

ISIL what is tragedy for the creators going to be the great treat for most prominent the Alliance bases in Turkey,what mean that they in position to take in the possession most sophisticate arms.

The agents of ISIL step up in the actions over most places at the European east, and what has so sad, the information about aggressive manners of them, is message for the old lady-Europe, whose make help to created them.
Not more than two months, they have going to be in position to treating even Paris.
The high command of US strategic forces is in possession of clear info about that.
Russia is not priority,the priority now stay the so call friendly puppets, these guys from "our prisons", whose now make the retaliation plans.
Sorry, but the believe in the God has not same in believe at the selfish lucre grime.               

Wednesday, 6 August 2014

Obama made Africa's Ebola

In some mind , Africa live like the continent of colonial opportunity,where live only black man, and where have no others.
But, Africa is place where have more and more sadness than it some can expect.
This guy have reason to say how he make order to some to came at the place with plague, to disciplined the not so discipline local politicians.

The president of some states, have no interest to prevent what he try to say that he would do. But, he has only order from other places to doing something to make prevention against influences of BRICS. To make impossible that the African states come to be truly independent.

The States has not interest for an common people to live better, but to make selfish gains in try to protect self disaster,  which start to growing  in Latin America, where US have influence only in two maybe three states.

In moment when is clear how the so call big companies have no liquid money and when is clear how the derivative stock market have more and more loses.
In mortgage market nothing have to be solve or to something make changes in the such grow, but the prices of housing and the states bonds steps in fall, each month even some have to make picture that growing is on the path.

If we clear demolition bonds and actions, than we have to see how only several players have gains at the markets, and how is possible that some big states like it has even Canada step up into bancrupcy.
Canada has close ties with the States, and in most relation, Canadians buy so much US debts, over not payed contracts in many small and midi industry.But same stay into medical industry, whose have maybe some twelve million extra users of medicine capability.

If we looking at the so call basic industry, than we have see that situation is worst. Openly, Obama tells to self advisers how they haven't so much commodities to  restore map of Europe. Even the Canada make help in this progress,too.The problem stay in the Libya, where the colonel soldiers and sons coming back, and where is impossible to intervene, if they have not be prepare to have a lots casualties.

After all, then is possible to came with Ebola to call Africa on discipline. Three agents who was make it and whose been exposed at Ebola now stay in the treatment in hospital, when others common Africans stay away from properly medical support. Everything does against the God and humanity for the blood money and selfish interest the man who have anything with Africa. 

Saturday, 2 August 2014

IDF declared to BIbi, "We had defeated"

The situation at the field in Gaza make more worries against real goals in the war against HAMAS.
IDF have more and more problems with soldiers and what is never happened in the history, with officers who defected in numbers at the field.

General staff in the Tel Aviv have problem even with Arab and Druze army non combat forces which have no move in the conflict at the battle-field. They have more and conflicts with the regular army whose step out of the front and now they have to be use like military police in the beck of IDF forces.

The number of the deflect officers and soldiers growing in the minutes, because HAMAS and other Palestinian groups make more and more sophisticate defend, where they have to see a lot dead and wounded comrades.

On the other side, the anti missile launchers in the field have no more than 20% success, what the war going in the time.
Even new supply from the States have no changes the situation in the most part of State Israel.
No censures, nor lies, neither support to the Zionism going to change the true that IDF has defeated.
They now have conversations how they have need the US air support, but in this moment it mean the total war in the World.
You mean that it is not true?