Sunday 24 February 2013

What have to be new in Vatican City?!

After all we had to hear how is possible that a some states and organisations had the courage to make pressure on the Holy Site and at Pope, we have no scares if these guys believe how is possible that in the next several weeks they can have make a goal to going to have a doll Pope.
In next conclave we are going to make big change in the throne of Catholic church. At the position of the Pontifex  Maximus we see some not so much young man, but the man who is ready to make the big changes at the liturgy and of course in the relations between a common pilgrims and a priests.
In this time is so necessary that from the church top  sit the men who is really in fool conditions, to be able to have remove some prelates who is in suspicion that have involve in some not honor cases. Money and mist treat of the pilgrims, attack at Christians at the Middle East, is only few cases whose try from the new Pontiff to come at the Site like lone lion.
In the conflict between different fighting groups against much fractions at the Church, to protect the Institution the new pope about fifties and sixties must have going to make the radical moves, or we are at the shrink of sword, to  going to have lost in fate, and on the souls.
If the same structures in the Church stay at position that they have right to protect the fate in manage to make destroy order, than now is time to say Urbi et Orbi how situation over the Pope throne is.

Monday 18 February 2013

Croatia isn't ready for EU membership

Today, some days after Roman Catholic lost the Pope, EU start run to make new mistake.
Is time still come the time to the Union to bring in the membership new state,some like it has Croatia.
It state have the real problems with the law. With history, and of course with self citizens,too. The citizens who aren't ethnic Croat have not real perspective in country where the law order of presentation the local ethnic minority in the government offices did not sanctioned  from Republic Croatia.
But it is the one of more injustice at this country, where people have problem even with a private propriety against state, and where somebody have more right if they build object without papers,than if someone do it regularly. And if they have political influence person in state offices on aside,too.
Croatia is like Kosovo not finished state, and now is time to be in the monitoring process even if she come in full membership to EU.
But, really isn't time to  Croatia come in the position to be 28 member state of the Union. Not to time, when the local government going to can keep right for all in the real stance.
In other hand we will have see some big problem for the Union in nearest future, at fist step minority tries for justice, and on other majority  Croats to try to find out from EU,with large blames against the Union for mistakes of the local governmental.

Sunday 10 February 2013

Time for the new history of Earth

How many secrets have at the places which common people have not have posses and visit?
In many places at the Planet we have so many asks than we can make have a real answers. From far north to the far south, over some highest places at the World, no more than 40% of land and not more than 10% of sea is habit for the man and woman.
In the most places at the far east in Siberia, we can see and we have hear how is possible that somewhere exist a mist people and spices.
In the several places of tropic Asia, we have to see how mach is difficult to find some thing, and how is possible that in some areas live even today a mist nations, spices, and of course ruins of a former civilization.
On Latin America, the most places are so call investigated, but in this moment people have the knowledge how is possible that some places have double "history".
In some cases we are in doubt, how is possible that one continent had not colorization at the field?
Now we are in proof that the history has not, had not possibility to had a some big wholes. Is possible that some places in the north of North America has not habitats, several century after first colons come at these areas?
In some cases we had to saw how is may be possible that in some places have something.
Even in the West, where exist predict that no other than modern man have the living space.
From the wolf peoples to the invisible civilization at the south Pole, modern people live only in believe how they are only possessors or owners of this blue and green rock in the Space.
Did they are have courage to pick up the real true?
And what can be done if something gone over secret fails in the some agencies?
Now is time to going with open mind to find what is real history of this world.

Wednesday 6 February 2013

With baseball stick against the real true

For the reasons of true and liberty we try to find who is real democrat from the politicians in the World policy?
In many time at the past we saw how some politicians who had called like democratic politicians, now after several period of time, stay in opposite of that.
And what to say on the positions of some of them, when they are coming to calling others on democracy but they going to do everything opposite.
In several countries at the West, nothing less at the East we can see how practice life stay in an different way than it theory try to make it.
From Mr Obama, to Mr Holland only one situation is true, and it is lie.
In the economy, where Mr Obama going to suing some bad guys from some commercial  agencies to Mr Holland who step down with intervention in Mali, only reason for make actions is lies.
They lie self, and than others how they have Messianic role in the history and how only them have right to do what they are doing. Against other they have right to make drone activity, no meter on a results at a field. chief
But, is it result for US really economic power? Or is France really democratic state?
US had made power from 1947 international contract  when the member states of UN, made contract for financial order in favor to US dollar, to "prevent" a big wars in a future. And to give support US after war economy to made help others at the Planet.
France, have the real problems with minorities and of course with Wishy's  past.
Some orders form former France President N. S. stay in the way to be sue at the ICJ, because he made the decisions against one global minority what is Romans.And now both the former and actual France president made the several acts against civilians in the war zone.
In the moment when a some others going to doing same, they going to make predict about the democracy and law.
On other hand US economy has not same position what they had in the past, specially, the foreign dept growing, bankrupt domino effects inside of US, and growing bank instability inside of economic scene with growing poverty at the local slams, made the decision of SandP to downgrade fisk standard of US the real and true.
For this reason, Mr Obama must try to say true to the Union, and going to say how "US has not a real and true power to be real Super Power".
Opposite of that mean not much then implosion of US. Same what we can have see at France.
Where they try to make better condition to life with the wars in the third states.
With new tries over high command in the army actions, Mr Obama step up on the French way against the economic crisis.