Saturday 27 October 2012

They hunt us???

EU and Europe have new problem who we have see at some parts of old continent. The some creatures come over vast places in the continent, and try to have fresh blood on the self menu.
They have name and call self the "Osiris son's". They look like common men or women but after some part of a day, they start to have new identity, they after that come to be an beast.
This creatures come at most public places and there start to hunt, to eat and of course to make self religious.
At other way, the most governments at old continent does nothing against it. Most reason for that we can saw in so call every-mental policy, where they try to come with symbolic answers about some things.

"We are not alone at this planet, like it was not other Homo spices in the past. We have come to make something, and now we have something what some from the humans created, the"Osiris sons".
Come from dark to live in dark, to make us to dark, and ash, they had self life places deeply in the non populated areas at Europa".

On most places we had saw how much situation is worst. The big grey wolf was mist and now we have big areas where people can have hear only deep silence. Where no exist nothing but birds, and where is after first dark isn't nice to stay.

From high north to deep south, they come in the small groups like wolfs. In many places at Europe, people live in fear, because they have personal lost of somebody of self relevant.
This creatures had been created, not in the near past but they have the long history, which was come at some times, at some place at European soil.
But now it was something what is rolling over whole Europe.
Why it we can detect now, reason is in situation with clime, where big differences between summer and winter conditions make that food is not now problem only for our majority, but even for rise minority, too.
In this reason, we had started to be food for them. 
Like many other spices they come in the places where war have ordinary word, and where is not so clear who kill and when some die.
When we look at Syrian inter war we can have see that in an night from front mist total unit of rebels, and no one have answer how?! Syrian Army is not so clear, what they now have at Syrian soil, after they come in some places where they came and saw a lot of blood without corps.

Sunday 21 October 2012

From Brussels: "We are defiant at Libya"

In Libya the some guys try to see how they have victory. But on the other path they have only loose of an power.
In this moment when they try to say how they have success in the internal fights against regular Libyan army in command over some guys around colonel Qaddafi. But true is that so call central government have power only in several quarters in the some Libyan cities.
Because that they have so call witnesses who can say how they see even dead men how fight occupation's forces, and in this fight die.
After all, the insecurity who they have in Tunisia, and in Libya,too, NATO and EU with US can have reason that they haven't power to go in the war against Syria.
They have no control over two-treed of Libyan soil. The problem for Saudis poppet is in the air forces who are in the total power of Qaddafi sons and doters. The navy not exist, and with support from Saudi and Qatar special forces who have drone support from RAF, they can have not success against regular Libyan forces.
Because that, fight isn't, so call central government against Qaddafi forces, but in vice verso. In total offensive against NATO and some Arab forces over Libya with new arms and forces.            

Friday 12 October 2012

Who have right to tell what is happen in Syria?

Who have right to tell what is happen in Syria?
Turkey, who are making aggression over Iraq against PKK or in the east side of country against self citizens, because they tray to have more freedom in speech and religious expression?
Qatar whose deeply in sheet after aggression against Libya, where they had lost over billions dollars in fall investments at the "new government". Or after they try to intrude over the south east Europe with investments in the chemical industry and open war against so call EU depend from Russian oil and gas?!
But inside, lie, corruption,  broke human law, and involving in the war against journalist who are not in line with Emir's family isn't so hard to US administration to push them to be "nice and good".
Saudi Araby is something what isn't nice place to live, because only one fifth of population living in the Haven, other living in the HELL. Rights for nobody and shot for an common people who try to be free from sadism of ruling Saudi family which have stay in deep dept over money what they spent and earn.
Only situation that they have holly sites Mecca and Medina on the jurisdiction, give them power to do what in holly Q'ran not scribe.
They step up to kill even Muslims who are not support them, and they are open supporter of fanatics who kill simply men and women, to make self anti religious order.
Bahrain where predominantly Shia Muslims die in fight against Suni ruling family, more then one year, and where so call the west nations looking aside to see nothing was happen in tiny kingdom.
Is something worst because people want to be free and satisfy?
In UAE we have to see how one system step down over some genocide against people from the Asia, where this people have not right for proper life, and where law stay against foreigners who have no right for self right, specially an women who are slaves in sex slavery. But UAE economy is in level less than it have Iran. Who care for it?They have land for our drones, and because that they are our ally.
After all, more butchers stay around Syria, and no one have troubles with so call democratic world. This world have problem only with secular state like Syria is.
Turkey is now totally nervous because Erdogan and others have knowledge about that.
At Saudi family civil war was at path more than half decade, where in this war life loose more than fifteen members of the family, For economic lies and family troubles we can see preparation for war.

Wednesday 10 October 2012

Turkish Erdogan for prevent Greek's scenario

When you have prime minister and president what have Turkish people, then you are on the path to loosing the sovereignty and of course in the end the state,too.
In moment when broken  Turkish economy most have more money to invest at far east of the country, and when is total clear that it haven't bring from the west allays, Mr. Erdogan and Mr.Gul come at ideas to sell Turkish soldiers for money what they need to prevent Greek's scenario at the home, specially in the far east and south east countryside.
Syria now is good for interior reasons, but in the nearest future, in an war against Kurd and Syrian people Turkey risk to be push in the middle edge. Without oil and gas supplier from Azerbaijan and Iran, than without electricity support from Russia and Turkmenistan, Erdogan's government step in the not war against intruders but in civil war. 
Because that we are ready to going to see how with only one move on the area the big NATO member become in the African state.      

Saturday 6 October 2012

Mr. Erdogan know what he can lost with Assad's fall

Now we can have tell how we like to have Mr. Erdogan in Turkey. But, we are ready to do more to change our position if he going to start the war against somebody around Turkey.
In this moment Turkish army must move up against Syrian insurgents, and the army most block incursion at Syria.
Turkey most step up on the path to be more democratic and for common people the best state in the region.
The war against somebody for Turkey means lost the most east part of country and of course, it can have come path for civil war inside of "Ataturk State".
We expect from the army generals to step against attack on Ataturk wishes, how Turkey can be modern and for good place for life for all, who are living in the there. 
Mr. Erdogan  isn't some Turkish sultan, or some Middle-east emir, but we believe  how he was elected on the democratic election, and how he knows that modern Turkey is depending of not only NATO and US, but more from Russia and China. And that industrial grow of Turkey is mostly depend from good relations on the both sides.
And, for Turkey the peace in the Syria, with Al-Assad  government, secular and well stable is something much better than some so call democratic regime, who are have same illness like it we have to see at Libyan desert.   f

Wednesday 3 October 2012

The Gulf plan

What is happen when some states made export self insecurity at other places and states in the World?
This ask calling everybody at this planet to wake up voice against situation where exist our and them mother fucker guys.
On our guy we are looking one different ways. Everything what they made in the field we looking like something good for us, but in solution where are something make other side, it have bad connotations at situation in the World in the first point.
But when other side try to do same against us, we are ready to cry against crime, injustice,intolerance, and of course we going to have speech against brutality and inhumanity to the other side.
In situation what we can see at Syrian villages and towns, where are east meeting the west, we can see how like interest over oil roads have influences over everything what make man or woman the human bean.
The three Gulf states, like it is Bahrain and Qatar, have interest to going to building oil pump line over Syrian soil, to bypassing Russian oil paths from Siberia, not to help EU to be independent over Russian influences but in some different reasons. They have the plan to with supply with oil and gas make more influences over EU not only extender policy, but over interior policy, too.
And in this way they believe that they will coming more influence at the world relations, too.
In situation when they have free export over Syrian soil, the Gulf states going to come like world policeman, who are in power to push even China to looking more "better" at "Muslim" problem in the self regions.
They are believing how they are in the power to with some money, several billion invests in the US policy they can buy even several US army and fleets whose can coming like tool in the Gulf's states hand.
In this games Israel with some Israels security agency have active role, where they believe how they make the game rules. But they going to make suicide, where in the final plan stay in the finishing with Israel like independent state.