Thursday 14 October 2010

They are preparating battlefields

The theme of war come from the man and women? They are coming from different sides but they have both a mission.
This is real danger for peace and prosperity in the World.
He is President of Islamic Republic Iran Mahmudinadzad, the heavy Shiite.
She is State Secretary of USA and she is the presenter of so call liberal America-Clinton.
But she is in the heavy influence from evangelistic orthodoxy priests.
Both are deeply step up in the self religion and both are smart enemies.
But now is clear that an war is start.
On the Iranian side step up most Islamic populate states. On other side step up the most European countries, and North countries.
In this moment we have only one reason to believe that this is gone. It is situation over Israel inside politic situation. And of course the broke of the peace negotiation on to Sinai.
In situation where more and more reach Arab come to buy and stay in the UK we know that real situation in the Muslim World are so bad for US and Ally.
And it is clear that no one in the situation which have now is secure that a final come down isn't come.
Israel is in the ring of an new movements and over that in the ring of interior disasters.
On other side a pour and hungry people try for liberation and dignity.
And she stay away and looking it, over south east Europe. But in this region she hasn't work something good. She has not have knowledge over history of this part of Europe, and because that she have real problem to defend this continent of new invaders.
On economic side both has real problems, but the President has change to broke it. With develop relations with neighborhoods.
But she hasn't some partners to pick up US market out of recessions.
If we look up over history we can see how much crisis and recessions start the wars and revolutions.
Same time they have now.

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