Wednesday 6 October 2010

NATO in the Balkan's armies?

Does NATO has interest to know, how is really time in the south-east Europe, and who do what to protect Europe from bilateral or multilateral disasters? The question stay at time because more than fifth army in the region hasn't strength to make NATO clerance in this time.
Slovenian Army has problem with supply,Croatian army has problem with no money founds. BIH army doesn't egzist. Serbian army has more problem than others, but problem into Macedonian army, Albanian and Montenegro army is worst.
Without real money in the budgets and without modern operation sistem, this armies look like more a social security house for non perspective people than it was and is real army forces for battle actions against the new threat from east.
In this time NATO commanders must take an measure to create new coordination sistem between this Armies and them countries, because in this time who can take responsibility for great disasters if something to going to wrong.
Without modern technology in the big systems like it is navy and air force, the local armies cannot be proof that they can make some real ally power in the south east quoter.
Real problems into Serbian army with non definition position at batter field(neutrality), and situation with professionalization in it. Create big whole in the tactic maps. Yes, they have big systems, like it has air force, but without new warplanes they cannot make much. If we look it from enemy platform it is good, but if you look it in big spot it is road to the disaster.
Small army with the best equipment is much more positive for all than big professional army without perspectives.
In BIH time is come to going start a new army forces, the unity forces for all in the county. It mean that must be small, good drill, better pay and best supply army forces with some part of navy and air force must be locate at all part of BIH.
This army must be unification for all operation in the region. Because Croatian army has problem with officers and of course with politicians who hasn't take off politics power from barracks.
In this army exist problem with minority, with crime, with non educated technicians, but more of it is problem with not collecting big systems in the navy and air force,where last incidents open big whole in the hangars.
In Montenegro time is to make positions in professionalism,but this country is need to step up with navy. And to create brigade of alpines.
Macedonians need money to buy patrol boats in the lakes and to buy some parts of lights helicopter squadrons.
If we have problem in the Slovenian army with supply and money, because situation in the county isn't nice,it mean that is time to ask some guys in Ljubljana how they have ideas to change this situation,or have they answer are they good partner in the Aliance?
For peace and prosperity NATO strategic policy must give answers at real time for all of Europeans, but not only for them.

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