Saturday 20 February 2010

Who take the Hamas for peace break

We are in the the time where one or several man take power to recapture some things from others.In the time when no one have right to tell what is true or what isn't.
If some want to have make true story of our relevant history than they can come to be shut down.
Situation in the one political kill several days before in the Gulf have reason to be looked at another way. This kill isn't made from positions of nature enemy, but from some guys whose have real problem in the house of God.
They are in the big trouble with no money in the pocket,with war which is lost in the some part of desert.
In moment of these lost it isn't so nice to have another lost at the positions on the front against nature enemy.
Because, they did and made kill like preventive measure to stop drop down in the presence of Arab World. Kill of high commander of HAMAS is try to story going to be put on the nature way,so long of real problems in the kingdom.
Now is start time when is possible everything in the some part of Arab World. If Israel isn't pleasant to move at another war it mean that some guys take have lots of problems. And mean that some at West have no more real good ally at field for break the problems in the Middle.
Now the West have one more crisis which must take seriously for several reasons. Now the President have more trouble in the triangle-Sana-Somalia-Israel.
Something is need to be have change,or oilfield can be shut down and crisis still going to blowing up the global situation.
In real time, real problem isn't Iran, but some who are in the friend field.Are you know who is?

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