Monday 8 February 2010

The Gulf 2

2010.have chance to be like 1939. when Adolf Hitler and Nazi take aggression against modern world and take force to recaptures resource in the World.
Modern History have the words and more of that to give us sentences against idea whose come from Munich's pubs. And after that from Wiemar's jail from the Adolf Hitler.
"No one can be a friend of German people who are have not German's race characteristic.Blond, high and with blue ease. Who have some characteristic come from Slavs and Judas.
The great German nation only have right to make history.To create new order and ....."
The road map of History is known and who have right to take words like we can't do same in the future?
If Mr.Ahmadinedzad have the wrong positions over the Holocaust, and he take every chance to take have sentence at it. Does it mean that the President of Iran is Nazi?
Or it mean that some guys in the Israel use the Holocaust in many time to protect self stupidity, like is open genocide over Palestinian People. And to push down democracy in the Jewish state. Because, everybody who call on the peace and order is automatic an traitor.
In Israel exist no one person in the politic life who have courage to tell how is Israel at brink of sword of demolition and a historical disapire from the World's maps.
In attack a attack at Iran the war strategy of IDF haven't long ride chances. Even Iran lost in the first minute lots of army potential, retaliation take have disaster over live system in the Jewish state.
If some in the IDF have plans to going use the "strategical" weapon against it, than he is lunatics.
What is point of that?
Attack against in 2010. against Iran come be like operation "Barbarossa" for Nazi against Stalin's Russia.Without help from prominent European states and Russia, Barack Obama the President of US going to be written in the Historian books like men who are have chance for changes but against it he step up like men who are take a bottom of time.
After this war in the Gulf, Iran will never be exist, but even no one Arab states in the Gulf,too.
The World have several scenario over the end of the crisis. But not have good epilogue for the States. The pollutions from the Gulf's wars have nothing like it take in the new game with Iran.
Oil will be gone in the History, a millions will step up in the refuge camps in the Middle East. Hungry and disses have create a good clime for new revenge the Muslims against Cristian Europa and other in the World. New war going to be Armageddon for all...
The New Order in 1939. come on the tanks and arms of Axel soldiers, and end it in the price of hundred millions life. In the blood of innocent.
Mr. who have power in the White House, after all in a game with Iranian's Mullahs you lost. The revolution in the paupers people in the Arabian Gulf states cannot be push down from locals governments without open force today. With whom forces they have come to take place at your arms? And what with Shia minority in the Arabs States, when no Yemen, but neither Saudi Araby have successes in small war against them with modern arms!? What with SA when war start? Odious between Persians and Arabs is historian, but for more than one billion people you are problem.
To protect us and your interest at oil field please have drop down some ambitions.

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