Wednesday 5 November 2008

What is Obama?A new man?

The Victory of Mr. Barack Husein Obama has the really historical dimensions at history not only US, but world too. This Victory has potent to destroy one of most power country, because election's day gave us exemplar how much is US divide over this historically victory.
And how many people in the US has real problem with history emotion's , how they has problem to see real place of the states in the World, and how many of them try to be something and somebody much higher then other World. It mean that this elections describe terrible true that most Americans has German syndrome from twenty century, that they are over others nations and people in the World. That they are something much worth than others.
This theory, make many terrible chapters in the history, and many people lost everything over this theory broken in the past, after WWII?!
Now, we have real right to take message to the elected president of US that is, time is come to peoples in the States give true about self positions in the World, and time is come to young people in the States take new better school and education, how they have real knowledge about not only America, but other things about world which is they part, too.
Today, a real Nazi's theory of American supremacy in the modern World isn't positive, for somebody whose wish to be lighter in the storm of world' problem. This theory, whose make somebody in the State give the World more tiers and disasters than any other movement in the past, except Nazi movement in the Nazi Germany down Hitler's rule.
This time isn't good to new elected president of US put this problem, education so much down, at scale of priority, because it is real pat for self destroy in the future. It mean that two real human right, primary right at health and educations is something truly important not only for him, but for generations which try to be lead from new modern lieder,how Mr. Obama want to see self. Or it isn't possible, even in the American's "democracy"?!

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