Friday 7 November 2008

New administration in W. House

Mr. Brack Obama, you have time to make a decision who and when can take place in the new president's administration. Because that, you cannot take wrong decisions about people whom want to be your advisers and secretary in your presidency.
Now time is come to remove people whose taken wrong decisions in several past presidency, and whose try to be much stronger than they are. Your positions in today's wrong time, when more and more people have look at you like Messiah, who have magic stick to remove all problems from them little life. But you know how many wrong people you have in the time when you must take selection, over this bad time. Now, your decisions must remove Richard Holbrooke frome your primary list, because, this guy have real criminal connections at some places in the World, and because, he haven't good position in the Latin America.He haven't knowledge about situation at "Green continent", because he have some contacts with gangs and trafficking war lords in several states of L. America. Other positions is that you haven't right to take at place Mr. Gates,because he and his doll Mr. Petres make worst decision in the Irak but more in Afganistan. Because, we have Talibans all over Afganistan, even at places where they didn't exist in the past. It mean that you must take more quick and painful measure to resolve this problem if you wantn't to take responsibility for disaster.
In Economy you decision is some who come from middle class, and who has experience to take control over the small company! It is necessary in moment when simple measure can only to remove this mess formed form Bush's administration.
On place of Secretary of State must be put in charge your contra part in elections process, governor of New Mexico. At places of Secretary of defense, army try and its right decisions Mr. Colin Powell. At places for CIA and oder agencies must come not only men but women,too. In Department of Justice must be involve much more minority population, because they have more change to be involve at contra criminal activity, against organization which have really terrorist background.
In activity of environment must be involve Nobel peace winer and former Vice President Mr. Gore. Into problems of Union must be put former General Mr.Clark.
In full story, you have lots people to make better future for all. But, some of this guys haven't right to take any positions in your new administration.

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