Thursday 27 November 2008

The Balkan big whole

Some states in the south Europe has most big problem over history, but it is not problem for anybody,but them.
Most worst problem inside of this states is the problem with unjust and of course with high level of corruption.
This things can make and do it in the hypocrisy of state officers and other in the populations in this states.
Rules isn't work, and nobody can do anything to prevent fraud and insolvents. And problem with a making deal,and contract is so big that none can have right to expect to be secure in dual or mutual job venture in this poise states at South East Europe or at so call West Balkan even and especial in the Croatia and Montenegro.
In both case exist coordination between local businessmen and governments.Where local governments take have everything to protect criminal activity of this businessmen.
In many case, governments does every possible to bring money from investors and than put in deal the local businessmen to fix it with treat and push,hardly.
Local syndicates does most things to so call protect workers, but they do most things against them.
First, they have deal with local officers to destroy all deal which investors make directly with some company, and workers inside of it. After that, they have role to promote interests of state, or so call uninvolved officers whose take positions in the top of negotiations team for investment.
For good deal with investors, they take money directly from investors or from payments.
Same situation in Croatia is with shipyards and privatization of then, and with Arsenal in the Boka Kotorska in Montenegro,too.
In the both case, local government took positions that privatization only possible if they can take money in this case.
Because that, privatization Croatian shipyards isn't possibly. Not because the officers expect problems for and with workers, but because they cannot take money to promote self in the new elections.
Money for Arsenal is come like butty, and nice aspirin for big and quick election victory at local elections in the Montenegro.
In Croatia, same method and distance, but with big problem. How to fix problem with lack of money inside of state founds?
How to protect people whose work and don't have take money for work? What does with local businessmen which has problem with solvency? And who try to takes global crisis to escapes payments, to not workers only, but against an partners, a state founds and of course, to credits to banks.
In one verb, total incorrectly and incompatibly the states officers of this two states has create one of big black whole where despair lots money then drug the smugglers cash off in Afganistan.

Tuesday 18 November 2008

Amnesty with hate

In history stay a lots of time, the fail history facts. It is possible when states or social order have some irrational opinion at most part of history, and when people have opinion that they are pure of some worst affects in the past.
At south-east Europe,many nations have same method to take positions at history. They try to leave rational methodology in look at historically meter, and then they took epic history in songs and legends arias.
In this method this nations have ill reproduction at memory, and they have amnesia when they take some reports from past.
War in most way is legendary and pure, and no one have right to have call only with right name of majority population, and only can have take glory of past time, if they want to be name like traitors.
No one want to se bad time ind same way of report of history and time from this report, because it isn't popular in the most socialites in then part of Europe.
Legends and heroic opinion at time and persons, with cry for others who had lost life in the this time is pathetic, and have more unrealistic and self proclaim calls at time in the it "heroic past", with cry for revenge against old enemies and against others who are won't to be involve in this blasphemy.
Revenge and calls of hate has produce from governments,and have found in heavy situation of economy and socialite, and have positions like pump of bed filing at states at south-east of Europe.
It is no meter if something or everything from legends isn't true. Who care for it?
Hate and so call justice, for large part of population have prestige. In the south-east hate and angry against others is like medicine, something what politics has to motivate people to be quite,and cooperate. And to don't ask to much, specially about the crisis.
Because that, EU must take heavy positions over this territory, and situation in total, if EU not want going on new problems in the turbulent future.Because local politicians hasn't capability to have rule positions at top of local issues.
It have some post against it, "this politicians is persons whose cannot take care over ships, and than not over people,too."

Friday 14 November 2008

FBI in borse

Today when we expect inauguration of mister Obama in Mr. President, we can see that some people and groups take everything to change self positions in the societies. They take measures to step up over global market, like to make bubble crisis.
This groups is involving in the cartel. They have lots not clear money in the pockets and they try to have lots influence in the new American administration,and Mr.President, too.
In first step, they do everything to remove improve in the energy market, and they wants to create very uncertain situation in the field of global economy, where they coming with lots money put of the governments in the world in the process to block out global bank's system from collapse.
This money isn't come at place,but it's comes at positions of an group which want to do something for self positioning at modern throne.
Gang positions a regular officers from several governments, and them criminal activity over money which was replaced from the national reserves of several national banks in the World, have damage solutions at world stability, and this group want to put the world at same place where they were into first half of 20st.
Tensions and war is the best way to this people come at better finance positions, and to take more power than they have it now.
The market because that must going to be into close watch of new over states body, independent of policy and especially from local officers.
It is necessary, to world escape new holocaust, and global disaster.
Obama, you have right to make necessary questions over Mr. Bush administration,where money from reserves were dislocated in several months ago, and who have right to make it?
Questioning must be open to public opinion, and everybody in the World must see how some "your" bad guys broke institutions and democratic rules to make fortunes for self and the friends.
Now, when they have such money, they created crisis to robe lots goods in the States, and world,too.
Global crisis is created in the places of US capitol, in office of some high rating officers and then put at market. Because that FBI must take measure to restore justice in the market, and the States.

Friday 7 November 2008

New administration in W. House

Mr. Brack Obama, you have time to make a decision who and when can take place in the new president's administration. Because that, you cannot take wrong decisions about people whom want to be your advisers and secretary in your presidency.
Now time is come to remove people whose taken wrong decisions in several past presidency, and whose try to be much stronger than they are. Your positions in today's wrong time, when more and more people have look at you like Messiah, who have magic stick to remove all problems from them little life. But you know how many wrong people you have in the time when you must take selection, over this bad time. Now, your decisions must remove Richard Holbrooke frome your primary list, because, this guy have real criminal connections at some places in the World, and because, he haven't good position in the Latin America.He haven't knowledge about situation at "Green continent", because he have some contacts with gangs and trafficking war lords in several states of L. America. Other positions is that you haven't right to take at place Mr. Gates,because he and his doll Mr. Petres make worst decision in the Irak but more in Afganistan. Because, we have Talibans all over Afganistan, even at places where they didn't exist in the past. It mean that you must take more quick and painful measure to resolve this problem if you wantn't to take responsibility for disaster.
In Economy you decision is some who come from middle class, and who has experience to take control over the small company! It is necessary in moment when simple measure can only to remove this mess formed form Bush's administration.
On place of Secretary of State must be put in charge your contra part in elections process, governor of New Mexico. At places of Secretary of defense, army try and its right decisions Mr. Colin Powell. At places for CIA and oder agencies must come not only men but women,too. In Department of Justice must be involve much more minority population, because they have more change to be involve at contra criminal activity, against organization which have really terrorist background.
In activity of environment must be involve Nobel peace winer and former Vice President Mr. Gore. Into problems of Union must be put former General Mr.Clark.
In full story, you have lots people to make better future for all. But, some of this guys haven't right to take any positions in your new administration.

Wednesday 5 November 2008

What is Obama?A new man?

The Victory of Mr. Barack Husein Obama has the really historical dimensions at history not only US, but world too. This Victory has potent to destroy one of most power country, because election's day gave us exemplar how much is US divide over this historically victory.
And how many people in the US has real problem with history emotion's , how they has problem to see real place of the states in the World, and how many of them try to be something and somebody much higher then other World. It mean that this elections describe terrible true that most Americans has German syndrome from twenty century, that they are over others nations and people in the World. That they are something much worth than others.
This theory, make many terrible chapters in the history, and many people lost everything over this theory broken in the past, after WWII?!
Now, we have real right to take message to the elected president of US that is, time is come to peoples in the States give true about self positions in the World, and time is come to young people in the States take new better school and education, how they have real knowledge about not only America, but other things about world which is they part, too.
Today, a real Nazi's theory of American supremacy in the modern World isn't positive, for somebody whose wish to be lighter in the storm of world' problem. This theory, whose make somebody in the State give the World more tiers and disasters than any other movement in the past, except Nazi movement in the Nazi Germany down Hitler's rule.
This time isn't good to new elected president of US put this problem, education so much down, at scale of priority, because it is real pat for self destroy in the future. It mean that two real human right, primary right at health and educations is something truly important not only for him, but for generations which try to be lead from new modern lieder,how Mr. Obama want to see self. Or it isn't possible, even in the American's "democracy"?!