Thursday, 30 January 2025

BITCOIN is economic thermometer and timer

 In this time when you have a open civil war in US, what cause more casualties and full fight all against all, and when is published  only few words, and nothing about reality in the street. 

In reality, the all things what we had to heard from inauguration to today is more credibly to say, look like fight two America, over same interest, but in two different way. 

In first, former administration leaded by two, Blinken and Sullivan stay the way to formed more and more instability in the whole Planet. They did to much to be say like it was some misconduct, with to much moves against UN Chart, and too much against universal international law.

Other side, leading by Trump try to move everything on the other way. They do everything to remove what they see like instability and national treat against US, on the way what cause more instability inside former political and other elite.  

But it have same way, where both want to take a pick of the Planet's power and might.

Both of them have same problem, and this have present in the economy, which is in huge declination, and where they have no place out from the US with current production.

Inflation is so high, the economy is in growing depending from import from the near abroad, and where is not so possible to be it subsidiary by US products, which have no place to grow in terms out of GMO.

Domestic food programs have same signature like it was in previous administration, controlled from the super conglomerates which had plan from 2016 to take whole agriculture industry in these hands. 

In support with public agencies, and with bank order, too much farmers step out from production, an it was not cause some best to the US economy. 

Opposite, more and more, US stay out from the international markets, where today full control have states member of BRICS or their partners. Reason is in production, what stay much more natural in this countries, and what have direct effect to sell their product in these markets at whole Planet. 

Same step up with Argentina, where this GMO production cause much troubles to local economy, and cause that without support from the former US administration, they stay in the limb of bankruptcy. Even they had it, now they have stay like example to Trump, what he going to expect in the near future if they take same methods like it was took ridiculous in Buenos Aires. And who openly expect full economic support from actual administration, what in final going to cause more trouble to Trump personally.

No one want to be feeding with poison, and more and more countries try to find some truly best to self citizens.

Dollar in this constellation from 2018 lost all liability, and each new year the most powered money stay the wheat, and food. Real food, good food. 

Out of real production, out of possibility  to made guaranties to food not be cause to whole growing illness, US basic economy today is out of any possibility to put more than local market in a function. 

Or, they have possibility to push it at the market of the Ally, but in case where they have not so happy that they have somewhat is not so funny to be eat. 

In this case, ten years ago, the some US Agencies try to prevent what they saw at same way, what we  describe in previous paragraph of this text. 

They imaginary money without money and created BITCOIN! Money what was presented like out of any control, and money what had made an owner in the virtual wallet gave them a more independence.  

Like each innovation, even this innovation stay out of founder control, and from 2018 stay graveyard for their economy. BITCOIN step up in the China's hands and from this time, the so call mining to bring more crypto currency, cause that not only this so call money stay viral but, several other take the stake of the market. 

BITCOIN stay main part of crypto currency market, with main base in the states what now create BRICS. Main mines was in this states, what reason was cheapest price of electric energy. 

But, the history have some shadow at all. This stay in the position  that this so call money now is out of control, and now have some interests weight. 

First, what new President of US try to do, is new redefinition of the crypto currency, what he presented new currency, what had not so big impose in the market.

It was clear, how he is clear in the mind who is real master at the Planet's market,and who have power to make changes even in the US.

Here we are not in tirade, to make demagogy, but to find what was the BITCOIN?! And why this so call money fixed reality in the so call G-7 countries. Specially in the States.

When you take history of BITCOIN, than you find how growing of it, is close with US declination.

Reality stay that price of these so call money stay in the situation at the street in US, and in the inflation what have more than 62,9 percent in these commons goods prices. 

Today, the intention of new administration to "rebuild" US and make it again great, with methods what cause loses of cheep payment workers, mostly illegal emigrants, and most employed in food industry, cause new spiral of price, and inflation which cause more and more bankruptcy in the small and micro industry owners. 

At the other way, the possibility to take some acts in stabilization at the market, over intervention in public workforce, have not so much well results. It in finale going to resulting more penalty in an courts and riots what have take new scale in the civil war what is ongoing in the streets. 

The way to more money stay in the pocket and be save for some better reason, now is in deep imagination. A delusion of  the quartet, who now stay a part of new administration, have devastation weight more than 1,34 trillion USD  losses. And it was disclose day before yesterday, when market create reality. 

But, reality stay in the books what Melania have in the posses in intermediate between two administration, where was exposed that real dept of US is 43 trillion, and how losses from last months of 2024 grow more than 1,54 trillion USD.

All of it cause that price of BITCOIN rocketed and now have indeed historical level. 

Heating of US economy is like stamped of bulls,and more and more person and entity try to escape it. Only quick way stay to money transform in the bits, but it mean how control of all step up at the other side. And how it be last nail in the coffin of the dominance from the West.

From the money what had been planed to be control tool over markets and economies, but even more like arms in the such hands, now stay thermometer what present the heat in the former main economies at the Planet.

Inflation above 87,35 percent in EU, to common goods, and China's industry expand over new markets, out of the West control, with India in the path out of former colonialist owner, produce what have more and more space in the Africa and common south, take action in the Federal Reserve and ECB out of mind.

It have nothing with capitalism, and only have place to say that it is same what had been founded by Elisabet I of England. Of course, it was clear explained with election new NATO General Secretary, the man who was prime-minister who implement the state action against private owners, mostly local farmers. In ridicules predict how the import from markets out of EU can take several goals. And what now cause growing inflation, with tectonic damage in whole Europe.

In EU now stay more than 3 trillions Euro out of support at the market, and even stay it, and inflation is growing, ECB made cuts of interest rates. Comment than came from BITCOIN.

But what would be BITCOIN  if stay out of electricity?!

Or what have guarantied that everybody have place to take the self wealth from the market?!

Indeed, more questions in confrontation what grow in the minutes, and cause that so call democratic EU painted self more and more like totalitarian and unfortunately possible not exist entity. 

G7 if you want to take a read BITCOIN now have four bankruptcy: Japan, Italy,France, Canada. And Three entity at the same path. Where UK is close to expose bankrupt in next week. US and German is in close fight, where Germany try to sell everything to the other side, only in the way to stop what local elite find like extreme right rise. But, US opposite try to take control in this process and take most part of this slice in the self dominance. 

BITCOIN is at the path to be demolition with implosion of all. The Trump's wish to take out America from the global war, is out of reality if he have not take full control over local Army complex. Where is the reason and instruments for many thing. 840 billion all of it.        





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