Friday 25 November 2011

Cameron's path

After all disaster in China is nice news for some in the West side of the Planet.
In time where is heavy known how are we have problem not with Iran, but with some youngest guys who haven't info where they are lost something and how is possible that one mad scientist make run out of state control with so lethal liquid whom have power to kill more then dozen nukes.
In fatal orbit where some try to come over oil and natural gas control from the Gulf, situation that they have problem to find some parts of weapon nearest home, hear like big alert.
The problem with security is growing up into and after wars in Africa, but today it have worst situation than ever before at cold war era.
The war ships have no routs and airplanes have no equipment to fly. On same platform which make catastrophe in the Alliance, and they created positions to be blow up more than it.
And after all the China runs in so call disappear is only a wish from some who haven't strain to going to say real true for compatriots, like "we are not more a power, and after Italy we are next at pat for IMF monitoring bankrupt".
Economy who have base on the dept isn't economy in capitalism system, but feudal mercantilism come from past to give more power some who mean that without knowledge have possibilities to grow up. Because they going to create scholarships only for so call upper class. In this system crisis is permanent, and revolution stay at an doors all over the time.

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