Tuesday, 25 February 2025

German Election result

If anybody try to find what mean a democracy in EU, than you have the result of  last parliamentary election in Germany. 

The result have several illogical numbers, and several rounds before it was came official. 

Merz, who try to push narrative how he was won in the election, say nothing about real results of election,where first time after fall of DDR, we have situation that Germany now is divide and split on the same borders what was existed in the history. The mentality of both sides still stay so far each other, and now stay in position where is not possible to made some reforms.

To reformed actual Germany, it must to split this Union at real entity and now is not so far to ask to going to return sovereignty of DDR. 

Merz in self proclamation stay in gap, when he try to stud how he have power to rule over all German's land. He even have not power to rule in the western Germany, former GFR, where he have close clash between north and south. 

The result of elections in Germany, have no point,and real, only change the colors at a political semaphore, where no more green at it, but much more black, what have no point to make promise for German recover. 

Situation at the field stay same like it was previous tree years. Only what have be real is, and what we said previous in the text, that division between two main part of this Germany stay to going to find independent way each side alone for resurrection.

The election result in Berlin, stay final, after tree o'clock in the morning at Monday 24. February, and intervention in the process from the some interest figure from German Bishop Conference. 

It has direct contact at the assassination try against Pope, who was poisoned by nitrogen-klorid dioxide, what in final caused the bread arrest. 

Reason for this stay in position what have had some group in the Swiss alps. What had not so satisfied with Pope theory of Cristian's unity, and brotherhood with other people in the God. 

The guy of Black try to impose more war against what he see like holly war against schism in Christianity, and what is so "quite impossible" to preserve Israel. 

But, we here try to find and present how interest from guy of Black have long fingers in German policy, over that, with policy in EU. Where he has she, to made what he need. 

Merz is only person, with no political integrity, and man who have only command from the hidden person to make export of local crisis in the world. 

More words and actions against everybody who have not same views like this dark entity, more oppression against far left and AfD, is at the agenda what have take in the program of next government, so call political winner Merz.

Real result say how politic arena in the Germany went into two different way, at the right side, and left-far left side of political spectra. It mean, that in this real constellation,  CDU-CSU haven't possibility to make some gain to make even consultation to find new government in German Bundestag. 

After real result in the election, even EU would not find cohesion and resurrection, but near future of this organization would be certain  in the final collapse no far from the end of the summer this year.

It mean that their all plans, all moves, going to be crush and make the crisis in the Europe much worst than any previous.

Trillions of float Euros, million displaced and war what is lost, than would take all dreams off so call future splendid in the so call authoritarian system from the Swiss alps. 

The Nazi priest in Gemany, who support some Nazi elite from Swiss alps, what have connection in South America Nazi lager, supported by British, coming to made everything to push last move against normality. 

For this reason came UN GA last two resolutions, what is in the opposition against UN Chart. 

And what supported to much countries from Europe what have name in this like potential candidate for TheNazification. Stay open that EU now is in the path where they promote and support Nazism. Where is possible to said how German's AfD is Neo-Nazi party, but no body said how so call winner in the election made to much against Constitution and law in previous decade. How their former high officer what now is EU pick women in Commission did in Budweiser and now in EU everything to promote Nazi Eugenic.           


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