Wednesday, 1 January 2025

2025 and WWIII

 New 2025 was there and now everybody try to find some for somebody, but mostly expect to be moderate in the best, not worst.

In only few days at the end of previous year, the World was changed and now all Planet is in new reality in which nothing is same like it was.

Only several hours after celebrations of New Year ceremonious all around the Planet, stay clear how situation for main players stay worst than before. Specially for this whose try to painted them selves like pure democrats, what have only right to made rules in the relationship around the Planet. 

But, after start of WWIII almost three years ago, and after in this war Zionist made Genocide against people in around their concentration camp named Israel, the whole atmosphere in the area stay much predictable than ever before. And we had power to control all conversations in all places at the Planet. 

We aren't now here to make prediction what can be, but to say what some of main players try to do or they did in  the past. 

Now, two weeks before formal inauguration the new President of USA, he make decision what going to be strong ˝earthquake˝ in global political relation, not only in US policy, what have strong prediction to be at the brink of the "civil" war in nearest years. 

New chef of main US intelligence service, yes, notorious CIA stay man who has close tide with Russia, and who was much more involved in Mr Trump inventory what was cause his losses at the elections fourth years ago. 

New big director of magnificent Company, stand in the previous period like one of the most prominent redactor of US policy, and one of most influential person in DC. His comments and theories found more than dozen million subscriber, eminent the Agency workers,too. And his information have more disaster point at the ongoing administration, specially to Anthony and Jack, who have fears that new administration has much worst documented crimes than they previous believed. 

Even new administration came at these names what cause in the public more questions than answers, it was only smoke to prevent so call hardest hawks in Republican Party. Main point for new administration stay situation in the black market at the intelligence and military, where the previous investigation fine how some paid someone to did everything against the Constitution,election before.

Most papers in the investigation of former team and now new administration member, stay former Tedi Bear, and second black American in position of Secretary of Defense, after he found that he is serious ill. Tetra-bites came in poses of these what have real questions who four years ago take operation  "Green Hill" or "Appalachian" and made overthrow the democracy, but more who was overthrow first  to people like former Chef of US military general staff. 

Many questions going to be put even him, to tell to all what he take from the some to move operations in the total disaster for US and NATO, even ten years from the US military came messages and documents how they have no power to take such operation against even better equipped and educated army in the World. What found,that  military bases over whole planet was founded to made more money in hands of several people, where trillions had been lost. 

Now, after disaster in ME, and Zionist surrender to the EC and their local companions, stay clear how the numbers from the both Agency and Pentagon have more criminal charges than process against Al Capone or  Lucky Luciano. 

Than we now expect to new US General Attorney stay in the start line ready to make a history. 

In operation named, and lead from Anthony, US lost enormous amount, lost of credibility at the Planet, and now close to be call to International Court of Justice in co-charges against humanity, alongside by France, UK, and Poland.   

Today, after find how we had full information about Syria, and how we have full information about operation in East Europe, what planed to start several days before inauguration in DC, and what Anthony find name, we expect to FBI take operation named Green Baron. All in coordination with Defense Intelligence Agency. But even DEA we expected in several countries in EU and in Zionist entity.

Now we are going to take a juice and place near informers, to looking at all, what going to be coming in several weeks. 

The former President for this reason going to be in Vatican, to prevent to be restore at the atoms, before he left the position. And to find support to not be punish for all what there exist in the files. 

Pope after he found that he was target in several attacks,now is not so quite to take responsibility for it and he going to prevent Anthony and Jack in their plan to eliminate Christians from ME and Ukraine. 

About HE told in the previous Urbi et Orbi. 

The leaders of Eastern Commonwealth, after negotiation in Vatican in their New Year's messages stay open and not so hard against other side, but much preliminary oriented at the domestic relations and people success, health and wealth. The war now is not so common, but never-mind, it have be necessary to prevent more worst and evil what was plan in some places like Davos or Maastricht.  

Happy new year, 2025!           

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